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I'm Moving

Just a heads up for everyone, I'm following BG's lead and moving to blogspot. Here's the link: www.dirttrackdiva.blogspot.com My family members and friends that know I've had surgery weren't able to see these posts since they aren't members of the site. So I thought I'd make it available for everyone to see. There are some posts on there that aren't totally related to surgery, but it's my new home. Hope you all follow me there. I'll leave the light on for you. :biggrin:




Are You and Your Band on the Same Page?

I titled my blog this today because yesterday my band and I were not on the same page. By any stretch of the imagination. I don't even know if we were both reading the same book! :smile2: Does anyone else seem to have issues with pork? I've tried it twice since I've been banded and both times had disasterous results. Last night I was eating some left over pork loin, prepared for it to be a little dry I added some extra bbq sauce to my plate for the purpose of dipping and allowing the meat to go down easier. Took about four bites and WHAM! Stuck. I immideatly got in the shower. Sometimes it helps me to take a cool shower and get cooled off. It helps. Don't know why, could be all in my head, but it helps just the same. After about 45 minutes of slime slime and more slime I'd had enough. I did the cardinal sin of bandsters and stuck my finger down my throat. Finally all better. Needless to say I was on liquids for the rest of the day. The upside to my little improptu liquid diet is I lost two more pounds. A total of 42 pounds lost and 5 pounds from onederland. :huh2: Happy dance for my being 5 pounds from onederland. On the wierder side of life (yes it gets wierder) caught my dog dragging her butt across the carpet the other night......called the vet right away of course. Asked them what the probability was that she had worms. Vet said pretty good chance. WELL SHIT! :cool: Things just keep getting better. So I ask the vet what I can do to kill off the worms that won't cost me an arm and a leg. They said they could give me two pills, give them to her at the same time, cost less than 20 bux. :thumbup: To the vet I went. Got home, gave the dog the pills and no more butt dragging, that I've seen. She's figured out what makes me scream at her I think so she just leaves the room to do it. Kinda like a kid. Only my dog is the kid in class that is allergic to EVERYTHING and eats the glue. :thanks: Why me? Oh well, she keeps life interesting I guess. She's a beagle if anyone is wondering. And I guess beagles are pretty suseptible, just like kids to test what things will travel through their digestive tract. Preparing me for a child I guess. If I ever have one. Well, that's what's been going on in my little world the last few days. Have a great day bandsters. Talk to you all soon.




A Day of Peac and Quiet

:wink: Aaaaahhhhh.....this is great. Hubby is working today and the neighbors aren't fighting (yet) so I thought I'd enjoy the peace and quiet today. There are so many other things I could be doing right now, but why? :smile2: Spent last evening at my mother in laws house, with her picking apart everything I did and said. :boink: I could use a peaceful day today. Still slow and steady on the weight loss. Wearing a pair of jeans today that I couldn't even get pulled up over my ass 6 weeks ago. They're even kinda loose. Way cool. I really need to get rid of some clothes. If anyone is a size 22-18 and want me to send you some of my old clothes that don't fit anymore, please let me know. Send me a private message with your address and I'll send them to you. I don't need them and I want to donate them to people that I know can use them. And in this economy, who can afford to go shopping for new clothes? Even if they are a need. Well that's all for now bandsters. Hope you all are having a great day.




10 Pounds from Half Way.......Six Pounds from Onederland

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted anything. I've been so busy with my new job and so much other crap it's been insane. I feel like I've been on a vacation (too long of one) from the site. Sorry to all (if any) loyal readers of my blog. Thanx heaps for your loyalty if there are any. So many things have happened since I posted last. Where do I start. Had a Birthday on the 26th of September, the big 29, had some issues with it. So I got a tattoo.....on the top of my foot. (see profile pic) The words say "Pa Norm" and "Pa Jim" for my grandpas. In my opinion memorial tattoos are super cool, if done properly. Two of only three men I'd ever think of getting their names tattooed anywhere on my body. Daddy being the other of course. Went to the races the weekend after my birthday. The NASCAR race at Kansas Speedway. Needed to narrow it down, saying I went to the races is like saying Kyle Busch got pissed off and spun someone into the wall. (happens a lot for you non race fans out there) Always a good time. Did really well. I was very proud of myself. Usually there's some pretty good tailgate fare at the track. None of it bandster friendly. Came out of it two pounds lighter than going in. HOT DAMN! :Banane25: In other news the new job is great. Loving it. It's refreshing to work for a company that cares about its employees. Been there a little over a month and can actually see myself retiring from there if they'll have me after I finally graduate from college. Hubby has finally come around about this. Took him long enough. lol He's noticed the huge (or maybe not so huge :huh2:) difference in me since surgery. I can wear stuff he's never seen me wear that's been laying around the house. He's been begging me to get rid of most of the stuff I can wear now. Why do we do that ladies? Keep clothes around that without a small miracle (LAP-BAND®®®®®® in our case) will never fit us again in a million lightyears? Any suggestions? Went back to get my third fill. Pretty much at my sweet spot I think. I lost 6 pounds last month so I'm getting there. Slow and steady wins the race people. I'm up to 40 total pounds lost. My goal is 100 so I'm 10 pounds from half way there. That's the huge goal to meet right now. Since I never thought I'd get here. Figured out I can't have ANY TYPE OF BREAD. Tortillas, cookies, cake, bread, anything that you can ball up and throw at someone basically. Forget it. Had a VERY bad experience with a half a biscuit a couple weeks ago. :puke:NOT MY IDEA OF A GOOD TIME! However, never once have I eaten too much and made myself sick. That was my biggest fear going into this. It's amazing how my quality of life has went up. I'm actually writing this after reading all of my previous blogs from starting my journey. Holy cow how far I've come. I do notice though that I never waivered on my choice to do this. Never will. I'd do it again, in a heartbeat. Still sticking to an Atkins based structure. Pretty much high protein all the way for me. A lot of people ask me how much I've lost. When I talk to or see people I don't spend much time with that's the first thing they ask me. As if that's the only way they see me. I've told them to stop asking. I appreciate their concern for my well being and progress, but it creates a stigma about me and my LAP-BAND®®®®®® brothers and sisters that I don't like. I'm the same Erika I've been all my life, just skinnier. In my opinion it creates a worse relationship with food than I had before. They're constantly watching what/how much I'm eating. Not for me. Makes me nervous. I don't want them making special menus or only going to restaurants that serve fish (my protein of choice) when I go out to dinner with them. No. That's not what this is about nor is it why I did it. I've become weirdly shy about certain things as I've gotten older.......Maybe shy isn't the right word. Adult. Conservative. Discreet. Whatever, I don't want to be the one that puts the wrench in everyone elses plans. If I can't eat where the majority of people want to go, I'll sip my ice tea in peace and enjoy the pleasure of everyone's company, then eat when I get home. I want them to see me as the Erika I've always been, only skinnier, as I said. This has changed my life. It's amazing the difference it's made. There are no words to describe it. This site has saved me from the brink a few times. You guys are awesome. Keep up your great losses everyone. Talk to you all later.




Diet v. Lifesyle Choice

Just to give some of you guys a heads up about this one before you read it.......this might sound like a holier-than-thou soapbox speech, but it's not. If I come off that way I'm sorry, but realistically, this is my blog and where I put my thoughts, if you don't like it, there's the rest of the world wide web to explore, far be it for me to stop you. :rant:Ok. Now. With that being said let me express some of the things I think are different from a diet v. a lifestyle choice.   Diet /Lifestyle Choice 1. "cheat" days /no cheat days 2. I can have a little bread,it won't hurt me/ can't have bread get's stuck, ouch 3. I can eat a few carbs, it's no big deal/ NO CARBS     Those are just a few of the things I've discovered since I've been banded these last several months. (June 16th) I am not one of those people that can eat whatever I want and still lose weight. If I was I wouldn't need the band, right? :thumbdown: Duh, right. Anyway. Without sounding like a fanatic, I have to be VERY conscious about what I put in my body. High protein all the way for me. So usually if it doesn't go around on the ground on all fours, swim, or fly I can't eat it. Why is this so hard for some people to understand?! :confused: If I could eat that crap I wouldn't have gotten banded in the first damn place! :glare: WTF? I feel sometimes like people are trying to sabatoge me. Hopefully that isn't happening, but who knows. What I do know is this........I'm in this for the long haul (whether I'm in on my own is yet to be determined), and when I get all hot and skinny and everyone around me isn't, how good are their carbs going to look then? :frown: I wonder. I know what's good for me and what's not. Which takes me back to my subject line, the difference in a diet and lifestyle change. This is a LIFETIME thing. No cheat days, no wanting to eat stuff when I know damn well I can't. This is my life and if I have to go about this alone, dammit I'm going to. Yet to be determined how this is going to turn out.   :sad:I still love all of your my bandster family. My real family that doesn't know anything about/hasn't been banded can piss off right now as far as I'm concerned.   Sorry about the rant. But I warned ya. lol Have a great day banders.




On to Bigger and Better Things

QUIT MY TOTALLY SHITTY JOB YESTERDAY FOR A CAREER CHOICE!!! :party: Life is good. Man I hated that place. I was to the point that when I left at 3:30, if that place went up on flames at 3:31, I totally wouldn't care. It's hard to work for people that don't care about you. However, I do have another job lined up. Thankfully, in this ecomony no one can afford to be without employment. I'll be working at the regional office for American Family Insurance. Their regional office happens to be in the town where I live so that's great. Wroking in the fraud department. Starting out filing, but the great part is that I'm actually going to school to study insurance fraud. So hopefully I will have a place to stay after I graduate. So, as the title implys, I'm off to bigger and better things my bandster family. I can't wait. Start the new job on the 9th. So I have a week of decompression before I have to go back to work. It was amazing to wake up today knowing I didn't have to go to a job I hated. So back to bed I went and slept till noon. Felt good thought I gotta say. Well, that's all I have for now. Talk to you all later and hope this finds you all doing well.




Taking My First Steps

I'm finally able to start working out now that the physical therapist and my back doctor have released me to be able to work out. This is a good thing. I took my "first steps" as a bander yesterday.   Hubby asked me where I went and when I told him he said it was about a mile and half. And it actually felt good. Really really good. :blushing: Please excuse me whilst I toot my own horn and pat myself on the back. :biggrin:   Moving on from that. I went to the doctor about my voice since it still seems to be on vacation and the doc told me that I have severe allergies. :thumbup: What? I've actually never had allergies in my life. I was raised in Wyoming where it's actually too cold for allergies to flair up. This is even in the summer. Now I live in Missouri, and holy crap. I seriously thought I was actually coming down with some real affliction. Guess not. On the upside, weighed in at the doctors office at 212! Yay me! I go get another fill on September 21st and I'm hoping to be in Onederland by that time. Hence my first steps yesterday.   Well bandsters, it's time for me to go now. Need to get started on some homework for the day. At least try to do something productive with my day. Hope this finds you all well.




Catching Up......

It's been quite some time since I've posted.   The last time I went to the doctor to get a checkup and a fill I found out I'd gained a pound. :confused: WHAT?!? How could this have happened? Well, after I'd bemoaned all day hubby comes to me and says "When are you supposed to start your period?" I said in a couple of days and asked him why. :biggrin: Realization...........:hurray:halleuja! Never been so happy to start my period in my life.   Everything else is pretty much the same. Right now I have no voice. Woke up this way Sunday morning. Now I sound like Minnie Mouse on crack. Nice. :laugh: Not a good thing when you talk on the phone for a living.   So now my net loss is down to 29 pounds. As many of you know, I'm a scale whore. I weigh every single day. In the last few days there have been days where I've gained 5 pounds, lost 6 and the next gained it all back. :laugh: What the holy hell is going on?!   I supposed that's all I have for right now. Hope this post finds you all keeping on keeping on. Talk with you all soon. Hugs to you all. My bandster family.




Another Realization

Went out to dinner with hubby last night and we went to one of our favorite local places here in town. I ordered chips and salsa to start with and chicken fingers for dinner. Hubby ordered the onion rings to start. There we were munching on our chips/salsa and onion rings when they bring out our food. There were six LARGE chicken strips, fries and broccoli on my plate. I got three meals out of all that food. Before being banded I would have eaten all of that chips and salsa, half of hubby's onion rings and then my dinner. And still have eaten later on that night. Wow, no wonder I just kept gaining weight. I had given up and I knew it. It's also interesting to see what other people around you are eating. The other day at work I noticed someone eating a box of ritz crackers with easy cheese for lunch. What the hell? Is that even real food? People wonder why we're such an unhealthy society and why people are so interested in a quick fix and instant gratification. When one resorts to fast food and crackers and easy cheese for lunch there is something going on here. I've noticed one of the neater things of losing this weight.....I can buy matching bras and panties now, in sets that actually match! This is something entirely new to me. Since I was very large before I had my breast reduction there was no way I was able to do that before. Unless I had it specially made. However now I can go to Target and get a matching set right off the rack and it fits! One of the much cooler things from being banded. What do you all think? Give me some opinions on this instant gratification thing and how we all used to be. The kind of changes you've made and how you've come to your realizations after being banded.




30 Sticks of Butter and Onederland

Got my second fill yesterday (1.5 CC's, 4CC's for the first fill two weeks ago, in an 11CC band). So far I'm down 30 pounds from when I started my liquid diet June 1st. Doc says I'm doing great. Sticking with the 1-2 pounds a week average. I didn't think I had lost any weight. My scale kept saying the same thing every morning for a while. Still havn't started working out yet. Was going to start that today, but it's been POURING RAIN and it's hard to go out for a run when it's raining. Don't want to catch pneumonia. Already had that once this year. Let's not make it twice shall we? lol My mom has reached onederland. Dance party for momma. :cursing: I was so happy for her. I have not yet reached onederland, but I've got 16 more pounds to go. Wish me luck. Talk to you all soon.




Heavy Jeans

Good evening bandster family. Hope you're all doing well and progressing on your journey.   Today I wore a pair of jeans that were TIGHT :eek2::yikes::eek2::yikes::eek2:(I was looking for a smilie that couldn't breathe due to wearing clothes so tight, but couldn't find one) when I bought them. The only reason I bought them when I did actually was because my boss was having a holy fit :incazzato:cuz I was wearing yoga type pants all the time. Well I'm fat, what does she expect? lol   Today I put these beautiful jeans on fresh from the dryer (still warm fresh from the dryer) and they almost fell off. :party: After ya'll leave the party at BG's house, come on over to mine cuz I'm wearing my heavy jeans today. :smilielol5: Meaning they are so big and falling off me so much they feel heavy. Literally feel heavy. They aren't even tight when I sit down. :hurray: This is an absolute miracle!   Last time I weighed I was down 28 pounds from when I first started my liquid diet on the 1st of June. This is so cool.   Well all, as I said, party at my house. Wear your heavy jeans. Hubby's making homemade salisbury steak. All of us together I'm sure could eat what I would have before.   Night all. Talk to you soon.




Bad Food Day

I'm frustrated today. I can't seem to shake the feeling that I'm eating too much. Which severly depresses me. I guess this is bandster hell. I've had my first fill. That was Monday and my doc asked me to come back in two weeks for another one. In hopes to get me to my sweet spot faster.   I'm still eating around my plate the right way. And usually I have solid protein for lunch. Tuna or a turkey burger something like that. The worst I do is a lunchable, but they're still good protein. I'm just frustrated like no end. I think I need a hug. :cursing: I just feel like crying. :cursing:   Dark chocolate is my weakness, one of my triggers big time. Today while I was at the gas station getting my coffee I found the ultimate. A dark chocolate snickers bar. What evil person thought of that. However, I only ate half of it and threw the other half in the garbage. I wanted the other half, but couldn't eat it. I guess that counts for something. Then for dinner I had a little bit of cheese tortelini my hubby made the other day and some fried rice. Not a lot of protein, I guess that's why I don't feel full. I'm satisfied, just not full.   I've discovered when I eat solid protein I get fuller faster. When I eat pud stuff like rice or pasta I don't get full at all. I get satisfied, but not full. And I know I didn't eat too much, hubby is really good at telling me when he thinks I'm eating too much. Which is good, that's what I want him to do.   I just don't know. As most of you know my folks refinanced their house for me to have this surgery (I didn't ask them to, once I found out that my insurance woudln't cover it, I gave up. They did it against my knowledge and didn't tell me till all the appointments were made.) But it raised their house payment so much they don't know if they're going to be able to make the payment. Not helping me from feeling very depressed and kind of out of sorts. My dad is an over the road truck driver and is working himself into an early grave trying to make this house payment. :cursing: I'm so sad for them. Maybe that's why I'm feeling this way.   On the upside, I've lost 28 pounds so far though and I had my surgery the 16th of June. That's not since surgery though that's since I started my liquid diet June 1st. I know I can do this and that it's going to work for me. It's my last chance to have a baby, it has to work for me or that ship sunk. I bought a new outfit the other day and wore it to work yesterday, everyone LOVED it! It's my "I just lost 30 pounds outfit". :cursing: That's pretty much been the highlight of the last few days.   Well I guess all I can do is go to bed and tomorrow is another day. Hope this finds you all feeling and doing well. I love you all, you're like family to me. My bandster family. Enjoy your day all. Talk to you soon.




First Fill

Got my first fill today. Wasn't near as ugly as I thought it would be. There was also someone there to hold my hand though. That always seems to help. AND I'VE LOST 28 POUNDS! Party, party, party. In a little over a month, 28 pounds down. I can't believe it. And that's without working out. Because I tried a couple of times and it hurt, so the doctor told me not to do it if it hurt. Then I just never went back to doing it. I know, bad Erika. :thumbup: Things at worki are getting much better. I've received a little more power to do what I wasn't allowed to do before. At least now if I get in trouble for not doing something, it is actually for something I was supposed to do to begin with. That usually makes a difference. Well, that's all I have. Talk to you all later. Good luck to you all.




2 Pounds........OF FOOD

OK, so I'm sure you all are wondering what this is about. Well, mine and my husbands wedding anniversary was the first of this month and my father in law wanted to take us to dinner. So the boys picked IHOP, which is fine. I can eat eggs and actually called the doc and they said I could eat pancakes since I'm three weeks out as long I didn't put syrup on them or used sugar free. Well, I haven't eaten pancakes since I've been banded so I didn't think that would be a good idea. Don't want to eat something I haven't yet and find out, in public no less, that it was a bad idea. Quite embarrassing I can imagine, my aversion to vomit aside. :biggrin: So I order an omelet cuz I know I can eat those. Had one at home the other day, thought it would be a safe bet. They bring me this omelet the size of a PLATTER! This monstrous omelet also came with three pancakes, and hashbrowns. This thing was huge! And so I did what we're supposed to do, when I ordered I asked the waitress to bring me a to go box with my meal. Upon getting the box I immediately dumped half the omelet, half the hashbrowns and all of the pancakes in the box. I ate about 1/4 of the gigantic omelet I received, maybe not even that. I have a food a scale here at home to make sure I'm eating the right size portions (after my meltdown a few blogs ago, I went straight out and bought one, no more eating more than 1/2 cup for me by golly). I told my hubby on the way home I was going to weigh this thing on the food scale to see what it weighed. Moral of the story.......I get my to go box home with 3/4 of a gigantic omelet, a very healthy helping of hashbrowns and three pancakes and set that baby on the food scale. TWO POUNDS OF FOOD! Even after what I ate being absent of course. Scary thing is, before surgery I could have eaten all that and not batted an eye. No wonder I'm so fat. Wow, what a day, what a moment. As a side note, my dog didn't poop on the floor by the door (she does that when she's mad at us....lol) so she got one of the pancakes. And now the beagle thinks thinks I'm a God. :glare: Have a great day my bandster family.




Having a Really Bad Day

OK everyone, I'm needing some input here. Throw everything at me you've got. Are we allowed to eat more than half a cup of food before we get our first fill? I ask this because my hubby says that I'm doing this wrong. Because he FINALLY read the book of nutrition guidlines I was given in nutrition class almost a freaking month ago. I was banded on the 16th of this month and I've lost 25 pounds, so he says to me "think of how much more you would have lost if you were doing this right". Because the book says only half a cup of food. Now I'm not gorging myself. Not getting Thanksgiving full at every meal, but I know I'm eating more than half a cup. Since I was banded just a couple weeks ago, I haven't had a fill yet. Went a little overboard on the 4th, but didn't throw up. I'm eatin off of saucers. Usually a protein and a dairy at every meal. I can't eat vegetables till next week. Let me know all. I'll be checking back later tonight to see what you all said. Be honest, be brutal, be what you want. I need to know the truth and I'm asking for it. I feel like a complete and udder failure. I need to know what's going on and what I should be doing. Hope to hear from you all soon.




Back to Work

So I went back to work a couple days ago and my job still sucks. As you can all probably tell from my last post. The fourth of July was AWESOME! As it is every year. I have the pics, but they aren't ready to be posted yet. I can't wait for you all to see them. We usually have a really good fireworks display. This year it was a little small due to the economy and spending two weeks off work recently. Everyone spent about 100.00 and we still had plenty of stuff. Being as there were about 6 of us there all together. I ate too much last night. No PB'ing or sliming or throwing up but the scale showed 2 pounds more this morning than it did yesterday morning. I was grazing all day yesterday though. Fell off the wagon, today I got back on. Maybe it would have been better if those things had happened, then I would know not to do them again. I enjoyed the time with my family though. I've been approached by someone that is in charge of a local support group here in town and wants me to get involved and help him organize stuff. I think it would be so much fun. I told him I'd be more than happy to help. My hubby is getting much more supportive. Now that he's seeing how I'm losing and how much better I'm starting to feel about my self. And the "homework" is getting done a little more often now too. If you know what I mean. That's exciting too. When he tells me I'm a lot smaller than last time. Which was just two and half weeks ago a couple nights before surgery. Way cool. Well I guess that's all I have for now. Hope you all had a happy fourth of July and that it was safe and you didn't eat too much. Good night my bandster family and I'll talk to you soon.




Recipe: Salmon Burgers

I just had this for dinner and thought it warranted another post. They were awesome. And, I cooked them myself. Salmon Burgers 1 14.5 oz can of chicken of the sea salmon 1 tablespoon dehydrated onion 1 tablespoon parsley 2 teaspoons lemon juice 3 tablespoons mayonaise 1/4 teaspoon garlic salt 2 eggs, beaten 1/2 cup bread crumbs (optional) spoon salmon mixture into patties on a sprayed cookie sheet. Bake for 20 minutes at 375. You can also fry them, I didn't, I liked baked fish better. I also didn't use the bread crumbs. If any of you try it, let me know how you liked it. Mine made four, medium sized patties. Enjoy all.




Back to Work

Warning: :thumbup: Well, yesterday was my first day back at work. Not much fun.......today wasn't either. It seems I'm at fault for everything that got screwed up beyond recognition while I was gone. Still haven't quite figured that out. :thumbup: And to put the icing on the cake, they screwed up my vacation pay, even though I requested it three weeks ago, so I won't be getting paid tomorrow. :blushing: They're going to take it on to my next check IN TWO WEEKS! So now I have to call the landlord and tell him the rent is going to be late. At least this is only the second time in over two years it's been late. But still, it's the principle of the matter. On the upside, however, everyone noticed that I lost weight and said I looked really good. That made it all soooooo much better. :crying: <---it's a llama, too cute. lol I guess it was just my day in the barrel. Who knows. Other than that, not much going on in my world. I have, however, lost a total of 25 pounds. :thumbup: Figured out last night that I can't eat tunafish anymore. Hubby and I went to a sandwich shop last night and I got some tunafish (no bread, not really a fan of sandwiches anyway, but didn't want anything hot) and it was didn't go down well. The tuna was really stringy though. It didn't taste fresh. Well, I guess that's all I have for today. Hope you all are well. And thankfully, I'm off tomorrow.




Lazy Day

Today was certainly nothing major to write about. I did figure out however that I can't eat boiled eggs anymore. I made egg salad in my magic bullet for dinner and there were a couple hard boiled eggs left over. I gave one to hubby and was going to eat one myself. Figured it would give me a good shot of protein. I took a bite out of it and that's the closest I've come to throwing up food since I've been banded. Needless to say hubby ate that one too. Thankfully I haven't experience any PB's or sliming yet. I'm doing everything in my power to avoid that. I also have been really listening to my band and I can tell when I'm full. When it's time for me to the "stretch" that's when I'm done. We've all done the stretch. Before I was banded I would always feel full then stretch just so I can get that extra few bites in. Now I stop at the stretch. So far it's working pretty good for me. The cookbook is coming along ok I guess. Still slow but sure. My mom is on vacation for the next three weeks and I'm hoping to have it done when she comes home. We'll be able to eat about anything we want by then anyway. Hopefully it'll be our "first fill present", the cookbook. Well, that's all I've got for tonight. Talk to you all later.




Family Reunion Today

Today was my annual family reunion. Daddy's side of the family. We all get together the last Sunday of June every year and just talk about the past. Eat lots of food (except me this year) and watch the kids play at the park and swim. It's always a good chance to see people that I don't usually see and talk to them about how my life is going. This years crowd was very very small. I can remember when I was kid it was HUGE! So many people. We've sadly lost a few of course, but it was still really small, even putting that aside. My mom went up yesterday and told certain people about the surgery and they were excited for us. At least my mom told me they were. To heck with them if they weren't. This is my life and my health anyway, not theirs. One of my cousins told me that I was looking really good and she's glad I was taking care of myself. In other news, things are going really well. I enjoyed spending that time. Got a little sun and hopefully won't blister. I don't take to the sun very well. Just a thing I have. That's why I hope when I have babies they'll get their hispanic daddy's skintone so they tan instead of burn. I went out with my hubby and his dad last night to get fireworks, always a good time. As you remember from previous entries, 4th of July and Halloween are big events in our lives. You gotta live for something I guess. We don't party anymore and lately I don't even have food, so I've got to have something. :cool: Well, I guess that's all there is for today. Didn't get to eat of the always excellent fair at the family reunion, brought baby food, but it didn't do much for me, so I'm going to have some baked potato soup. Talk to you all later.




You can't hide when you're four wide!

Anyone who understands racing and the World of Outlaws will know what that means. For those of you that aren't race fans, or don't get it (which is ok. racing isn't everyones cup of tea). The World of Outlaws is a dirt track phenomenon. Here's how they work.....you take a car that has 800 horsepower, weighing 1800 pounds (with the diver in it and full of fuel), turn it loose on a 1/2 - 1 mile dirt oval and watch them go about 130 mph and turn left! WAY COOL! :rolleyes2: So that's where I spent my evening last night. With two of my favorite gentlemen, my daddy and my brother. It was great. So much dirt flying my skin felt gritty when the race was over. :rolleyes2: That's an excellent night at the races right there. On the Banding front, still holding steady at the 20 pounds lost. I'm on the mushies right now. I feel restriction with some things, others I don't. Pureed refried beans give me a lot of resriction, while other things like mashed potatoes or grits don't give me hardly any. I called the doctors office about that, they said that the fiber in the beans makes them more restrictive. Which makes perfect sense. I'm enjoying it though. When I was at the doctor for my checkup on Monday they set me up for the July fill clinic, which is the 20th. I'm going to start a work out regimen on Monday. Just some resistance band training and maybe some pilates. Not going back to boxing just yet. Although I wish I could. I loved it. Well, sorry for the long post, I guess that's all I have right now. Talk with you all later.




20 Pounds Down

Went in for my two week check up yesterday and I'm down 20 pounds from when I started. Part of it the was from the pre op diet, but 20 pounds is 20 pounds. I was so excited. My mom has lost 16 pounds. So we're neck and neck. A little healthy competition never hurt anyone. Lots and lots of driving yesterday. The docs office is three hours away from my house, so I drove to KC to pick up my mom, then drove to the docs office. Then back to drop my mom off and home. While I was at the docs office they checked my incisions, found my port, just cuz I was interested in where it was, then they set me up for next months fill clinic. Released me to go back to work and also cleared me to exercise. I haven't been doing that cuz my doc said he needed to clear me to do it first. And I also got a doctors excuse that says I can wear sweat pants to work. My saving grace. lol The coolest part though is the down 20 pounds. That's great. Had my first mushies last night. About 1/2 of pureed refried beans. And this morning I had grits for breakfast. One package. Felt some resistance with the beans but not with the grits. Different consistencies I guess. Oh well, just something I'm going to have to watch for and monitor. Didn't get sick on my first meal though. Which is good. I've heard a lot of people do after not "eating" for so long they over do it. Well, I guess that's all I have for today. Talk with you all soon.




One Week Out Today

One week ago today I was banded. As a matter of fact, I was getting up to my room about right now. Went to the grocery store today and got all of my stuff for my week two diet. The only thing I forgot was the baby food. Oh well. Stocked up on apple sauce, cottage cheese, and I got some stuff to make a few pureed things. Ventured out on my own today. Grocery store and got my nails done. Now I have to decide what to eat tonight since this is the first night of my second week. CHOICES CHOICES! Also got a food scale. Trying to avoid the overeating we all do. I want to be the first one that doesn't overeat and puke the first time I get real food. Got two inspirational things today. Two rings. One says "love live" on the outside and "be brave" on the inside. The other one says "the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step". Seems to fit where I am in my life right now. Still amazed at how much my life revolved around food before. Got my hubby's dinner while I was out. Two hungry man tv dinners. And I used to be able to eat the same! In one sitting! Kind of embarrassed to admit that actually. Never have claimed to be a wilting flower. Anything a man can do I can do better. And I mean anything. Well I'm very tired after all that running around today. Going to rest a while. Talk to you all soon.




Odd Pains

I know this is my second post today, but I just feel like posting again I guess. Hope you all don't mind. Experiencing some odd pains today. When I take a deep breath it hurts on my left side right under my rib cage (where I'm pretty sure my band is). I called the doc and spoke to the nurse, she said it's totally normal. Especially since I'm still less than a week out. Tomorrow will be one week. She said that it could be anything from gas to the body wondering what the heck this foreign object is that it needs to get used to. Which I'm sure is quite true. It's not a constant pain so I know it's not something that warrants an emergency three hour drive to the doc. Thank goodness, that would suck. Also I was drinking a glass of milk a little bit ago and got a really sharp pain in my chest. No PB's or sliming, just a sharp pain. Maybe from drinking too fast. I was wanting to know if some of you guys that are reading this and have been banded have experienced some of these things shortly after your banding or not. I'd appreciate all the input I can get. Even though I trust the doctors office with all that I have and most of them have either been banded or had gastric, I want to see what some of you guys feel about it. Please reply and let me know. I'll be checking back tonight before I go to bed (whenever that will be, took a rather long nap today) to see what kind of input I got. Hope you all had a good day.




Egg Drop Soup Recipe

By popular demand here is my hubby's home made egg drop soup recipe. Egg Drop Soup 8 cups of water 7 chicken boullion cubes 6 jumbo size eggs pepper to taste We like a lot of eggs in our soup so if you don't like as many, just don't put as many in. It's really good though. You can also use white pepper, but we had the regular laying around so we used it. There you go everyone. Glad it got such a good response, I'll have to tell hubby his soup was a hit when he's done mowing the yard. On another note. Ventured out for the first time since surgery today. It was nice. Wore a pre banded pair of jeans and they were really loose. Super happy about that. Still working on my cookbook and that's about all I'm doing today. Go back to work Saturday so I'm just enjoying the time off. Talk with you all soon.



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