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I did it!!!!

YES!!! today was the end of my three weeks. So onto my pushbike and off to the labband nurse to get those dreaded scales and yes I did it, I'm proud of myself not only did I loose the 3kg (6.6lbs) but I lost another 2kg (4.4lbs) a total of 5kg (11lbs) So I'm over the moon, To others that may not sound much of a weight loss but to me after still fighting the battle to lose my weight even with the band its a mile stone for me, and every kilo I loose gets me that little bit further to my goal, It may take me longer than most to do it but I know I'll get there in the end.:thumbdown:




I can do it!!!

Ok, today will be a new start for me, It's Monday the 27th of July at 5:35am. I'm going to get that motavated mood back, enough is enough.... I'm going to win this weight battle of mine. I have 3 weeks till my next appointment with my banding nurse to be weighed. Im setting a goal to loose 3kg about 6.6 lbs, in that 3 weeks. I will do it!!!....:confused:



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