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18 days after surgery.....

My surgery was on October 27th, 2009. To be honest, I wasnt nervous at all.   I got to the hospital at 6am to finish my registration. I was told I didnt have to have my $500 co-pay and that it would be billed with the cost of surgery. By the time I was done with registration, it was 6:30am and I was told to go to the Ambulatory Unit for pre-op preparation.   I sat in a chair, waiting my turn for about fifteen minutes before I was taken to a bed. First I had to have my vitals taken and my nose swabbed. WEIRD! I was given this weird fabric gown to put on and some slippers. Then bloodwork is drawn and an IV started. I sat in that bed for nearly an hour and a half before I was taken to the "holding" room for surgery. I spent another hour in the holding room before I was taken to the OR.   I dont remember much in the OR. Just the warm sensation of the anestesia going up my arm. I found it easier to just close my eyes and not try to keep them open.   When I woke up I was in immense pain. I couldnt breathe very well and kept repeating, "OW" over and over. It tooks about 50 OWs before a nurse came over to give me some pain medication. Not sure if the pain was the breathing tube having been in my throat or the hernia being repaired.   I was only awake for about 10-20mins before I was wheeled to my room. I was jazzed to have my own recovery room! I wasnt jazzed that it was across from the nurses station.   A few hours after entering my room I was up and walking, and a couple hours later I was able to get up to use the bathroom on my own. I found this useful because the nurses were EXTREMELY busy and took FOREVER to come and help me. I would walk around the halls, doing 10 minutes intervals. I think that this helped with the gas, because during my night there, I had no pain.   I was discharged the next morning around noon. Of course, I had to wait my turn for my upper GI and since my room was almost one of the last, the other two women that had just had surgery following me, had already been discharged.   Breathing was not a problem. It was the incisions that caused me pain, and later, at home the gas. The gas was HORRIBLE!!!!!! It kept me up all night and caused me to sleep in a chair with my feet on another chair. I was constipated for two weeks! TWO WEEKS! That sucked. I have just now started to be able to comfortably sleep on my side, flat on my back, and on my stomach. THANK GOD!   I am also currently having problems drinking my protein powder. I think I need to get some unflavored powder and blend it into things. This chocolate isnt doing it for me. I am also getting my mushy food "stuck" and that is painful for hours at a time. IT SUCKS!!!!!!   Other than that, I am doing well. I drool at the smell of other food and dream of eating the foods I cant have. But with 25 pounds gone, I really have no complaint!




Frustration+Aggravation=U nhappy Me :O(

It has been a week since my Psych eval was faxed to my Surgeon's office. Instead of calling and asking about an update on my file and if it has been sent to the insurance company, I called to see if my PCP had faxed my clearance. Much to my surprise, the PCP hadnt faxed my clearance......ERRR!   I wouldnt be so frustrated but I had gone to get clearance on July 16th. Just over a month ago!!!! I had called the twice previously to today's phone call, and they told me that they would fax it over. The woman told me that they had faxed it over, twice, but my Surgeon's office says it never received anything. Hmmmm.....   So, all and all, my PCP clearance should be on its way to the Surgeon's office (or is there already...hopefully)....and my file is still waiting to be reviewed....a week later. I have no patience for this crap and get frustrated so easily. Luckily, the rest of the week I will be busy. My 8 year old daughter, my sister and myself are going to a Green Day Concert on Thursday at San Diego State University....and then on Friday, my family and I leave to go camping for the weekend. On Monday the 24th, my two daughters start school and the following week my little man (my son who is 2) starts preschool. HOPEFULLY things get settled as far as the surgeon goes and I hear something by the end of the month. I really would not like to have surgery in October or November if it can be prevented....:thumbup::glare:




In surgery news...

My Psychiatrist FINALLY was able to fax the final version of my Psych eval to the surgeon on this past Monday, the 10th. I was told that my file was ready to be turned into the insurance office sometime this past week......so......the "OFFICIAL" waiting game has begun. I am trying to not think about it. Infact, I have so many things occuring this upcoming week that I am sure I wont have time to really stop and think about being approved or denied.   If I do get approved, then the worrying part begins. How am I going to pay for this? I have insurance and I am told that it is EXCELLENT coverage, but my deductible is $3000 per family member and $6000 out of pocket. And to be honest, I have no clue how much this surgery is going to cost. I have barely any money towards my deductible and near nothing towards the out of pocket. I am sure that I will be required to pay nearly the whole expense in full, myself. That scares me. With my daughter's past medical bills going into collection, I am hesitant to be selfish and follow through with the surgery. But on the otherhand, this is my health we are talking about. Debt is just a minor detail in the whole picture.   In the meantime, tomorrow I am taking my eldest daughter to a children's salon called "Monkey Dooz." They specialize in children's hair and make-up. I want her to start school feeling good about herself. I have an appointment for Ky to have her hair cut, styled, make-up done and her nails. She should have a good time. It is in celebration of her 8th birthday, which is the following day. Monday, August 17th.   Monday is also Clinic day. Kyleigh has to go monthly for labwork to monitor her progress and make sure that her leukemia hasnt reappeared. It is really too bad that she has to go and be poked on her birthday, but she is used to it by now.   No plans for Tues or Weds, but on Thursday, my sister is coming down to see us. She has concert tickets to see Green Day in San Diego....and Kyleigh and I are going. Another surprise gift for Ky. She has no real clue. Should be fun!   Friday-Sunday our family is going camping at a local campground in the mountains near us. (When I say mountains, I dont mean chilly weather...it is a regular 100 degrees every day here, if not hotter). First time the kids, my husband and I will be camping. Not sure how my 2 year old will enjoy it, but it will be good for us to get out and do something as a family unit.   And then on Monday the 24th, my two girls start school. Kyleigh is going to be in 3rd grade and Shae is starting kindergarten. Gavin, my 2 year old, will be starting preschool the following Tuesday......   So we are busy for the next week. HOPEFULLY I will hear from the surgeon by the beginning of September with a surgery date for September. If not September, then it will screw with plans we have in October. I have a friend getting married the second weekend of October and my family and I are going to Camp Ronald McDonald for Good Times the first week of October. (Family camp for kids with cancer....). And of course, Halloween...my Mom's favorite holiday and the ONLY one she insist's we spend up at her house.   Guess I will see.....




Cancer strikes again....

On March 20th, 2007, my Mother learned she needed brain surgery to remove 5 tumors on her brain. It was her 52nd birthday. Seventeen days later, on April 6th, 2007, my eldest daughter, Kyleigh, was admitted to Loma Linda University Children's Hospital for testing. The next day she was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia.   Over the past two and a half years, my family has had the blessing of no reoccurance of either the brain cancer or the leukemia. My Mom has continually undergone scans of all sorts to monitor any possible return of her cancer, and my daughter, well she just officially stopped her treatments on June 11th, 2009. No more chemotherapy, no more pills, no more lumbar punctures. Just regular, monthly labwork.   Unfortunately, this streak came to an end on Thursday, August 13th (just one day shy of the 13th Anniversary of my Grandmother's death. she passed away from lung cancer in 1996), my Mom called with horrifying news. It wasnt brain cancer this time....it was BONE CANCER. The same type of cancer my Grandfather (my Mom's Dad) died of in 1998. All I could do was cry......   My family is horrified, but we remain hopeful. My Mom beat the odds with the brain cancer and we are sure she will do the same with the bone cancer. But this time, the regiment is different. With the brain cancer it was radiation treatments. With the bone cancer, it is radiation treatments AND chemotherapy. A double whammy.   My Mom remains optimistic and asks us to not "bury her while she remains alive." In other words, be positive because she doesnt want to hear anything but positivity.   I live three hours away from my Mom and really feel guilty that I am not able to be there to help her when she needs the help. But I have offered my support and the idea of help when she needs it the most. I asked my husband to be on "call." To be ready to take a week's vacation in the blink of an eye if my Mom asks for my help. It is the least I can do for the woman who brought me into this world and who continues to be my strength, day in and day out.......



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