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I've got mail!

So, since my referral from my doctor, I have already received and information packet in the mail with my orientation date. It will be at the end of August, that's only in 2 weeks! I feel like things are moving faster than I thought. I am worried most about my heart rate and passing the physc portion. I mean what do they want to hear? I know the truth but then I know they could easily try to say someone is not ready mentally! I mean of course you have an eating disorder if you are over weight. I feel like there are alot of obsticales to get past first before I can trully feel like I am going to have the surgery. I am also scared of going under with such a high heart rate, an average of 90-100 bpm when at rest. I know they will be safe but at the same time it will suck if they do not want to operate on me :eek: has anyone had this done with high blood pressure and heart rate? I guess we'll see how things go after orientation. Any adive? :wink:




I got approved!

So, after my last blog, when I attended the information class, I decided to move forward with it. I had to pass a physc exam first though, but I guess it's part of the process. I passed the exam, but then my doctor was worried about my high heart rate and blood pressure. So, she has a couple of test for me to do, but, I believe everything is so high from my weight. But she called me 2 days ago and said the refferal was sent! Next stage is orientation and losing 10% of my weight, Which means I have 22lbs. to lose. I am down 1.5lbs. and I just started 4 days ago! Next phase... orientation. :frown:




Just had my first information class....

Well, Monday was my information class. The first step in this whole journey. I am getting my surgery done thru Kaiser and so far so good. I learned alot at the class... somethings that motivate me and somethings that scare me! Also, giving up alot of my favorite foods and drinks... like popcorn... white rice.... white bread... pretty much any starch! Also... all sweets, processed foods and carbonated drinks! Even asparagus... which i love as well and found kind of odd! I guess it's all part of the process if you want to reach a "healthy" weight. Apart of me also is scared about the surgery it's self, but I think since I have already had about 1/2 a dozen surgeries.. I am almost used to the whole process. Now, of course the "healing" portion and the after effects of this surgery is something I will not be prepared for. Getting blown up with gas?? gas moving to your shoulders and causing sevre pain? plus, let's not forget that your stomach was cut open!! But, I am hopeful that it will all pay off in the end. Today I have my first doctors appointment and then 2 weeks from now I will have orientation. I have to lose 10% of my weight before the surgery. I guess I need to get busy.... I will keep you posted on my progress!



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