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One Year-GOAL MET well almost -What the hell now?

OK--Captain Mark checking in. Its been right at 1 year since lapband. I'm 4 lbs away from my goal and I will be there very soon. I'm analytical so I chart everything and can almost predict the day I will hit 225. Started at 290, now at 229. I WILL make my goal (estimate 10-31-2010). If I can stay away from the Capt. Morgan on the weekends I would get there quicker. Pirates need their rum. The amazing thing is that I took the summer off from the diet. Didn't want to feel weak out on the gulf. Didn't gain a pound during that 4 months. Started out wearing size 42 jeans and am now in 36. Damn--I look good at 54. So the big question, WHAT THE HELL NOW? If you are at your goal, do you let a little out and try to maintain or do you keep it tight and lose more? Would love eat that coconut pie at Thanksgiving. Advice needed. Captain Mark-out




How tight is too tight?

I had my 3rd fill last week. Wow this is tight. I can drink water, tea and protein shakes just fine if I have not eaten. I've been on liquids and soup for 6 days now. An hour or 2 after eating a small amount of soup I'm still feeling stuffed to the extreme, like it is just not going through. Have actually found myself "spitting up" an hour or more after eating soup. It feels like it swells well after eating. So just how tight is too tight and is this really a problem. On a positive note--Great weight loss! Not really complaining but is this normal?




Banded 10-14 and doing OK

My wife and I both were banded on the same day Wednesday 10-14, and we seem to be doing OK. On the liquid diet and not in too much discomfort. I'm having what feels like hunger pangs but I'm guessing its just gas ( I have supporting evidence that its just gas). But am just not sure what its supposed to feel like 3 days post surgery. Is it normal to feel like your hungry? Fishing this evening was good so I'm guessing I'm doing OK on recovery.:wink2:




Any guys out there--What advice can you give.

OK--there's lots of ladies on this blog. How about you guys out there? What advice can I get from the guys? Banded on 10-14-09 and wanting to get active quickly. How soon is too soon to start doing guy stuff? Tell me about your success and also of your struggles. What can I expect? Captain Mark:cool2:




3 Months since banding.

Well its been 3 months today since my wife and I were banded on the same day. I'm down 35 lbs and she is down 20. Have not had too many issues, although chicken breasts and I just do not like each other anymore. We both quit trying to loose weight before the holidays and basically quit watching closely what we ate. Our weights stabilized at that point. Its time to get started again. Going to drop the hammer down again Monday and get serious. I'm 1/3 of the way to my goal so hopefully I can get back on track quickly! Time to feel the burn. Captain Mark--out for now.:thumbup:




10 days since surgery--Why is it so easy to eat?

After many months of of agonizing about having the lapband surgery, my wife and I had the surgery 10 days ago. After 4 days of liquid diets we slowly (quickly) started adding solids. We are really trying to be careful but eating is easy. I feel no discomfort or pressure. We started off with scrambled eggs, baked fish and tuna salad. We actually had a small piece of pizza last night at our daughters birthday. Other than eating smaller portions, I feel no different than before the surgery. Guess I was thinking it would be worse. Weight has dropped 20 lbs since start of presurgery diet and 15 of that was post surgery. I know we added solids back in faster than we should have but just don't see the problem. What am I missing? Advice? Are we sabotaging ourselves?:wink:



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