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weekly weigh-in

9-22-06 Well, my ticker has resumed moving towards the right. Yippee!! I also have an NSV for this week. I weighed myself this morning (always do on Fridays) and had to adjust my ticker. Then when I was getting dressed, I had this crazy idea. I went through my bag of "I'm too fat to wear these" clothes. I pulled out a pair of size 22 petite jeans and decided to try them on. I kept telling myself "they probably won't fit, I just want to see, it'll be okay if they don't." But they did. I put them on, zipped them up and buttoned them. I didn't even have to jump up an down to get the zipper up or lay flat to do the button. AND I can still breathe. I am just grinning from ear to ear.   I've only had a fill for two day and I'm still on liquids. I have to stay on liquids for a whole week until the 27th. This makes my mom upset because she knows I won't be cooking dinner for a week. Since she doesn't cook except on special occasions (like Thanksgiving) that means she gets a lot of peanut butter sandwiches. I think that most of weight loss for this week should be attributed to Curves. I just realized that I am only 10 lbs. away from my next mini-goal! I've already decided which print I want and where it will be hung. This is the link: http://www.vangoghmuseumshop.com/ProductDetail.htm?productId=9110 and just below is my newly updated ticker. Wahoo.  




weekly update SV!!!!

Happy Friday the 13th. It's my lucky day!! Come won't you join me in a happy dance? Check out my ticker... That's right, I've lost 50 lbs. I walked into my mom's office today saying "All hail me, she who hath lost 50 lbs." I got cheers and a round of appalause. I think the new bike and the fact that I've been on liquids since Wednesday really helped jump-start the scale. So, to recap, I've already made my September goal, I'm back on track for my January 1 self-challenge, AND I made it to my 2nd. mini-goal. You know what that means, it's Van Gogh time. Wahoo!!!!! :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:




weekly update

Man, I almost forgot that it was Friday. I've been thinking it was Thursday all day today. I'm such a doofball. I got my 3rd. fill on Wednesday. Arlene (the nurse) and Dr. Jay were there. Arlene actually did the fill, Dr. Jay just stood there and supervised. Which I thought was kind of odd, she did my 2nd. fill without him there. Why would he have to be there this time? I got another c.c. which puts me at a total of 8. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that this one does the trick. So far I've been tightest in the morning but not to a great degree. Afternoons and evening have always been when I'm tempted to eat the most and I haven't had enough restriction to really curb that tendency. My eating habits are getting better though. I haven't had any soda at all since before my surgery. I used to be a major Diet Pepsi & Mountain Dew addict. I've also laid off the potato chips, another major weakness of mine. I'm still working on not eating meals in the car. I buy snack bars, like NutriGrain blueberry and GoTarts. They fit great in my purse and help keep me away from the Chick-fil-a and Wendy's drive thru lanes. Although I do still go to Chick-fil-a, just can't give that up. I bring it home and eat at the table and I don't get the fries at all. All in all, I think I'm making good progress. I'm getting closer to my third mini-goal and I may even make my Jan. 1 challenge.




weekly update

Okay, so I'm a day late. I just didn't have time yesterday morning for my usual routine. I even had to skip my workout at Curves. :cry I'll try to add an extra one this week. This has been my first whole week with a fill. I don't really feel much restriction. I do occasionally feel a little tightness if I eat too fast. A couple of deep breaths usually clears it right up and I can continue eating without any problems. I"m just going to try to take it one meal at a time and see if I get any more restriction. I'm not sure how long my doctor requires between fills. I'll have to call his office and ask. I've had some good NSVs this week, so overall I'm pretty happy with my band. Also as you can see from my ticker, I now have less than 100 pounds to lose!!:clap2: :clap2:  




weekly & challenge update

I made it to the gym again last week. Just once. I have a weird work schedule since I am a substitute teacher. The days when I have a job, I'm too tired to go after school. The days when I don't have a job, I'm too depressed. I just can't get myself together lately. :think I have my gym bag packed and ready in the car, so maybe I can trick myself into going. And here is my challenge ticker. I've only got 4 weeks left. It probably isn't going to happen. I'm not trying to be pessimistic here, just realistic. Anyway, I'll be happy if I can get down to 210. I have a 4th. fill scheduled for December 13 (my lucky day).




update & an NSV!!

I know, I'm a day late with this week's entry. I just didn't feel up to it yesterday, or now for that matter.   edit (10-29-06): I feel up to it now. I'll be going for another (my 3rd.) fill very soon, hopefully some time next week. I need to call & schedule, I keep forgetting to do that. I can tell I have more restriction than after my first fill, but I can also tell it still isn't enough. I think I'll need a fill to help me cope with the Thanksgiving turkey. Man, I love making sandwiches with the leftover turkey. Oooh, and chocolate cream pie and biscuits with mayhaw jelly. Oh jeez, stop me now.   On a "happy,happy,joy,joy" note-I have an NSV. I was an hour early to work today.(darn time change, screws me up every time) Since I had some time to kill, I went into the nearby Avenue store. I figured I'd try on a pair of 20s just for fun. I wanted to see how close I was to being able to zip them. I could zip them, I could even zip (and button) the SIZE 18s that I tried on next! Of course I still had a "muffin top" but hey the important thing is that I actually had a pair of 18s on my body and I could still breathe, sit down and walk normally. WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!:clap2:  




ticker going the wrong way!

It is time for another weekly update. I'm so mad at myself for this week.:mad: Somehow I've managed to gain back 5-6 lbs.:think I don't even know what happened, this whole week has just been kind of a blur. I've scheduled another fill for next week. That'll be three weeks after my first fill. I really hope this one gives me some great restriction. I have to be back on liquids for a week afterwards. That should get me back on track for my January 1 goal. I really want to make it to One-derland by January.   I also just found out that my dad is planning to bring my grandmother to visit for Thanksgiving. :help: Now, don't get me wrong, I love my grandmother. But she drives me crazy. She'll tell me how much she worries about me and how I'd be so pretty if I'd just lose weight. Oh but that isn't the worst! Usually about 5 minutes after she reminds me that I'm fat (you know like I forgot) she'll ask me if I want anything to eat. Does that make sense to anyone? 'Cuz it sure don't to me. So I want to lose as much as possible before Granny hits town. She doesn't know I have the band and I have no intention of letting her know. She'd just over-react and give me a headache.   I know my reward for losing 75 lbs. is to buy a bicycle. I'm thinking of changing that. I may just go ahead and buy one now. It might help get going in the right direction again. I used to love to ride my bike when I was a kid. It would certainly help on the days when I can't manage to get to the gym. There is a bike store right by my work, I think I'll stop in there on Saturday. I've gotta do something. I won't be able to stand myself if I start yoyo-ing up again. :help:




Still a sloth...

Why can't I make my lazy butt go to the gym? I don't know. I'm tired of thinking about it. It is hard to find the time what with my 3 jobs, errands and such. I could if I really tried, but it just seems like too much effort. Like I said, I'm a sloth. Another week gone, another 5 lbs. gone. I'm about 12 lbs. away from achieving my 3rd. goal. I hope my dress is still on sale. Unless my restriction tightens up real soon, I'm going to schedule another fill for the first part of December.




special weekly update

:happybday2: Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday dear me, Happy Birthday to me! :happybday: Well, its my birthday again. Just like last year. I am hoping to be at goal by this time next year. You would think I'd be able to accomplish that. I've lost 60 lbs. in the 4 months since my surgery. I've got 80 lbs. left to lose before goal, so it should be possible to lose that over the next 12 months. That is my major long-term goal: to be at goal by my next birthday. Which will be the 1st. anniversary of my 29th. I've had a much better week, gym-wise. I went three times this week. I've been doing each machine and station twice in a row. Somehow this makes me think the workout is shorter. I've got a gullible brain I guess. My ticker remains the same. At least didn't gain during my period of sloth-itude. I'm just stalled. I'm getting another fill next week.




self-challenge update

I think I've made a good start on my January 1 challenge. Even with the minor setback I had a few weeks ago. I think my 2nd. fill has actually given me some restriction. I'm going to go to Curves 3x a week and try to ride my bike everyday. Hopefully that will help keep the weight loss going.  




Roller Skating

I just got back from the roller rink. I had a blast!:rockon: I met up with Divanita2006 & gonnabethin from LBT, they're both very cool. Skating is harder than it used to be when I was younger. My center of gravity has really shifted. The rythym started to come back to me, I just need to work on my balance. I really want to practice and get better, I would love to take part in the skate race. Not win, just feel brave enough (and skilled enough) to join. Since I went ahead and bought skates, I had to go back and change my list of rewards. I made sure to add a reward that will require some activity.   Our next skating session is Sept. 24 at the Red Bird Skate in Duncanville. The link to their website is http://www.redbirdskateland.com/ The address is: 1206 N. Duncanville Rd. I'm not sure what time they have open skate, but I'll check and update my post. Anyone in the area is welcome to come and join us. The more the merrier! And hey, just think about this: roller skating burns 80 calories in 10 minutes. Can we all say "Wahoo?"




Progress Pic!!

Well, my ticker has slid back to the left some. I'm not real stressed about it though. It was a combination of Thanksgiving and sloth-ness. Those two things won't coincide again for at least a year. I went to the gym once last week, which isn't great I know. However, it is an improvement over not going at all. I'm making it a goal to go twice this week and work my way back to being a faithful gym-goer. I spent the morning playing around with a virtual model and photoshop. I'm including a picture of my "virtual progress" in this entry. Its probably going to be too big. I'm not sure how to deal with that. If you want to play with a virtual model, go to http://www.mvm.com/en/go_shopping.htm Its fun, I promise.    





Okay, it is time for a private rant. The lady at Curves (I can't remember her name to save my life. I'm sure we were introduced at one time, but whatever...) she is driving me crazy. Everytime I go in there, she goes on and on about my weight loss. EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!!!! I am more than just my weight!! I hate the measuring days. Not just because of the scale, but because she's usually the only one there to do it. Then she gets all giddy "oh girl you've lost so much. blah-blah inches off your blah-blah, blah-blah pounds." And apparently that isn't enough for her. Oh NO!! She's got to annouce it to the entire freaking club. Even when it isnt' measuring day, she'll ask me how much i've lost since the last measuring day, or how much altogether since joining or since surgery. How many pounds, how many inches, gone down any clothes sizes? I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!! I never answer her, but she doesn't seem able to take a hint. Why can't she ask about anything else??? I'd almost rather discuss religion!!!! I'd really just like to smack her in the head with a hand weight. Maybe then she'd quit it. If I object to her GUSHING, she says "oh you should be proud." Well I am, but I'm proud of myself. I don't need everyone else in the entire free world to know about it. I don't want them (anyone) to make a big deal out of it. I'd much rather be ignored. It makes me uncomfortable. I've thought of just going to a different Curves. Just to get away from her. I know she's being nice (or thinks she is) but I need it to stop!!!!!!!!




Post-op day 1

Well, I didnt' say how much later.   Arrived at 11:15, a few minutes later I got called into the office to pay and sign legal type papers: privacy rights, permission to take pics. or video for their records, an agreement to allow Dr. J to cut me, etc. My dad & aunt also got coupons for a free meal at the cafe next door. Then I waited just a few more minutes and a nurse called me back. Took me into a bathroom/changing room and showed me the patient outfit. A huge piece of fabric with armholes and strings that tie behind your neck. Also a pair of socks that I got to keep. All your other clothing (and I mean all) bra and panties too go in a plastic bag. Then I gave a urine sample which you send to the lab through the little door in the wall. Its kind of like the kind in connecting hotel rooms - doubledoored.   Next stop pre-op room. The Nurse was named Mercy and she was extremely nice and capable. First thing was to weigh me. According to their scale 260.8 which means a 13 lb loss. This does not quite jibe with my scale at home. My scale said 265 which means a 15 lb. loss. Earlier I said my scale was going to be my official ticker scale so see below for my ticker. Back to what went on in the pre-op room. Got into a patient bed and she asked me all sorts of questions: did I follow my diet, last thing I had to eat or drink was when, anything foreign in my body (which includes tampons), any allergies to anasthesia in the family, do I have history of high blood pressure. Then she started an I.V. I was given the choice of in the hand or the elbow. I let her choose, she knows which one she's better at. I got Versed (sp?) for pain. They must be really concerned about preventing blood clots, they put anti-blood clot booties on my and gave me a shot to prevent them. That shot left a big old bruise on my hip. The OR nurse and the anasthesiologist both came in to chat, repeated the same questions Mercy had already asked. Then it was on to the O.R. They wheeled me down a hallway to the O.R. put a mask over my face (I think) and then................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ............................................ I woke up saying "ow". That was about all I could manage to say for a few minutes then I added "water". Remember I'd never had any type of surgery before at all. So this was a completley new experience for me. I'm real fuzzy on the details as to what actually happened. I think I kept asking to lay back down and go back to sleep but they wouldn't let me. One of the nurses went and got my dad & my aunt. I had to go do the "swallow" before they would let me have any water. It tasted like chalk. Then they led me back to my chair and gave me some water. Oh it was so good. They also told me that I'd had an hiatal hernia and the doctor repaired it while he was in there. I also got some Lortab for pain. Then they made sure I could pee and one of the nurses helped me get dressed and it was time to go home. Dad pulled the car around and everybody helped me in. Even my mom who had to help me in by phone seeing as how she's on a business trip. It was 3:15 when we left. On the way home Dad stopped at Walmart and got me some GasX and some gatorade to sip. That's all I drank for the rest of the day. I slept most of the way home, except for the bumps. I already posted what I did for the rest of the day, alternated the recliner and walking. I also used the breathing thing. I dont' know what it is called. I have to suck in and get the thingamajiggy to hit a certain mark. I'm supposed to do it 10 times an hour I think. But its hard, I guess I don't have much lung capacity. Then I took some more of my medicine Hydrocodone and went to bed. Except I didn't sleep in my bed. I was afraid I might pull something trying to lay down or roll over. So I slept in the recliner in my room. So now this morning I have a sore back. Not real bright I guess. I'm slowly drinking an Unjury chocolate flavored protein shake. That's all folks.





Today is the two month anniversary of my surgery. In honor of that, I had some more photos taken. I'm wearing the same outfit as last time, except that my jeans are now a size 22.  




Over the river

and through the roads....to granddaughter's house she comes.     Well, it is practically Xmas and Granny is on her way. I wonder if she'll notice how much smaller I am compared to the last time she saw me. I hope so.   I'm going to go clothes shopping after Xmas. I need at least a new pair of jeans and a new pair of workout pants. I'm planning on getting them slightly tight so that I can watch them get baggy. How twisted is that?   Hi, Ho, Hi, Ho, Its off to work I go.  




ok, better now.

Okay, y'all sorry about that. Just had to get that little rant out of my system. Of course, I realize that all the border guards are me. It's all my fault that I'm not there yet. I choose to believe that I'm gaining muscle. (Mom calls that kind of thing "magical thinking." I say, "who couldn't use a little magic in their life?") I guess I'll just have to go under the fence. Or is it over? Does it really matter? Either way, I'm going. Even if I have to put myself on liquids for a day or two. I don't care, I'm going to be under 200 by this time next week. If I'm not, I won't read a book for a week!!!! (This is major y'all, cause I'd almost rather read than breathe. Although the less I breathe, the harder it gets to read.:mad: ) Well I thought I was done ranting. Guess there was a little bit of rant left over. Sorry. :rolleyes   Anyway, we now rejoin our regularly scheduled journal entry, already in progress......   So I got weighed & measured at Curves again. It seems like the 14th. comes sooner and sooner every month. Here they are: ........................Last Month......................current Bust..................46.50 in...........................46 in. Waist...............43.50 in. .........................42 in. Abdomen.........47.50 in. .........................47.25 in. Hips.................47 in. ...............................45 in. Thighs..............52 in. ...............................52 in. Arms................30 in. ................................29 in. Body Fat ........39.9% ..............................38.3%





Today when I was getting ready for work I realized I desperately needed to do laundry. The only clean "work" shirt I had left was the one I wore in my "before" pictures. I've been avoiding wearing it since then. I didn't want to put it on and not be able to tell a difference. NOT a problem!   As soon as I put it on, I could tell it felt looser around the arms. And around what passes for my waist. I practically skipped to work.   BTW: I'll be updating my ticker tomorrow. This morning was much too hectic.




not yet!

Some of you may be wondering what happened to last week's entry. That's easy, I didn't write one. I didn't want to have to journal again with a ticker that is still above 200. Oh well, I've gotten over that. I really missed my journal. Of course there are probably people out there really glad that I had stopped babbling. Tough cookies.:heh: I'm still not in One-derland. I am however on the border, there just seems to be some kind of trouble with my passport. I'm sure it'll all be straightened out soon. The last fill I got has really given me some good restriction. Now I've just got to get over that guilt at leaving food on my plate. It just seems so wasteful. There is a Rec. center (gym) next door to my work. On Monday, I am going to pop in there for at least a 1/2 hour to use their treadmill. I am a member at Curves and I go 3x a week. But because of my work hours and Curves' open hours, I can only go Tues., Weds. & Thurs. That leaves Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday basically exercise free. Not really a good thing. I just gotta remember to take my ipod and workout clothes to work on Monday. i am committed to making goal by by birthday!




Not so sloth-y...

I just got back from the gym. I made myself get up and put on my workout clothes. Then I drove straight to the gym. I've gotten some great support & encouragement here the last few days. Losingjustme, MoOrLess, & Teresita: thanks so much. Y'all really helped. A round of :clap2: for y'all.   I've got some current measurements to post today too. The red is total shrinkage since my surgery. Bust 48in -4 Waist 46in -5 Abdomen 51in -4 Hips 47.5in -5.5 Thighs 27.5in -3 Arms 15.5in -4 BodyFat 41.2% -3.3%




no more free fills

Okay, I got my last free fill yesterday. Dr. Jay gives free fills for a year after surgery. My year is up on August 4. I doubt I'll need another fill before then. I'm on liquids until Wednesday. I got another CC put in. My total fill level is now 11cc. I hope it works for a long time, since now I'll have to start paying $150 for each fill.   I'm going to take a road trip to visit my grandmother soon. I'm taking my bicycle with me. She lives out in the boonies, so there isn't much else to do.  




New self-challenge

Okay so I've been sitting here thinking about my goals. Then I thought about my current weight. Then my brain kinda went in neutral because I'm also watching the 2nd. Harry Potter movie. After a while, my brain thought it realized something.   I got out my calculator and did a little figuring. I'm only 36 lbs. away from One-derland. There are three months left until the New Year. 36 divided by three is 12. Does anyone see where I'm going with this? My new goal is to lose 12 lbs a month in October, November & December. Making it all the way to One-derland by January would be super fabulous. I can't think of a better way to start off a new year.   On the 1st., 15th. & last day of Oct., Nov., & Dec. I'll post an updated ticker so I can keep track of my mini-goal progress. 36 lbs. by January 1.   It's not impossible. Is it?




New Pics!!

Well it was my 8 months anniversary a few days ago. So I had my mom take some 8 months pics. Let's see now: the jeans are size 18 petite, the top is an XL. Just btw, this top has been hanging in my closet for over 4 years. I'm including my 6 month photo for comparison. The blue top is 6 months, the khaki top is current.




My 1st. fill

FIRST FILL 9-20-06 Today has just been the best day. I got 5 new books in the mail from Amazon, I got a fill of 5 c.c. and I got a job that pays a multiple of $5 an hour. My life just doesn't get any better than this. Isn't that kinda sad? Whatever. Let's talk about my fill, shall we? First off, nothing but water from midnight. My doc (who I actually met. It was about time!) did the fill with fluoroscopy. Basically it is a type of xray. (or at least that's what I say, someone who knows what they're talking about might say something else.) I laid down on the table and they positioned a big hunk of machinery over me. The fluoro camera I presume. Then I looked at this little TV screen and there was my port. It was so cute! (o.k. I'm a little weird, sorry.) The nurse swabbed around my port site with alcohol. Then the doc said he was going to inject something to numb the site and he said it might hurt a little. LIAR! It didn't hurt at all. I barely felt it, I've been hurt worse giving blood. Heck, I've been hurt worse stubbing my toe. Then he started feeling for my port. Which also was cool, because I could see his finger bones on the fluoro screen. When he injected the saline, I started laughing. I swear it tickled! The doc probably thought I was off my rocker but that's ok. Let's just hope that my ticker now resumes its journey to the right.




moving slow

Okay, so I know it says 205 on the day I got de-frustrated. But I guess that was really just a fluke. It wasn't "official" either, since it wasn't a Friday. I do have an Offficial weight now, and it is less than 210 so I'm a happy camper. Well, content anyway. For now.   I started grad. school this past week. So far its pretty awesome (and yes, I know I'm too old to use that word.) The degree program is almost completely online and it is completely legit.   I finally broke down and scheduled another fill. I wanted to wait until I could lose weight even between fills. I am now, although slowly. That's okay, that is what the band is for, to give me a little boost when I need one. I just don't want to rely completely on fills.   (Reading back over this post, I think I used way too many commas. And parentheses.)



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