I DID IT! this was my second goal.. and ive reached it. now all i gotta do is take it home to 160 and i have done it. this is the first time since i was 13 that i have been under 200 pounds thats almost 10 years. im soo happy i love this band! i started at 296.. then may 21st of 09 i was 275 that was my surgery.. im not 199! IT FEELS SOOOO GOOD!
Soo i guess an update on my weight is in order i was 296 at hieghest, at surgery i was 275 im now 6 weeks out and im at 247 and im STUCK! i got my first fill friday which was horrible bc i couldnt handle the 3ccs in my band.. almost threw up the water they had me drink then had to get poked again and the ccs taken out! ugh. well i have 1cc in my band, but thats not my problem.. i havent lost a thing! since going to the fill last week i have gained a pound! and im eating what i should.. the only difference is i added fruit and veggies to my diet.. not a lotta fruit maybe about half a cup and about the same or a lil more of veggies.. i dont understand if im doing it right why is this happening!!!! and the most frustrating thing is i hear ppl treating them selves with ice cream, subway, burgers and their loosing weight .... i only have chix fish or turkey, veggies and fruit THATS IT!!!! UGH! i hate plateaus... im not gonna give up i no i cant it would be soo stupid. im hoping if i just stick with it and keep working out it will come off again. (my goal was 15 more pounds by mid august for my bestfriends bday!)
soo its 4 30 in the morning i just got home from the bar and had to come on and wwrite how amazing my night was. i havent gone out since a month b4 surgery. and i just felt like a new person. just soo much more confidence . and i looked better and i met a BOY! i came home crying cause i was soo happy not cause i met a guy but bc i never felt that good at the bar b4. i still have only lost 45 pounds which i no is good but i still have like 90 to go.. and hes soooo cute!
Sooo i guess since this is my first one i should tell you a little about me.. im 22 and i just graduated from college. and i must say i have great friends and family. i have been banded for 4 days now and its tough because IM HUNGRY lol. but its ok im getting through it. it was a long long process as im sure it was for everyone. soo ill start from the getgo.. ive been overweight since i can remember ..at first it was just 10 15 pounds. like at 9 or 10 i remember being weighed in front of all the kids they weighed about 80 and i weight about 95. At this point i was chunky but it just increased through the years. it got really bad in college. i had gained about 60 pounds in college. and was the worst when iwas with my ex who is about 5'10 and 350lbs.. he ate which of course allowed me to eat more..
soo i decided to get this surgery after trying and trying. i was sick of being 22 and having my joints hurt already and not being able to shop where all my friends shopped.. also i wanna have kids in the next like 5 years and i dont want them to pick up the bad habits i had and i knew this would help me form good habits.
soo my highest weight was 296 and im 5'9 before surgery i had dropped down to 275 .. great feeling but i didnt see or feel a difference. soo far its 4 days post op and im 268. im happy its coming off but its really hard. i have bad cravings. no joke i dreamed i ate a cheeseburger ( i dont even like cheeseburgers that much lol ).. and i have bad hunger pains but i drink a lot and try to get them to go away through that. oh and i find tea helps! WONDERFUL!. i wanna get down to about 160 eventually i think for my height that would be ideal for me. and thats my long term goal. for now im praying for 20 pounds a month maybe not too realistic but i can pray and work my ass off to make it happen.
soo i guess thats it.. i cant wait for these 2 weeks to end so i can start incorporating real food into my diet! but till then...
SOoo i hit another platuea and it sucks this one is worse then anyother one. 2 weeks no lose! but im still pushin. i got a personal trainer now and i did a boot camp with him yesturday in a class. OMG! most intense work out of my life, i walked outta there in soo much pain, im lucky i even was able to walk out of there. but he was proud cause i actually finished the class i may not have kept up with everyone but i did everything. and him and the whole class were all cheering for me making me want to finish. i loved it. but today im in pain. its ok tho bc i work at a pool and he said he would come by and i could kick his ass in swimming lol! YAY! anyway i hope this is the man to boost my weight loose back into geer!
SO i am almost 4 months out and ive lost a significant amount of weight and i couldnt be happier. i feel amazing in every way. i can walk into anystore and buy clothes AND IM NOT THE BIGGEST SIZE.. unless its like holister but im not gonna stress that lol. my weights been going up and down the past few weeks but its about 212. from my heighest at 296 im soo happy. i wanna be under 200 by holloween. soo i bust my ass in the gym at least 5 days a week and still eat good during the day. we will see what happens. if anyone is reading this and is unsure about getting the surgery id say DO IT. its by far the best thing to ever happen in my life. im soo happy. motivated. have energy. feel good in every single way. and it doesnt help with the boys lol.