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C'mere you big lug!!

Oh, my journal how I've missed you. I've been using the one at OH (don't be jealous), it just isn't the same. You're my favorite journal. :sleep I'm so glad the journals are finally back. I've got quite a few updates to make. I'll put each in its own little sections so it doesn't get too confusing. Luckily I remember the dates for all of them so they'll be in chronological order.   Okay, LET THE UPDATING BEGIN!!!




Roller Skating

I just got back from the roller rink. I had a blast!:rockon: I met up with Divanita2006 & gonnabethin from LBT, they're both very cool. Skating is harder than it used to be when I was younger. My center of gravity has really shifted. The rythym started to come back to me, I just need to work on my balance. I really want to practice and get better, I would love to take part in the skate race. Not win, just feel brave enough (and skilled enough) to join. Since I went ahead and bought skates, I had to go back and change my list of rewards. I made sure to add a reward that will require some activity.   Our next skating session is Sept. 24 at the Red Bird Skate in Duncanville. The link to their website is http://www.redbirdskateland.com/ The address is: 1206 N. Duncanville Rd. I'm not sure what time they have open skate, but I'll check and update my post. Anyone in the area is welcome to come and join us. The more the merrier! And hey, just think about this: roller skating burns 80 calories in 10 minutes. Can we all say "Wahoo?"




5 weeks

Well, no leftward tendencies. That's good. I was not a good bandster yesterday. My mom & I went out to dinner at Chili's. NOT a good idea. I ordered the chicken crispers and fries. I did do one good thing: I asked for a to-go box as soon as the food arrived. I figured I'd only eat half and save the rest for lunch today. Yeah, that didn't quite happen. The half that I brought home with me I ate a few hours later. I looked up the nutrition info. online and just:faint: . I still burned more calories than I ate but it is a bad precedent. I have been walking, at least 1 mile a night. I got a cheap pedometer at Wal-mart and I've been keeping track of everything on Fitday. That is one handy website. Next week my 20 lb. lifting restriction expires, so I think I should start looking into gyms.   I am really looking forward to this Sunday. A few of us from LBT are getting together at the White Rock Skate Center in Dallas. If anyone wants to join we'll be there at 1pm. Should be lots of fun. White Rock Skate Center 10055 Shoreview Road 214-341-6660 sweetsue: Thanks for the comments:o . I'm glad its been of use to you, I try.




Back on REAL food!

Today was my first day back on real food. For lunch I had a Chick-fil-a sandwich (no pickles) and a small order of fries. I ate very slowly and tried to concentrate on chewing very well. It took me about 45 minutes to finish and now I feel FULL. This is awesome!!!! Before my band, I would go to Chick-fil-a and get a sandwich, large fries and a 12 pack of nuggets. The nuggets I would eat in the car on the way home. When I got home I'd inhale the rest in about 5 minutes. This is so much better.   Since my fill isn't until Sept.20, I'm really worried that I'll have to make my ticker go to the left. I'll be happy if it just stays right where it is until my fill. Of course I wouldn't mind if it continued on its merry way to the right.   I have come up with a strategy to combat the fact that I can now eat real food. This past week I have been faithfully walking every evening. I go around my neighborhood and the distance is roughly (measured with my car) 1.2 miles. I walk this in 33 minutes on average. Tonight AND FROM NOW ON I am going to extend my route. My neighborhood is vaguely shaped like a E. I live in the middle of the top. I go down the vertical, along the bottom, turn around, go along the middle both ways and then back up and over to my house. Tonight I'm going to do all that, except when I get to my house I'm going to keep going. I'll walk outside the E from the top all the way to the bottom and then walk the E again. That should make my route (for those of you who aren't lost yet) roughly 2.5 miles. I'm hoping that will keep me from gaining before my fill.   Teresita, thanks for the reassurance. Although I gotta wonder why the icon is running away?:rolleyes




1st. follow-up visit

I had my follow-up visit today. Not much to report. I was weighed, according to the doctor's scale I am 245, fully dressed except for shoes. Which still doesn't agree with my scale. Mine says 246 when I'm wearing just a t-shirt. I met with Arlene (the R.N.) she looked at my incisions. She said they looked "wonderful." I think Arlene may need to get a life . She also advised me to begin taking a chewable vitamin and recommended Flintstones for kids. I scheduled my first fill for September 20th. Now could someone please tell me that it doesn't hurt?   Oh and I still haven't met Dr. Jayaseelan. I'm kinda curious as to how long I can go without actually meeting him. I wonder if he was even there?




3 weeks

It's Friday again. Sadly, my ticker remains the same as last week. On the bright side, I haven't gained anything. My yo-yo is still on its way down, just slower. At least I know what caused the stall and I've corrected my course. I wasn't exercising nearly enough (at all:o.) So now that I've got my ipod I have begun walking. Since it is mind-numbingly hot here, I wait until the sun sets and then I grab my ipod and walk around the neighborhood. (wow, talk about a run-on sentence. Sorry) It's fairly nice then, I can reassure myself that it is dark enough that people can't see from their houses. Which means that they can't point & laugh, which I'm sure they would be doing if it was light out. Did I mention my paranoid tendencies? Anyway from now on, I AM GOING TO WALK EVERY NIGHT!!   I have an appt. with Dr. Jay next Wednesday. Hey, maybe I'll actually get to meet him this time. Wouldn't that be something. That'll be 4 1/2 weeks, so I'm hoping I'll be able to get a fill. Probably not, but it sure would be nice. Right now the only thing that is keeping me from scarfing down Pizza Hut & Chick-fil-a is me. And we all know how well that has turned out.   Peace out.




2 weeks post-op

It is my official weigh-in day. So here's my new ticker... I made it to my first mini goal. :clap2: :clap2: I ordered my ipod this morning. Yippee!!! I also graduated to mushies this morning. I was never so happy to eat a smushed potato. I could only eat about half of it though. This is the list of what I'm allowed to eat now: In addition to the clear and full liquids, you may have the following: Cream of Wheat Oatmeal/Grits Scrambled eggs Mashed potatoes and gravy Refried beans Queso Yogurt Pudding Applesauce Cottage cheese (small curd)




12 days post-op

I just read back over my journal and realized that I forgot to post anything about goals & rewards. Which means the ipod line in the previous post makes absolutely no sense. Whoops. ********************************************************* REWARDS -30 lbs. (250) I'm going to buy an ipod. -50 lbs. (230) I'm going to buy a Van Gogh print. -75 lbs. (205) I'm going to buy my dream dress. -100 lbs. (180) I'm going to go horseback riding. -125 lbs. (155) I"m going to an amusement park and ride roller coasters. -140 lbs. (140 goal) I'm going to take a "discovery flight" at a flight school. ************************************************




1 whole week post-op

The soreness is almost completely gone, although I still don't feel comfortable sleeping on my side. Instead I barricade myself with pillows so that I don't turn over.   I am so sick of liquids and according to Dr. J's post-op diet I still have a week to go. At least now I can have smoothies and shakes to break the monotony. Yesterday though, all I could think about was Pizza Hut. I had a recurring fantasy of ordering a pan crust Pepperoni Lovers and breadsticks. I didn't do it, but man I sure thought about it. But this morning I weighed myself. Down 23 pounds. :Banane10: (I don't get why there is a 2 on that trophy?) I'm so happy about that. I'm even almost to my first mini-goal. ipod, come to mama.




Post-op day 1

Well, I didnt' say how much later.   Arrived at 11:15, a few minutes later I got called into the office to pay and sign legal type papers: privacy rights, permission to take pics. or video for their records, an agreement to allow Dr. J to cut me, etc. My dad & aunt also got coupons for a free meal at the cafe next door. Then I waited just a few more minutes and a nurse called me back. Took me into a bathroom/changing room and showed me the patient outfit. A huge piece of fabric with armholes and strings that tie behind your neck. Also a pair of socks that I got to keep. All your other clothing (and I mean all) bra and panties too go in a plastic bag. Then I gave a urine sample which you send to the lab through the little door in the wall. Its kind of like the kind in connecting hotel rooms - doubledoored.   Next stop pre-op room. The Nurse was named Mercy and she was extremely nice and capable. First thing was to weigh me. According to their scale 260.8 which means a 13 lb loss. This does not quite jibe with my scale at home. My scale said 265 which means a 15 lb. loss. Earlier I said my scale was going to be my official ticker scale so see below for my ticker. Back to what went on in the pre-op room. Got into a patient bed and she asked me all sorts of questions: did I follow my diet, last thing I had to eat or drink was when, anything foreign in my body (which includes tampons), any allergies to anasthesia in the family, do I have history of high blood pressure. Then she started an I.V. I was given the choice of in the hand or the elbow. I let her choose, she knows which one she's better at. I got Versed (sp?) for pain. They must be really concerned about preventing blood clots, they put anti-blood clot booties on my and gave me a shot to prevent them. That shot left a big old bruise on my hip. The OR nurse and the anasthesiologist both came in to chat, repeated the same questions Mercy had already asked. Then it was on to the O.R. They wheeled me down a hallway to the O.R. put a mask over my face (I think) and then................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ............................................ I woke up saying "ow". That was about all I could manage to say for a few minutes then I added "water". Remember I'd never had any type of surgery before at all. So this was a completley new experience for me. I'm real fuzzy on the details as to what actually happened. I think I kept asking to lay back down and go back to sleep but they wouldn't let me. One of the nurses went and got my dad & my aunt. I had to go do the "swallow" before they would let me have any water. It tasted like chalk. Then they led me back to my chair and gave me some water. Oh it was so good. They also told me that I'd had an hiatal hernia and the doctor repaired it while he was in there. I also got some Lortab for pain. Then they made sure I could pee and one of the nurses helped me get dressed and it was time to go home. Dad pulled the car around and everybody helped me in. Even my mom who had to help me in by phone seeing as how she's on a business trip. It was 3:15 when we left. On the way home Dad stopped at Walmart and got me some GasX and some gatorade to sip. That's all I drank for the rest of the day. I slept most of the way home, except for the bumps. I already posted what I did for the rest of the day, alternated the recliner and walking. I also used the breathing thing. I dont' know what it is called. I have to suck in and get the thingamajiggy to hit a certain mark. I'm supposed to do it 10 times an hour I think. But its hard, I guess I don't have much lung capacity. Then I took some more of my medicine Hydrocodone and went to bed. Except I didn't sleep in my bed. I was afraid I might pull something trying to lay down or roll over. So I slept in the recliner in my room. So now this morning I have a sore back. Not real bright I guess. I'm slowly drinking an Unjury chocolate flavored protein shake. That's all folks.




I'm home from surgery

I'm home. I'm still tired from the anasthesia so excuse my spelling. I nap for 55 minutes in a recliner and walk for 5. I have some pain but not too bad. Shoulder & back.   I'm going to go take another nap now. I'm doing okay, thanks for all the good thoughts. More later.




Liquids Day 6

Well this was my last day of clear liquids only. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Yippee!!! I can't believe I made without cheating. Unless you count the watermelon which I don't. 12 hours from now I'll be on my way to the surgery center. Yikes.   The anesthesiologist called earlier to go over pre-op instructions. She also asked for the name and cell number of the person who was going to be driving me. And here are my instructions: nothing to eat or drink after midnight
drink two full glasses of water after supper
don't wear any jewelry, contacts or hair accessories
wear comfortable clothing
arrive an hour prior
bring method of payment This is the diet I am allowed to have post-op:   DAYS 1-14 AFTER SURGERY   In addition to the clear liquids, you may have the following: Milkshakes Protein Shakes Smoothies V8 juice Tomato soup Cream soups




Liquids Day 6

I've quit eating the jello entirely. I've switched to popsicles instead. Yummy. Of course if I had alternated from the beginning I might not have gotten so sick of the jello.   My aunt arrived this morning. She is the most horrible person in the world!!!! She brought DIVINITY with her for my mom. That is just cruel. Divinity is THE best candy in the world and extremely hard to make. Which is why my mom & I never try to make it. The last time I think we screwed up 3 batches before we got it right. Mom & my aunt keep eating pieces and telling me how bad it is. Yeah right, I am so sure. (in my head that came out in a "valleygirl" voice. Which I do very well). Then they went out to eat, I stayed home. That's ok, they went to an Italian place that I dont' really care for.   Well, my surgery is the day after tomorrow. I'm trying not to think about it too much. I'm a pessimist and slightly paranoid, if I think about it too much then I'll just think about everything that could go wrong. I'm trying hard to hang on to my happy thoughts.




Liquids Day 5

Not much to report today. I am definitely sick of the Jello. I think I must be going through Chick-fil-a withdrawal or something. My stomach has felt out of whack all day. Mild nausea (especially when I had some Jello:rolleyes: ) and it feels kind of crampy. Nothing bad, just uncomfortable. I'll be so, so glad when I graduate to mushies. I'm going up to airport tomorrow to pick up my nursemaid for the week after surgery. My aunt is coming in for a whole week. I hope it is entirely unnecessary.




Liquids Day 4

Wow, I'm over half way there! The jell-o is good, but I'm starting to get extremely sick of it. I tried some beef broth today just for a change of pace. I decided it wasn't worth eating. It was better than the chicken broth. I guess I'm just not a fan of broth. I've never really been a soup person either. I think Spaghettios was as close I've ever gotten. I can't believe how much I am looking forward to mushies. :hungry: Gimmee some of those grits!!   Okay I deviated from the "doctor-approved" liquid diet today.:phanvan I don't think it was a big bad though. It was watermelon. All told I probably had about 2 cups. Watermelon is mostly water anyway, so I'm hoping that doesn't really count as cheating. My mom grew it herself in her garden and she was just so proud of herself. I couldn't turn it down.   I'm not going to post what I ate (loosely speaking) today. If you want to know, scroll back through the past three days.





My measurements as of 7-29-06 (day 2 pre-op liquids). Calf: 17.5 inches Thigh: 26.5 inches Hips: 55.4 inches Waist: 51 inches Bust: 53 inches Bicep: 17 inches   My before pictures as of 7-28-06 (day 1 pre-op liquids). I think the photos are fairly self-explanatory. My jeans and top are size 24 (edging into a size 26). I also wear 3x.




Liquids Day 3

7-30-06 ~ Chalk up another :clap2: for me. I made it through another day. I haven't cheated at all. Today was my first real willpower/determination test. For her lunch my mom brought home Burger King. I don't care for their hamburgers, but the FRIES!!!:faint: She even left the room and I couldv'e stolen some. But I didn't steal ANY!!! That is major, I deserve at least :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: ! I'm so glad she didn't bring home Chick-fil-a (not that she could on a Sunday), I would've stolen her sandwich.   I took a peek at the scale this afternoon. I shouldn't have, I'm trying not to fall into that trap of weighing myself too often. But I just couldn't resist. It did make me giggle though and that's all I'm going to say until Friday. Friday is my banding day ( :eek: :eek: :eek: ) so Fridays are going to be my official weigh-in day.   Breakfast: apple juice Lunch: Slimfast choc. Supper: Slimfast van. Snack: watermelon jello, Mixed Berry Juice




liquids day 2

Yippee!!:clap2: I made it through another day. My tummy actually "rumbled" today. I'm a boredom and "hey, it's there" kind of eater, so that hasn't happened in the longest time. It is DIET CENTRAL in my house, since I usually do the cooking. I told my mom that I could be bribed to cook her a hamburger. She said "no, I think that would be too much like cruel & unusual punishment for you." She was right. We went to the grocery store today. Which was a whole other kind of torture, it being "sample day". I stocked up on Jell-O (which I've decided is really good), popsicles, apple & peach juice, flavored water and powder flavoring.   Breakfast: apple juice Lunch: Slimfast Supper: Slimfast Snacks: 2 jello endless cups of ice water




Liquids day 1

I start LIQUIDS this morning. That means that I am exactly 7 days pre-op. :eek: :eek: My surgery is scheduled for August 4 at 12:30. So this time next week, I will be cruising up the highway headed for the surgery center. :eek: :eek: :eek: This "EEK" icon is going to be getting a workout, I get the feeling that the closer I get the more terrified I will become.   I weighed myself this morning to check on my starting weight. My bathroom scale said 280. When I went to Dr. Jay's for my "consultation", my scale said 280, but theirs said 272.5. I'm sure their scale is more accurate, but mine is more convienently located. Therefore, my starting weight is officially 280 lbs.   11:30 p.m. Well, I made it through the first day of Liquids only. I can't believe I did. All day long I've been dreaming about the things I can't have. I don't watch much TV so at least I wasn't tortured that way. Instead the book I was reading tortured me. The main character kept making waffles. :hungry: Oh, well.   What I drank today: apple juice, lots of ice water, 2 Slim-Fast Optima shakes, 1/2 bottle of grape flavored Fruit 2 O, 3 servings of Jell-O (1 peach, 2 watermelon).   What I wouldn't do for a hamburger and fries.




07/25/06 ~

The doctor's office called yesterday and left a messge asking me to call them back. I didn't get the message until much too late to call. So I called them this morning.   I got transferred to three different people before finally getting the one with whom I needed to speak. Seriously, don't they talk to each other in that office?   The whole point was to tell me to arrive at the Surgery Center at 11:30 a.m. instead of 10:45 a.m. I guess my surgery has been pushed later in the day. That's fine, I guess, I did double check to make sure it is at least the same day.   I just the hope the doctor is more on the ball than his office staff. :mad:   **Just got a call from the Surgery Center of Richardson (that's where I'm having mine). They just wanted to confirm that I am indeed a self-pay and they let me know which types of payment are acceptable: cashier's check, money order or credit (not debit) card. I was also told to expect a call from them on the 3rd. (the day before surgery). I assume that is for the anesthesiologist to tell me which meds I'm allowed to take. Which will be a short conversation as I don't have any meds. I'll probably also be reminded not to eat or drink anything after midnight. Maybe SCOR's staff is a little more competent than the office staff.





I went back today for my bloodwork & EKG. It didn't take too long. I was surprised though that the bloodwork ($295) was more expensive than the EKG ($85). I've had blood taken before, so there weren't any surprises (except the cost!). The EKG was completely new territory though. The technician just stuck a bunch of magnets on me: one on each wrist, at least 5 on my chest & stomach. I wish I had known to lie completely still.




07/19/06 ~ 272.5 lbs. (gave up sodas & popcorn)

Just had my "consultation with the doctor." I had to wait over an hour past my appointment time for them to call me and I'm a little irked because I still have yet to meet the doctor. I don't like the fact that I won't meet Dr. Jayaseelan until the day he sticks a scalpel in me. Anyway I did meet the Nurse again (Arlene) she is very nice. They checked my height and weight, asked about any medical allergies or previous surgeries and that was it for the physical part. I went back up to the scheduling desk and got a surgery date of August 4th. I was also told to get an EKG and have bloodwork. I'll have to go back for that tomorrow b/c it was so late in the afternoon that the cashier people in the lab were all gone. One of the downsides to being self-pay I guess.




7/8/06 ~ 280 lbs.

Hiya. Let's see, where to begin? How about some stats? 28 yrs., 5'4'', 280 lbs.   I'm still deciding whether or not to get the band. I'll be self-pay and I'm afraid it's just too expensive. I went to a seminar today at the Surgery Center of Richardson. From what I saw it looked like a very nice facility. The presenters were great, but I was a bit disappointed not to actually get to meet the doctor. His Nurse was there and she was very competent and seemed nice. She has the band herself and has lost quite a bit of weight. I've got a consultation with Dr. Jayaseelan on 7/19/06. We'll see how I feel then. I have started buying (and sampling) the liquids that I would have to be on before surgery. I've even given up Dt. Pepsi. Which is a major sacrifice for me. I'm still worried about the money, but I'll probably take the plunge. I'm tired of cringing every time I catch sight of myself in a mirror.



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