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Tricare, ONLY 100lbs over wt w/ comorbidity

i know that you wrote this over a year ago but i wanted to know how you find out your ideal weight. i tried what you did and come up with wird numbers?! im 5'5 and 264 as far as i know im a medium frame. i was denide from tricare because i dont have any co-morbitidys but im a 100 pounds over weight. im going in to see my pcm on monday and see if we can find something to get me approved. any help? karen




southern arizona anyone???

hey im in the Sierra Vista/ Fort Huachuca area here in AZ! i just met with my PCM on the 16th of this months and just found out today that i got approved to see a surgeon here in Sierra vista. So my Q was.... is anyone from around here and has ben banded? i want to know if this surgeon does the lapband or if im going to him for a visit then going to see another doc??? have no idea. tryed to look him up but cant find anything on him doing the lapband just that he is in general surgery. thanks for any info that anyone might have for me Karen:confused:




started a group on here!

just wanted to put out that i started a group on here called military bandsters! So come on in and join! karen:thumbup::cursing:




how do you know if your 200% over your body weight?

i just wanted to see if anyone can help me here. i need to know how to tell if you are 200% over your body weight! im going to call my doctor to see if he can help me out but was thinking this might help me too. ive looked at a 10000 websites but just keep coming up with my bmi. thanks so much for any help! karen




family.. not worken with me here HELP

Ok so i went to see my doc today and he was great. said that im a go for the surgery. now i have to go down the list and then wait for tricare! yeah for me i was so so happy! but then i started to tell my family about it and it seems the closer i get to having the lapband the more they want to say things like your never ever going to eat food again! do you really really want to do this and so on. so now im more scared than anything now. is the whole food thing true. i know in the beging its going to be like that but for the rest of my life. ive never heard this before so any any info will be great. how do i even deal with this. i really want the lapband but dont want my family flipen out ether. bla!!!!




Dr. Monte Schwartz

i was just approved to see Dr Monte Schartz in arizona! does anyone know of him or has been banded by him?? any info will help thanks




Does anyone have Dr...... in Southern AZ

hey everyone! I'm trying to do research on the surgeon my PCM (or tricare) i know he is a general surgeon. ( do general surgeons do the lap band?) the surgeons name is NASR, ELIAS. I can find him on the Internet but i cant find anything on the lap band for him. Oh and by the way I'm in Sierra Vista AZ thanks so much for any help Karen



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