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Unfill today

So I have been a bad blogger and part of my reason is that I have been living with a tight band hoping it will get better. The good news is that I didn't gain an oz during the holidays. The bad news is that I vomit dailly :thumbup: So my nurse will be here any moment to remove some fluid. I hope it's just right after this.   Sarah




Day 82

I finally got my second fill on friday. I lost about a pound with the first fill. This one should be my last, I feel it. I now have 2.5cc's in a 4cc band. I can only eat VERY small meals. Which is fine with me. I had some major slimming Sunday and tonight I ate too much and have a stomach ache. I am going to have to get on track and follow ALL the rules or be in pain after eating. I ate half a McDonalds salad. I was ravenous after all the liquids over the weekend.   I am down to 238. I am really crossing my fingers I can be near 200 my New Years.




Day 56

Hoo I have had the food stuck thingy for the last 20 minutes. Wow that's fun. I am going to try yoga tonight for the first time post op. I did some sit ups a few days ago without any promblem. So my core muscles seem ready for a workout. :huh2:   Anyone want to do a challenge? I need motivation. I am going to buy a bunch of low carb food and veggie protien to see if I can kick some ass.   We could do low carb plus 30 min a day work out. Also I am going to start posting my Thursday weigh ins. 241 yesterday.




Day 55

Still nada. I am not gaining or losing. LAME. I even have joined roller derby which means I am skating and skating my butt off. I guess it's time to kick out all the carbs. I so don't want to "diet" but I am not happy at this weight at all. I am also weeks away from a fill. I think Nov 6th is the soonest. I do feel restriction so I am not sure why I can't budge the scale. I have been eating protein and 3 small meals. What gives?   Sarah:eek:




Day 48

Soooo I am not losing. But I look and feel better. I started doing roller derby which btw is an insane workout. I think I may have actually gained some muscle so I am not beating myself up about losing. I am still at about 15lbs lost. I was hoping for allot more at this point. But reading the forums I see people don't magically lose until they get proper restriction. My fill is about a week old now. I feel a little bit different but not much. I really don't want to calorie count but I think I will try to add it up to see if I am taking too much in. I would guess I am doing 900-1200 a day.




1st fill

My first fill was awesomely easy! It was about as painful as a flu shot. Hehe. 1.5 cc's in. My band holds 4 that should be good for awhile.:biggrin:




Day 39 fill tomorrow

So what a great weekend. I exercised allot, went hiking and long walks. It felt great. My lap band nurse just emailed me and wants to do the fill tomorrow. I am kinda nervous and super excited. I was so hungry yesterday. Exercise = ravished! I ate two small fajitas the other day. That's almost twice what I was eating 2-3 weeks ago. So yeah I am ready. I also have been eating pasta without any incedent, I read that I shouldn't be able to do this after a fill? Is this true :thumbup: I love my whole wheat pasta.   Any sage advice for my first fill? I was told not to eat after a certain time.




Day 36

Woohoo looks like I am making a little progress. I weighed 240.4 today! That's great. I might make my 5 pound week goal by Monday. Which will be 237. I am going to keep up the 45minutes of exercise all week. Wish me luck.




Day 34

So I am not losing weight :thumbup: I ramped up my exercise yesterday. I also started drinking coffee, in the past it has helped me be less hungry and more active. I want to try to lose 5 pounds this week. I think I will just walk everyday for at lest 45 minutes. I am starting to wonder if my drinking alchohol is slowing things down. I may just have to cut it out again and see.   Today I was 243. I want the scale to MOVE!   My fill is on 10/8 seems like forever. Though at the same time I am not eating that much. I just had 4 spinach ravioli for lunch and I am happy and full.





So I am still not losing. Not gaining either so let's not freak out. Heh. I have always had a slow ass motabolism so I am sure my body is adjusting or something. My relatives are stressing me out. My step dad told my long term boyfriend. That I am hot when I am thinner. WTF? So groos. Also a family friend also was acting like I had surgery for my boyfriend. I just want to make this perfectly clear I am way too selfish to ever change my body for a man! He is/was very happy with me at that weight. I didn't really ask him his opinion about the surgery. I make up my mind and do it, that's the way I get stuff done. My family drives me crazy makes me wish I kept my mouth shut about the surgery to more of them. I have a family affair in 3 weeks. I am worried about the gossip about my surgery. Even the backwards compliments really get to me. Who wants to hear that they're pretty but not the way they currently are? Nobody.     I am having my fill not this Thurs but next. Weee




To fill?

So should I wait the 6 weeks for a fill?   What are your experiences. I am feeling alright. I think I could use a fill. I wanted to get it near my 5 week date. But after talking to the nurse he agreed with my Dr. that 6 weeks is better. Because of healing. But I read so many people get fills at 4 weeks. So I am confused. :thumbup:




Day 28

So I didn't really lose anything in the last week. Maybe .5 pounds. But I have not gained so that's a positive. I am able to eat a little more. But I have been consuming almost all protein to get to 60g a day. I am looking into getting a fill next week. Today is my 4 week anniversary. Yay. 13 pounds!   My clothes still feel the same. At 5'8" 13 pounds is barely noticable. I think once I get down to 220 I will look and feel alot better. I have tons of cute clothes that I can wear at 220. Today I was 242.4.   I hope everyone is doing good.




Day 22

I am starving!! hehe. What the hell I have an appetite. :tongue_smilie:   I hope this is normal. I am eating mushy foods fine which somehow has my brain thinking I eat like a normal person.   I have been trying to resist all my urges. It's so hard! I had chocolate today   I am not sure why I am hungry I already ate twice today. Wah.




Surgery Part 2

Part 2   Thursday is kinda blurry. I woke up early to some nurse racket. More poking and prodding was needed. At one point a nurse came in and said my surgery time was changed but I never knew what the first one was. M says around 11 they took me away, they told M to "wait here" like I would be back soon. I took the elevator in a wheel chair and the male nurse was zooming me around the hospital it felt like I was on roller skates. We ended up some bottom floor, the nurse would walk by other nurses and they would have short conversations in Spanish and then smile really big at me. I felt like Alice in Wonderland. They then helped me into a bed and sent me to a room labeled Preparatory Room. While there, I encountered about 6 nurses doing various things to me. One did my IV another put stockings on me it felt pretty unreal. I think they gave me more sedative because it all just felt super odd. I then heard Laurie through the curtain (another bandster) I was so relieved to hear English and a person I knew. I asked her what was going on and she said that she was after her mom Jenny. The nurse later told me I was last. I was kinda sad about this and waiting felt like years. Some of the male nurses seemed to be flirting with me. I am not really sure because I was high. They were just asking me things like where I lived what my job was, the ones that spoke broken English really wanted to know me they all were super smiley. The anesthesiologist scared me a bit. I kept telling her I had asthma and she said "No problem" and I was like I have bad ASMA. "Honey don't worry I love my job, if something happens we try something else this is my job, RELAX" I was a little scared she kept rubbing my shoulder. I am not sure when but somehow I dozed off and woke up to a generator revving up. All the power went off and on, it was pretty trippy but is didn't concern me. I was more obsessed with getting it over with. So finally they came and got me. I was wheeled down a long haul to the room with two giant operating lights. It's weird because this is the 3rd time I have made it this far, most people pass out before the it the operating room, but it's really cool to see. Anyway they put you on the table it's tiny feeling and it seemed like I didn't fit well on it. They then take the arms and swing them out and tie you down in a cross position. Next the nurse said "here is you oxygen, think nice thoughts" I remember thinking of the Dali Lama it was the first thing I could think of that was a sign of peace, I then went to my Yoga meditation of floating on a raft at sea. I woke up in another room. I kept on pumping my legs up to my chest and down. I felt like I couldn't talk which was very weird. I wasn't sure if I was done and no one was their but a nurse at a station. She looked at me in that way a mother looks at her child to stop fidgeting. She eventually came over and took my blood pressure. I went in and out for who knows how long. I was worried about M, I wanted to see him right that second. Eventually I was wheeled back to my room. On the way I passed Maria who was already up and walking with her IV pole (another bandster) she is like "wow, aren't you chipper" I kept saying "I was last". She said her boyfriend was worried about me. I was confused when she said this. I thought did I almost die or something, nah" M was in the room I was so happy to see him. He got me a purple teddy bear that I became fixated to. He had been waiting for me for like 6 hours. Can you imaging being him not knowing anything for that long? He is so amazing. So while blitzed out of my mind I found a tube tied to my leg. I really wanted to get up and pee. But I had a catheter in me. I should have never told the nurse I was nauseas because she would not let me out of the bed for a couple hours. Eventually she removed it. I have thing with catheters they really gross me out. She said I could not stand up until I sat up for 10 minutes. I tried really hard but it was too difficult and then my mom called. It was so great to tell her I was OK. The rest is pretty blurry. I think a doctor came and saw me. I was a pain med junky every time they came in I whined for more. At night another nurse came on and woke me up periodically to poke at me. I remember Tijuana being so loud that night. It reminded me of Vegas except you hear cars drag racing and ambulances and sirens and shouting. Their were federal police guarding the hospital with AK's so I felt pretty safe. OK more later..   Part 3 :tongue_smilie:   Friday’s tale. Woke up early and was ordered to take a shower. I was still kind of out of it but felt the need to clean myself as best I could. After the shower the nurse said we had some test to take. We went and took some pink gunk and they did an x ray like deal to check the band. I guess it was good because then we were allowed to eat some food. Green jello and apple juice. Yum. JK. Soon after we were told we were checking out at noon, Mouse had not really eaten yet so I got dressed and we went across the street to TGIF Fridays. It was almost like the Americanized one. But it felt definitely Mexico. He had pancakes and I was all drugged up so I don't remember too much. Just the check was in pesos (but they take American currency) and difficult. We then we had to wait over an hour for Miguel are personal taxi guy. He took all of us bandsters to the hotel Plaza del teca hotel in central Tijuana. M and I were exhausted all the other bandsters went shopping. Around 4 o clock they delivered Jello and Apple juice to the room. As gross and non vegetarian the Jello was, I ate it. We then tried to sleep the beds were as hard as table tops. I am not sure if this is a Mexican thing, I am actually kind of curious. I could not sleep in any position and poor M was woken by my moaning. :/ We took a walk around the hotel which is known as a safe zone from the gun violence. Some tourist were by the pool and we chatted I told them I had surgery and they were all congratulating me. It was really nice especially from two men. I got uncomfortable when some wannabe looking gangster kids started hanging around. So we went back to the room and ordered room service. Jello for me and noodles for the prince. This was the first time I had to watch someone eat something that I WANTED. It's a very strange thing. Because usually I would of had the angel hair pasta. But nope I had to suffer with Jello. The next day Miguel picked us up at 9am to take us to the border. I was hoping we could make it by 10 o' clock and save 10 dollars in parking fees. The border crossing was crazy. Security has really changed and I am sure for the better but it took almost an hour and they x-rayed and checked are passports. We finally got in the car and on the road around 11. We were so ready to be home, my Mexican vacation was not much of a vacation! The drive was hard. I doped myself up the best I could and let Mouse drive. We got home around 5 and with the puppies I felt so much better apparently all my animals were very worried about me. They still have not left my side. That's about it!   So day seven. I am extra sore and a little bruised last night was hard again. I had band practice and I over did it for sure. But I have lost 7 pounds in 7 days! That's so exciting. If anyone wants to lose weight go on a clear liquid diet for 3 days and then full liquid for 4 days. Apparently it's magic. I won't be eating the band diet for almost 2 more weeks. I guess that's when I will really see what is possible with it. I have to stay on liquids and then mushy foods until the band is healed. I think my first full food day is Sept 24 and I really want a small piece of pizza. LOL I know I'm bad.




Mexico Journey Surgery Day

I wanted to post this. This is from my livejournal and I thought people might want to read about my surgery journey.   My surgery was 08/27/09 I changed my boyfriends name to M. I just don't want annoying people that I know, to find out I had this surgery.   So on Thursday I had lap band surgery. Yeah crazy, I know. But when you have done every diet since the age of 10 you kind of have to do something drastic. Truth is the ONLY thing making me depressed was my weight and it was getting me all kinds of depressed. Hopefully now I can live again. I hope my friends respect my decision. I feel if I needed a boob job I would have gone and done the same thing, I want to improve me. It's partially cosmetic but also it's a lobotomy of my brain I can no longer EAT. I mean eat eat. My stomach can only 1/4 a cup at a time. So I write this saga while on vicodin sorry if it's confusing. It all started in December the weight since has piled on and on. I checked out some place online and attended a seminar in July. After going I knew then that this was probably the closet I would come to a miracle diet. One problem money! They wanted 18k and getting a personal loan in this economy is a joke. My only collateral was my car but those loans were just stupid. So after more research I found Dr. Kuri in Mexico. I know you may think this is crazy but I also get dental in Mexico so this was not that far fetched of an idea. It took me awhile to commit to doing it. But once I got approved for 5k I wanted it done ASAP. With the help of a friend I borrowed 2k more and was off to Mexico with M. I think I will do Weds and add the rest later.   Weds 8/26/2009 it was pre-op day, X-rays, blood work, EKG you name it they did it. It was all nerve racking to do all this on no sleep we drove to Tijuana at 11pm the night before. My Dr. Appt was at 10am weds. The best part of the story is that my loan was only conditionally approved and it was like 50/50 would I make it? But I got the call of approval at 1pm during a blood draw at the hospital I kinda screamed and danced, the other girls were so excited for me. So after all that I and 3 other pre-op "bandsters" went for last supper at a real Mexican restaurant everything was in Pesos (yeah fun). I had cheese enchiladas with molee sauce. It was ok but really I could hardly eat I was really excited and exhausted. That day we checked into the hospital. It was pretty much brand new and we all had private suites with showers. Here is the place http://www.hospitalangelestijuana.com.mx/ at 7pm we had to meet the surgeon for a little meeting. He was the coolest guy and very mysterious in a good way he had Latin charm he was like a Mexican Hugh Hefner personality wise. He explained the band rules and showed how it would be placed and answered all our questions. By this time their were 7 of us being banded on Thursday, I was the second to the thinnest which was kinda weird but good I guess, I didn't feel morbidly obese for once.. I asked if I could go first and he said he had to look at the charts to decide the order. We than all retired to our suites. I watched TV but 50% was in Spanish and the other subtitled gotta love the E channel in Mexico they show full nudity. So the nurses at the hospital were hilarious, oh and beautiful most of them looked like models. So the Doctors and the head people all speak English but the nurses forget it. They answer "no problem" when they have no idea what you are saying. I ended up doing allot of hand gestures. Trying to get the asthma treatment the pre op Dr. prescribed was entertaining. But they showed up hours later with the breathing machine so either I explained it or they finally got my chart. They later gave us all a sedative to sleep that was pretty awesome because it is fucking insanely loud in Mexico. Tijuana never sleeps. Also the nurses bug you every 2 hours with blood pressure and temp readings on top of that. I have to say they are very thorough in Mexico with health care. I slept kinda odd and M slept on this "day bed" next to me that was more like a board with cushions. More later...I need to lie down.




Day 20

I am trying to not get hungrier. My weight has stalled the last few days I am stuck at 244, so I need to kick some ass the next few days and workout. I do not want to gain anything. I have been eating carbs and veggie protein like soy. I am eating about 4oz 3-4 times a day. I think this is good. My Dr. did not give the best nutritional guide other than getting protein. I am vegetarian so it's different for me. I wish I could afford a nutrionalist. Any advice on eating on the mushies would be awesome :tongue_smilie:   Breakfast today was 1 pack oatmeal and half a nanner.   Lunch will likely be 4oz veg chicken   Dinner 1 large veggie sausage 30 grams of protein   I know it sounds vain but I have a show on 9/25 and really want to be 230.




Day 19

Things are going pretty good. Stomach noise is getting better. Today I think I actually hit my protein goal. It's all veggie meat. I wonder if it will help shed weight?   I am still having shoulder pain. It's pretty awesome. But after reading some of my surgery day pals emails makes me think I have it easy. One girl still has port pain. Mine is practically healed. Thanks to bacitracin. I am still using it a little because it seems to be making the scars dissapear!   So no major weight change in the last few days. But I need to exercise. I will do 45 treadmil tonight. Promise. :thumbup:   Big Brother tonight. Yahoooooo.




Day 17

Nothing really new. I have been eating small mushy meals. I have eaten out twice now and I enjoy being able to eat 1/4-1/5 of the serving and not feeling the need to eat more. I do find that waitresses are obsessed with you ordering a drink. It's a hard thing to get around. Last night she asked me 3 times!   I have to admit I have not eaten the healthiest but I am eating really small portions of the food I love. I hope that's ok. I need to find healthy mushy vegetarian food. Heh. Pitta Pizza I am sure is not considered diet food. But I have sworn off ever dieting again. I want to eat real food just alot less. I have not lost in the last few days. But I am way less gassy so I am a happy girl.   Sarah :thumbup:




2 weeks

Oh shoulder gas pain where did you come from? I could barely work today. I gave into taking a vicodin so I can sleep. I think this is the worst I have had it. Other than the SHOULDER pain from hell. My surgery is doing great. I at 2 veggie chicken nuggets and had no issues! Food does not seem to taste half as good as it used to. I find over chewing kills the taste making me not want to eat. So I guess that's good. I still love my coconut popsicles. Not sure how to give those up.




Day 13

Ode to shoulder gas pain. I thought I was done with this. Guess not! I have spent the last 3 hours moaning. I hate this feeling. Maybe I should take some gas stuff. Other than that I am really looking forward to mushy foods! I could drool thinking about something yummy. :thumbdown: Oh they have a smiley for that. So I lost another pound. I am rockin' the lap band!   Blog readers please comment.




Day 12

Yay! Milestone one, I have lost 10 pounds! I am 10% to my goal. I am soooo in love with my lapband. I ate 1 package of oatmeal and was very full. I used to eat 3 at a time and never felt really full. I am so excited. I really believe I will hit my goals. :thumbdown:




Day 11

Yay! Labor Day! OOh so I am just relaxing today. My incisions are healing very nicely :thumbdown: I have also been eating chunkier liquids. I 4 bites of pureed mac and cheese. It was satisfying but way to filling. I love that I can eat tiny bites of food and be full. I am trying to figure out not to have liquids for 2 hours. It seems like torture.




Day 10

Day 10 rocks! Ok so I am finally look less puffy and my incisions are looking great. I feel great today. I am so ready to eat mushy food but have till weds I think. Sigh. I have been so good with food I deserve one thing that tastes good. I am craving chkn' veggie nuggets. I think those will be ok to eat on the mushy diet especially if I nuke them they get soggy. I am so glad I have tomorrow off. Not sure what to do with myself?




Day 9

whoosh! I have had the worst drug withdrawls the last few days. I wish I weened my self off istead of cold turkey. Oh well it's been two days now so I should be better tonight? I hope so. I am still in some mild pain. But the bloating is going down and I can see/feel the weight I have lost. I have been eating a little more which kind of scares me but at the same time 1 packet of watery oatmeal fills me up. So I guess I am worried about nothing. I hope I lose more by tomorrow. I am weighing myself everyday. I know it seems crazy but I want to keep myself in check. I do not want to gain one freaking pound.




Day 8

I had the worst time sleeping last night. I got up at 5 am to take a shower than tried to go back to bed. I think I am having some drug withdrawls from the pain meds. I hope it's almost over. I also gave up on band aids. I am pretty pissed off that they do not put warnings on them. I am allergic to some seeds and have had a reaction to sesame so when I found out that "latex free" band aids had sesame in the adhesive I was shocked. They really should mark the boxes. I have welts all over my body. i



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