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On day one September 1st I was supposed to be at the hospital by 8am and My mom and i arrived a little late and got chewed out by the ladies in the pre-op. they quickly had me change in to the gown and i was in a bed with and IV in a matter of minuets. It was about 9:30 before I went into surgery and when i awoke it was about 10:40 so moving right along when i first woke up in the recovering room the first thing i felt was this awful pain in my shoulder and the nurse assured me it was normal and gave me a shot of morphine:thumbup:. I was very tired from the Anesthesia. and felt really comfortable. I was in post- op by 11:20 and getting ready to go home. I was given a small cup of water ,juice and some green Jell-O which I had to eat at least half of to go home. I also had to go pee before i could be released. they did the normal blood pressure tests gave me a breathing thing for at home that you suck into and supposed to help you from getting pneumonia and a moose to hold if i had to cough. I was on my way home at 12:20. I felt tired the rest of the day and my stomach was rumbling a lot I could only have clear liquids. My husband made dinner that night and OMG did it smell sooo good. I had chicken broth they had Chicken Popycosh. I thought i was going to have a hard time sleeping but thanks to the Hydrocodone i was good for the night.   Day 2- I felt better was still on clear liquids and slept on and off all day still pain in my shoulder and a lot of rumbling. Laying on my left side really seemed to help. This day was my Husbands b-day!   Day 3 all liquids including soups! I was feeling even better but very hungry. I had a protein shake :cool: that day . I cant quit remember what else i ate that day but i know it was not satisfying. i was feeling even better that day and the shoulder pain was almost gone.   Day 4- I weighed my self to day already down 12 pounds!!!:ohmy:. Friday of Labor-day weekend still trying protein shakes strawberry was ok! and I know its bad but had some left over gravy and it was the best thing I ate so far:tt2:. that day the kids had some cheez-it snacks so i at one chewed it up really good and it went down fine so i had a few more -ok like 8 and boy oh boy was i uncomfortable they were stuck! i tried to drink some water and it only made it worse i lied down walked around took my bra off because that's where it was stuck right at the bra line but it didn't help. it took about a half hour for it to work its was through and then 4 burps and i was better. ( I wont try that again for a while!) We went out of town for the 3 day weekend the trip down was uneventful.   Days 5-7 out of town did seem a little more challenging as im used to eating with every one and of course what they were having looked sooo much better than what i could have so i bust out my GRAVY!! keep in mind that its less than a 1/2 cup. and i was good but my Husband had taquitos so I tried a bite chewed it up and spit it out so at least i got to tasted what he was eating. On Saturday had part of a soft serve icream form mc donalds that went down well . for dinner that night i had egg drop soup and it was really good but the BBQ tri-tips that everyone else was eating smelled so good. since the soft serve went down so well i had some of my favorite store bought Ice cream on Saturday night chocolate moose tracks :thumbdown:. Sunday morning had some cream of wheat must have been to thick because it also got stuck but not as bad as the cheez-its.Sunday night we went to a Italian festival and the food smelled soo good. I found some mango gellito (not my favorite flavor) and just enjoyed hanging out. by the end of the night i was starving and nothing sounded good so i had my mom drive-thru del taco and i got a chocolate milk shake.it was not that good and when we got back to my moms she put out some Doritos so i licked all the cheese off them and that was dinner. Monday went to sams club and had a very berry soft serve ut-oh do you see a trend oops!The family wanted Taco bell for lunch on the way home so I ordered pintos and cheese with an extra side of red sauce and it was just as good as the gravy! still have some pain in my left shoulder but it comes and goes stomach not rumbling as much but do have more gas than i did pre-opp.



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