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Ack! Help! Pre-fill hunger...

I was banded 1/14 and am now in the pureed/mushy stage of the diet. I am trying to follow the diet guidelines and am struggling. I am supposed to drink protein throughout the day (but not 30 min before/after eating) and have 3 small meals. My biggest problem is that I am huuuuuuungry. On average, I am getting about 50-60 grams of protein from protein drinks, but my food portions are tiny. For example, I had a protein drink this morning and 4 oz of yogurt for breakfast. Now for lunch I am having 4 oz of lentil soup. I am doing my best to fill up with water and tea, but still very hungry. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you!




Pre-Op Diet

Hi All, I am 9 days away from surgery and just started the liquid protein diet. I am starving! Or at least I feel that way.   Does anyone have wisdom to share about surviving the liquid diet, pre or post op? I'd appreciate it. I am on 70 grams of protein daily from protein shakes. I can only have clear liquids aside from the shakes. Trader Joe's has a good selection, though, if you have one near you.   Any advice? Thanks -




Help!! Food Getting Stuck!

Hi Everyone, I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong. My food routinely gets stuck and I'm nervous because I know i have to either drink to force it down or have it come back up again (usually I drink). I conciously take smaller bites, chew more, but it seems that I keep getting stuck around the third bite.   I'm wondering if it's the type of food. It seems to occur more frequently with any kind of bread (bagels, tortillas, crackers, etc) than with anything else. Has anyone had that experience?




Post-0p day 2...the bloat...

Walking, yes indeed... I seem to have swallowed a balloon. Just pressing lightly on my chest will cause a burp. Walking and squating does seem to help, though.   I'm trying to imagine what stage my band is in at this point. My post-op guidelines tell me to consume 1-2 oz of liquids every 15-30 mins. I don't feel hungry, just bloated. I wonder if you can feel saited with liquids? I think the bloat is keeping my hunger at bay (or is that the band?) and my biggest concern is consuming enough vitamins, protein, and water to stay healthy.   Anyone just banded I can trade ideas with?




Dastardly Temptations

1/22 - Move scale needle, move, damn thee!   Still trying to reach the 20. But something else has come up. Temptation. Craving. Crumbling resolve.   So I've discovered (has this happened to you?) that now that I am feeling better, I am also a great deal more hungry and interested in old vices. Strangely enough, strongest of all is the urge to smoke. I started taking Chantix well before surgery and have been just fine. But with wellness creeping up it seems my brain and body are at war.   Also...In-N-Out. Panda Express. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Choc...   Must...get mind off them...   I haven't given in, Dear Reader, and I'm thankful for it. Although our plumber was outside smoking a cigarette and it was all I could do not to tackle him. It was awfully stinky, though. Deep breathing helps. It was a bit shocking because it's been so long since I've felt this way.   This liquid diet is the pits. I crave texture, crunch, but I have another 7 days on full liquids. Sigh. I am most looking forward to scrambled eggs, which I think I can have at the semi-solids/pureed stage. Mmmm. Eggs.   All that said, I feel wonderful. Clothes that were tight now fit perfectly, sometimes even a little loosely. How cool is that?




Fighting old demons

Unfortunately, this is not a positive blog. I haven't exercised for about 3 weeks because I was hit with a nasty cold, and I started slipping back into old food habits, not journaling, and giving myself way too much license. What I have to show for it is 4 weeks with essentially no loss - what a waste.   I'm determined to start back today. I've been under stress at work and working 7 days a week, so I think I reverted back to my old coping mechanism: food, and plenty of sugar. I also stopped logging my food, which is another important thing to keep me on track. I will pick that up again. I recommend sparkpeople.com as a great free site to track online.   I go in to get my second fill the first week of April. I'm embarrassed.   Here's hoping the next blog will be a positive one. I do not want to go down this path again.




Blog enhancement?

Can anyone share how they posted their picture and other blurbs (like the ticker counter) on their blog? I can't seem to figure it out...




I cannot believe this initial loss

Please feel free to comment or suggest. I'm using this primarily as my record...   I started my preop diet 1/5/10, had surgery 1/14, and today is 1/18/10 (Happy Bday, Dr. King). I've lost 16.6 lbs. I guess it's not that amazing when compared to the other losses I see, but for me, it's amazing! I know that the last 20 lbs I put on really seemed to put me over the edge in terms of my health. I discovered that I have severe sleep apnea, had acute GERD (reflux) and other problems. I remember the joy over learning I had sleep apnea, because it meant there was actually a reason and a solution to my constant fatigue. I thought it was just fat.   I am sick of the liquid diet, though, and actually concerned that I'm not getting enough calories. I've heard that your metabolism just slows to a crawl if your body thinks food is scarce, but it is hard to increase my calorie count and follow instructions, so I am favoring the latter. My protein drinks (Isopure and Pure Protein) only have about 150 calories for 40 grams of protein, and I am supposed to consume them in small 1-2 oz amounts every 15-30 mins. It's easy to forget. And I am still full of burp bubbles. Ugh. So I am on protein, yogurt, broth, water, s/f jello or pudding, and low-fat creamed soups.   It was hard to walk today because we had a powerful rainstorm. No more significant pain, so I'm off the narcotics. Incisions are itchy! I have been very careful about not lifting and not using my abdominal muscles (I'm sure they're buried under there somewhere). I wonder how long that will last.   It's a lonnnnnnnng way to food. Sigh. It's only Monday, and I have two weeks. If the loss continues in the way that it has I will be thrilled.   There was a "Biggest Loser" marathon on the other day so I watched. Their weight loss is incredible and the show is a good reminder of how much physical activity is an integral part of this process. I don't want to lose momentum.   I tried some Muscle Milk light and loved it, so of course when I Googled it there's a controversy about using it. It seems there's andro...something steroid-ish in it. Bummer. It reminded me of the carob drinks I had as a kid (that I can never find now).   Well, that's it for now.




Not on Solid Ground with Solid Food

Hey, all. I am making myself record the good, the bad, and the ugly. I believe this would be the latter, and I want to make a record of it.   I believe I am soon to get a visit from "Aunt Flo from Redlands", and yesterday I was seized with the urge to eat sweets. I was at a meeting, seated right next to the lounge where there were every manner of bready sweet things. I had had a protein drink, but I was hungry. Or at least I told myself I was.   So, I had 2 pieces of the only protein source there - string cheese (full fat). The person next to me was eating pan dulce (sweet bread), which is something I love. So, I went into the lounge and took a piece and sliced off a small corner and put it back. I knew that even though it was a small portion, I was entering into dangerous territory letting myself have it. I later went back for another small piece.   For lunch I went with a friend to Subway and had a under 6 fat gram sandwich. I ate the protein first, then had some of the bread. Then I had about 2/3 of the macadamia white chip cookie that I ordered with the combo. Sugar bug again.   When I returned to the office a few hours later, I was struck by a strong craving for sugar and specifically chocolate. Several of my coworkers routinely add chocolate treats to their desk dishes, so I didn't have to go far. There were very few at the office because they stayed at the meeting. So, in essence it was just me, the chocolate, and my craving. I did not make good choices. Okay, the ugly. I probably consumed the equivalent of two candy bars, perhaps even three. I actually wanted to kick myself while I was doing it.   Afterwards, I felt so disappointed, like I'd fallen off the wagon, which I had. My body didn't feel good, either. I felt bloated and yucky and mad at myself.   When I came home, I ate the other 1/2 of the fitness meal I brought home from a restaurant the previous evening. I was saited. Then I saw the garlic cheese pretzels and thought, "oooo. I want something salty." I ate them. There was probably about 1/4 - 1/2 cup left. (I want to record the amounts so I can figure out the damage I've done.)   I went to sleep feeling absolutely defeated. I've been doing very well on the diet up until now, but I see that I must prepare. Food wise, in terms of meals, I did fine. But I failed the craving test.   This morning I feel very bloated and am going to make myself get on the elliptical to get in exercise. Curiously, yesterday morning I felt great about my exercise because I worked up a sweat and stayed on 30 mins. I feel somewhat like I sabatoged that progress. :tongue_smilie:   I want somehow to keep sugar cravings at bay, even when Aunt Flo is on her way. I've heard that cinnamon helps stabilize blood sugar, so I may try that.   I'm determined to make today a postive day.




Finally! 20 lbs lost

2/1 - Whew. I was initially so excited, then it seemed I had to crawl to the last pound. Bodies are weird sometimes.   I've started exercising now, and it feels great, but I haven't had my first fill and so hunger is an issue.   Tonight I may have had my first backtalk from my band, whom I've yet to name. I was on the phone with someone after work and absolutely starving (I need to plan better), so while he was chatting I ate a hb egg (okay, two) too fast, and I felt like it was stuck in my chest. That is a really panic-inducing sensation. Fortunately I didn't have to speak, but I drank some water to try to force it down (although I've read I shouldn't) because that was my instinct.   That'll teach me to come home starving. It did go down, but it's not something I want to experience again. Now that I'm in the pureed stage I've got new territory to explore and it's a bit scary to tell the truth. It's hard to know what I should be eating.   I guess the lesson is, even if you think you're starving, you're not...so slowwww down! Phew. This was one of my first times feeling like I had the band.   Come on, fill!   Anyone name their band? I like the idea. Wanda Sykes named her stomach "Esther" so I am wondering whether I should go with a more traditional name. Decisions, decisions.   Helga? Stella? Genevive? Madge?




Does this webcam make me look fat?

Seriously, is there a good angle to be had from these things? The lighting is like a gas station bathroom.   I know I posted this before, but is anyone vlogging? I'd like to see videos if you've posted them. I hope this site will have that capability.   To all of you who list albums of your journey: thank you. I have often found inspiration just looking at your transformation.




Almost 20...wow!

Wow. It's 1/21 and I'm at 19.1, which lowered my BMI from 43.7 to 40. Remarkable. I definitely want to keep the momentum going.   I spoke with my nutritionist yesterday because I was concerned I wasn't getting enough calories. I was averaging somewhere between 300-500 daily, which is about 1/3 of most diets I've been on. When I started feeling light headed, I decided it was time to call her. She assured me that while I need to continue to consume protein in between meals to ensure I get the 70 grams daily, my fat stores would provide ample calories for my body.   She also said I might be dehydrated, and I think she's probably right, so I'm trying to step up the water consumption. I asked her about my oft-present burps that feel like bubbles in my chest, and she said I was probably drinking too fast (gulping or swallowing vs. sipping) and as I adjusted they would go away.   Because I told her I was almost at 20 lbs, she said that the next time I was in the market to go look at a 20 lb bag of cat/dog food. I did. It's really remarkable. I guess my question is...where does it all go? I'm not having BMs, so...am I peeing out nearly 20 lbs, or is it just evaporating into thin air? Weird. But cool.   Itchy stitches. Bubble burps. Missing food. Yesterday I got my son McNuggets (I know, yuck, but we had an appointment to make and he was hungry) and they put fries in with our order by mistake. That smell almost undid me. Almost. It's all still worth it. TJ's has some terrific organic broths and creamy low-cal, low-fat soups.   I've started reading Dr. Vuong's (sp?) book about getting the most from your band. It's simplistic and straightforward, which is just what I need right now. It's about maximizing your success. I also got a cookbook about eating after weight loss surgery that looks pretty good. Just gearing up for the days when I can cook. I recommend both.   Ah, to dream.:thumbup: In November I started stacking my 1X clothes to put them away because they didn't fit and I was starting to venture into size 22s and almost 3Xs. But at the rate I'm going, maybe those should be flipped.   I found an old bottom of some cutesy little pajama shorts I wore when I was in my 20s. They were my (only) sexy little pjs. Looking at it, I could not believe I ever fit into them. They are a size medium but look tiny to me. I am saving them. Soon I will be looking through clothes stored in the attic for...hmm...(geez, when did I last wear those? There are probably sizes 8-14 there)...8 years? 9 years? Whew.   Come on, big 20!!!




Has anyone ever received a response from the programmers at LapBandTalk?

I'm convinced my messages are going to a cyberspace version of the "round file". I've written twice on different subjects, and despite the reassuring "thank you for your post. You will receive a response within 24 hours", I've not received a response of any kind.   How do you get through to the Wizard behind the curtain?




Yippee Skippy! Nearing 25 lbs...

:tongue:So I guess what I was doing this week (despite groaning) was helping. I was so happy to see the scale move again. At 24.1 down now. And yes, I keep track of the decimals.   I am trying to find ways to reward myself that aren't food related. I got a mani/pedi and eyebrows waxed, which was nice. I bought myself flowers. I'd like to find rewarding things that don't cost money, too, but I haven't been able to think of any. It would be nice to take a walk but it's pouring rain here in CA.   My co-workers have been great. There's a percentage of them that know and I share my successes with them. We have formed a walking group and walk at lunch if it isn't raining. I also exercise on my elliptical at home - in 15 min. increments (morn/night if I'm really doing well). I can go up to 20 now and tried "hill" and it was pushing my lungs (glad I quit smoking).   I remember reading everyone's blogs here and seeing them say that their only regret was not getting the surgery sooner. I agree. I still have about 80 lbs to lose to goal, but I feel a great sense of confidence - not just for the loss, but because I feel in control...finally. Don't get me wrong, I still struggle. In fact, right now I'm struggling because I'm hungry and I've had liquids so I can't eat for another 30 minutes.   I have my first post-op visit with the surgeon this Friday. His office is pissed at me because I missed the Jan 27 appointment. My advice to them would be don't tell patients about appointments when they're on morphine. I discovered it because I was going through my all-things-gastric folder and saw the card. I have very little recollection of the conversation. It was like, "your doctor will see you in ::fuzzy:: - weeks, okay?" I was a little disturbed that they didn't call to tell me I'd missed an appointment. I wonder how long I would've gone. I think my stitches are dissolvable so it's really a liability check on their part, I think.   First fill will probably be in early March. I'm excited and nervous for it.   Next week is the end of the mushies. Then I work in...soft solids? I'm not sure - I'll have to look it up.   Valentine's Day. Hmm. I'll be onto real food, but I don't know how my husband and I will celebrate. Dinner seems way premature, unless I can find a place that will serve a healthy appetizer.   Oh, gross. Has anyone noticed the "drooling" smilie below their text when posting? It's the second one on the last line. This smiley thing is getting ridiculous. That's right. I said it.   See you at 25. :biggrin: Okay, so I use them too.




Okay this is gross...bowel and gas issues...

I've written here before about forcing stuck food down with water, which is a no-no. I have done it if I'm in polite company at a lunch or something, but at home I try not to. Lately, in fact, it seems my band has a mind of its own and wants to push the food out more than it seemed to before. I have struggled to figure out how to work well with my band. I try to let things come up more if they need to, and watch how large a bite I'm taking, how thoroughly I'm chewing, and what I'm eating. I don't know why I'm struggling so much.   Lately, I have a new issue. This past week and once the week before I've been seized by painful gas pains. I've been walking A LOT and my abdomen was distended for quite a while. I went on a liquid diet and things seemed to calm down. The gas pains were infrequent, but I felt a sort of low-level nausea. Gross alert: my stools have changed color in the past few days. They are now an oddly pale clay/putty color. I looked this up on the web and there are all kinds of scary things, except that I don't have the accompanying symptoms. Then I saw a post on OH that seemed like it wasn't that uncommon for RnY patients.   Have any of you bandsters had this problem?   I'm going to my doctor's office in the morning. The doc on call seemed remarkably unconcerned.   It's weird to feel nauseous and hungry at the same time. For some reason, the thought of my protein drink makes me queasy.     Any advice you can offer I'd appreciate.




Vlogging, anyone?

Hey folks,   Does anyone have a vlog about their experience? There's a whole banded community on YouTube and I've found their vlogs very inspirational. It would be great if we could do it here rather than YouTube. If you haven't already, checkout BandedWendy and SkyMoon on YouTube. I think they've had great clips and I'm thinking about creating some kind of video diary of sorts. Any thoughts?




Vlogging, anyone?

Hey folks,   Does anyone have a vlog about their experience? There's a whole banded community on YouTube and I've found their vlogs very inspirational. It would be great if we could do it here rather than YouTube. If you haven't already, checkout BandedWendy and SkyMoon on YouTube. I think they've had great clips and I'm thinking about creating some kind of video diary of sorts. Any thoughts?



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