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Why do people have to be so mean?

Tonight I went to a birthday dinner at my bf's sister house. Just his immediate family were there. Some of them I have not seen in months and can't believe all the woman would not say a word when I took off my coat. His Mom had plenty to say when I was 42 pounds heavier. But now thinner..... No, No words. His 2 sisters did not say anything. I can't believe the compliments I rec'd were from 2 men at the gathering. One was elderly but he has met me before at that house and was like wow, u look different, You lost alot of weight. I responed and said yes, 42 pounds and 42 to go. He told me how great I look and still all the woman said NOTHING<>>> How hateful......The second man that spoke up was my bf's bother in law Big Dave. He came right into the dinning room area and soflty said that I was doing great and keep up the good work. He said he can really see it in my face. He is around 50 years old and he is very handsome. I was so embarrased when he came over to tell me he notice but it felt good. I really can tell now that I have gone done 3 sizes. I just feel so hurt and his Mom can't find any kindness in her heart and compliment me. She is so negative and is not a nice person. I love my b/f with all my heart. I really don't share with him how I feel b/c I don't think he wants to hear it. He knows that his Mom is abrasive because we have spoke about it before. He loves her but does know that she can be a bit hard to handle sometimes. He is her only son. She also has 2 sisters. I need some advice. I feel like, do I really want to go and be with them for the holiday. I am expected to go with him for all the holidays coming up b/c I have no family in Ct. My parents and brother live in central florida. Thanks MOM !!!




I think I might need a fill

Hi there. I have not had a fill in months. I called today and set up an appt for this Wed. with my doctor. I noticed my portions getting larger and I am eating more. I have not dropped any more pounds. I hope that this will bring me down further. I know where I want to be by Thanksgiving. Well that is my story for today. I hope u all have a nice weekend with family and friends.




Food stuck, sore throat

Help. I ate pasta with turkey meat last night (small amount). I feel like something is stuck at the back of my throat. I feels like a small lump. My throat hurts. It won't come up. What should I do ? Any advice from anyone I would really appreciate. Thanks !!!




Down another 6 lbs.

Well, I went to the surgeon this week and I lost another 6 lbs. I was happy with that. The doctor decided that I did not need a fill because of what I shared with him. I am still having bp episodes and wasn't too sure I was ready for another fill. But, In the end I would have went with whatever he said. I am plugging along learning what I can and can't have. Sometimes it really depends on the time of day. Next week on Wed. Sept 30 th I leave for a vacation for a week in Disney. My goal is strictly don't GAIN any weight. I am ok with staying the same but I will not gain. That is going to be a challenge. Well everyone keep up all the good work and take things one day at a time!!!! :thumbup:




Not feeling so hot !!

I have to be on liquids for 2 days. My fill was yesterday. I feel so hungry. Cold liquids going down feel uncomfortable. Warm liquids are better, but still not good. It is so hard watching everyone around me have regular food and I can't have any. I am contantly burping and get hiccups several times per day. I feel so miserable today. I wish someone had told me before this surgery what entirely was involved. I did not have knowledge of this site prior to the surgery. I am wondering if anyone else finds it hard after the fill appt.??? Liquids seem so slow to go down and I keep burping my chest to get the gas up. What the hell ??? :laugh:




Advice from ANYONE....Help

I am 2 weeks post op and last night I was leaning forward and went to reach my right arm and felt a pull/pinch around my largest incision line where the port is. I was awake half the night thinking I did something really wrong and made a suture come undone or the port flipped. It hurt last night to get in and out of the bed a few times. I took tylenol this morning and feel a little better. I don't know if I should call my surgeon. It is Sat. and I do not want to get him pissed. It was just a strange feeling and I am really not sure what happened inside. Anyone out there felt the same thing in your past experience and what did u do ?




5th Fill down 5 more lbs.

I had my 5 th fill appt. this am. When I got on the scale for the nurse I was down 5 pounds since my last appt. one month ago. I was at 3.25 cc and today he put in .5 cc so now I am at 3.75 cc. He had a hard time again finding the port and told me it is tilted to the Right. It was very uncomfortable while he was finding the correct spot. My daughter was with me, thank god. Things are moving slow but I am losing. Just slowly.....Does anyone out there have a tilted port also? How do u feel when he injects you ? I would love to hear from a few other people with the same issue....... :laugh:




Down another 6.5 lbs

Hi everyone. I went for my monthly visit yesterday to my surgeon and I lost another 6.5 lbs. in 3 weeks. I went away with my honey to Disney for 1 week, boy was it HOT there. I did have some episodes where I just thought I could handle a certain food or ate too fast and got sick. This is a daily commitment. The band does NOT go on vacation. I thought that maybe I was ready for a fill and he said, "NO!" We had a long discussion and he feels I am doing great without pushing it and going too far. He does not want to see me develop any problems from being too tight. I agree. I have 3.75 cc in a 10 cc band. I wonder If the 3.75 cc is still there?? I am still not having any soda. I can not eat bread or pasta. I try to make good healthy choices everyday and it is not always easy. Now I am really starting to see the loss and it feels great. It is wonderful to have to go to Walmart and buy a 2x underwear and throw out the 3x. THEY ARE TOO BIG !! I am most proud of the fact that I went away on vacation and still lost weight. I was aware and made good choices and limited my alcohol and did it. I was so worried and did NOT want to come back heavier. Today is a new day. I feel blessed !!! Have a great day to everyone who is reading this.....




no results yet......

Well I still have no restriction. I had the second fill last week and nothing. I am really watching what I eat and it is so hard. I want this to work and picture myself thin everyday. I just hear horror stories about how long it takes for this restriction to occur. Maybe years from now they will do this different. I am trying to stay positive. I had my surgery on May 11 th. I can't wait till the day comes and I am NOT hungry. It is going to be so worth it.......




visit to the MD

Went to the MD today for my 2 week post op appt. He is very pleased with the 15 lb. weight loss since my pre-op diet and 2 wks of post op diet. My incisions are healing nicely. I can't wait until 6-17-09 and I get my 1 st fill. I hope I feel the restriction. So many people say they do not feel it. I WANT TO FEEL IT. The next 3 weeks until my first fill are going to be hard. With no restriction and no fill it is easy to make bad decisions. The doctor told me I would feel hungry and to make food selections. I can't wait until I am not hungry all the time. June 17 th come on baby !!!!




4 th fill now at 3.5 cc

I went for my 4 th fill and he filled me from 2.75 to 3.25cc in a 10 cc band. He had a hard time finding the port and had to poke me several times. It did hurt this time. My belly is still sore in that area. I have been on liquids and today I am going to try some scrammbled eggs and yogart. I really hope that this brings me restriction. He told me to come back at the end of Aug. He is going to be away for weeks in august. Hopefully this will do it for me and I won't need him until then. There is another surgeon I could see but he did not do my lap band surgery so I am a little nervous about seeing him.




Waiting for First Fill

I go next wed. morning for my first fill. June 17th. I am getting very nervous. I am in a Wedding on July 17 th and purchased the dress 9 months ago 2 sizes to small. I am just wondering from everyone how much weight do they feel I will lose in one month ? I don't know if I should exchange the dress now or wait and see if I can get into it. The bride (childhood friend since age 5) is getting nervous. I am back at the gym 3 days a week doing step class. I just want to feel full and hope that the first FILL works for me..... Any thoughts ? I hear so many people say that the first fill did nothing !!!! any advice ?????




Really Need Advice

I went for another fill this past Tues and now have 3.75 cc in my 10 cc band. I am really having a hard time getting in my daily requirements of water. I am feeling confused. I am tight in the am and had heard about that from many others and was not too concerned. But today having salad for lunch and taking my time eating did not go too well. It came back up. I am burping all the time and the min. I drink something I feel it going down. Is that normal? Does everyone with a band feel the food and liquids going down? I can't eat fresh fruit it makes me sick. I don't think I have hit restriction. I noticed that I am sticking with soft foods trying to avoid any epidsodes. I feel hungry. My urine is slightly darker. Before this surgery I use to call myself a beverage hore. I love to drink and drink lots. I CAN't DO that anymore. I just can't. I am going for bloodwork in the morning. I am also due for my period and wonder if that is affecting my bands tightness. I am really finding all of difficult right now b/c I don't know If what I am feeling is normal. Anyone ready to give me some advice.....




Any Advice before 1st fill ???

I go for a barium swallow this Wed. morning at 8 am at Greenwich Hospital in CT. After that my doctor is going to inject 1.5 cc in my band. Does anyone have any advice before the injection? I want to get the best results. I have heard different things in the past. Should I eat very light the evening before? After the first fill am I going to be really hungry? What is the purpose of staying on a clear liquid diet for the 2 days? Thanks for your advice .....




Life is ALL about Expectations

When I researched this lap band surgery I really thought that the weight would come off a little faster than this. I know it is safer to go slower. I just want to hit this restriction thing and embrace it. I am still hungry often. I go next week for a weigh in and another fill. I have lost a total of 23 lbs and need some help to change my ticker. LOL. I try to follow all the rules but I am not perfect. I gave up diet coke and do not eat and drink at the same time. I have made so many adjustments and just want the best results. My surgery was May 11 th. I have now hit my $3000.00 deductible for my Insurance company and now all my appointments for my surgeon for a fill will be covered 100%. Any advice from all of you that have had great success I would love to hear. Thanks for all your support LB family !!! :thumbup:




What a difference

After this last fill, WOW what a difference. I can't believe it. I am less hungry. I am making better food choices just like my surgeon said I would and I am losing weight. I am now down to 25 lbs lost. I really feel it now. My clothes are falling off. I started on the Unjury protein powder at least once a day. I have one scoop in plain yogart. It is ok. Not great wonderful, but ok. I am working out 2 to 3 times per week. I can't believe what a change after this last fill. I am now at 3.75 cc in my 10 cc band. I go back in 2 weeks for a weigh in and another fill. Maybe just a small 0.25 cc is needed to get me to 4 cc. I can't imagine more than that. My body is changing and it feels wonderful. I am learning to play nice with the band..... :thumbdown:




First Fill Today

I went this am for the barium swallow and then to my doctor's office for my first fill. It was alittle uncomfortable for about 10 seconds. My daughter Amanda went with me and thought it was cool to watch. She is 19 and eats very healthy (I think due to watching a Mom struggle her whole life with the issue of weight) and weighs 110 lbs. He injected 1.75cc into my port. I am sore today in that area. I am now on a liquid diet for 3 days and he says to come back in a month. He will not see me sooner unless it is an emergency. The whole thing today was pretty easy, I am just soooo hungry. I hope that I will feel the restriction. Waiting to see.......




2nd fill

Yesterday I went for my second fill and it went better than I thought. I was suppose to wait 4 weeks for the next fill but called up his office staff Monday and made an appt for Tues. He did not yell at me. He was very nice and said I did the right thing. I had no restriction and was HUNGRY all the time. I was starting to feel down b/c I spent all this money. He pulled back the fluid with the needle and only 1 cc was left from the 1.75cc he put in on the first fill. He then injected 2 cc and said to keep coming back every 2 weeks until I get to the sweet spot. It did not feel uncomfortable like last time and I was not as sore in my belly area like the 1st fill. I am now on liquids and feel better about everything. I just want to have a good relationship with my doc. office staff and him. I do not want to be a pain in the ass. At this point I am feeling hopeful that maybe within the next month or so I will get to that great spot u all talk about ~~ restriction, CAN'T WAIT !!!




getting fustrated

I am eating more. I know that my restriction has left. I am eating more and more. I even went to the bakery today. I usually make good choices everyday. I have gone to my doctor several times over the past few months and he won't fill me. He thinks I am doing great. I am hungry. My hunger has not left. I am suppose to be at 3.75cc in my 10cc band. I dont think I even have 2.5cc. I don't know what else to do or say for him to see that I really do need a fill. I have lost each appt. and when I go back I think it is to my benefit for me to be the same weight. I really dont want to get a fill before the holiday next week. I do have a fill appt set up for Dec 1 st. I have to pray every night that when I see him on my next visit he will agree that I DO need a FILL. I went out for lunch the other day with a friend and ordered a entree. It came with a soup and salad before the dish arrived. I was able to eat the soup, then the whole salad (eating SLOW) and then ate probably 2 cups of the main entree. I have never been able to do that since I reached around 2.5 cc in my band. HELP !!! I don't want to gain......:biggrin:




Waiting for second fill

I am waiting for second fill. I only feel a small amout of restriction especially eating meat. The other day I was out to eat with my BF and I guess I was just going to fast. All the sudden, my chest started to feel pain. It was a big wake up call. I did not eat alot of food but it was how fast I was going. I have to learn to slow down esp. when eating out. When I am home I follow my lapband diet perfectly. When I eat out, I just have a different mindset. Why does food bring such joy? I have made so many changes in the past 2 months. I only had surgery on May 11 th. I need another fill and my doc. says I have to wait 4 weeks between visits. It pisses me off. I am paying for this myself. I want to get to the point that I don't have an appetite and can only eat small portions. I want the results so many others have had on this site. I think I should be able to pay the $ 175.00 for an office visit and get a fill. I am a self pay and just want GOOD results. I am going to hang on and just try to continue taking it one day at a time. I am back at the gym doing step class 3 x per week.




this is a learning experience for sure.....

After this last fill, I am being very cautious when eating. Not only when but what I choose. I am leaning towards soft foods for now. I don't want to have PB episdoses. I am down a few more pounds. I feel thinner now and people are really noticing. I wish I did not have to hiccup and burp so much. Sometimes the hiccups hurt. Last night when I went to sleep too quickly after having some tea, after an hour I woke up choking on fluid that came back up. It was just nasty. I was coughing and thought I was going to throw up. It kinda felt like an explosion in the back of my throat. Has that ever happened to anyone else?   My surgery was May 11 th and at this point I can't wait to get under 200. I am close and feel it coming.... Everyone have a good night.....




very difficult meal

I everyone. My honey and I got together with another couple tonight for dinner. He cooked really expensive steaks and we had a potatoe dish and mixed vegtables. I think I got so excited b/c it looked so good and I just chewed and swallowed way too quickly. I had to get up during the dinner and go to the bathroom. I felt bad. I was running the water so no one would here me. I got sick 3 more times after that. When they warn u no matter how much u chew steak sometimes it just can't go down, they mean it. I have heard this over and over. Did I listen, do I listen? NO. I just think maybe I will be different. Maybe, I will be able to get it all down. Tonight I was a true fat person inside. My thoughts were all about food. I have not had any restriction in weeks. I can't believe this happened tonight. I now feel uncomfortable and keep having to burp. I can't lay down to go to sleep b/c it feels like it will come up. I am glad that I really do make good decisions most of the time. Tonight I just feel like it was too much food and the wrong foods. I will have to make better choices next time when having this couple over. My friend Jenn was one of my partners to eat out with and not eat healthy. She was one of those friends that u celebrate food with. One of those friends that no matter what u ordered she would enjoy it with you and never say, " we don't need that". So I think that when we are getting together I just lose site of all the rules.... U know what I mean?




New Goal

My new goal with this lap band is to reach under 200 lbs before Jan 1 st. I really just can't wait to see 199. I am going to celebrate. I am 14 lbs away and think I can do it before Jan 1 st. Wish me luck all you wonderful lap band friends......:wink2:




Maybe the 4th will be a charm

I am waiting for next Tues. for my 4 th fill. At times I do feel like the band is really starting to do its job. Occasionally I do feel some tightness from eating too fast or too much. I am eating small portions and watching what I choose. I can't wait for my appetite to go away. I am so hungry all the time. I really feel like the 4 th fill is really going to make a BIG difference. I am heading to Canada next month for a week and my Surgeon is going to be away for 2 weeks in August so I am not sure when my next appt. will be after the one on Tues. I am in this for the long haul. So...... :thumbup:




Week 3 Post op

Hi everyone. I started back at the gym this morning and feel great. Did a one hr. step class. All the ladies were so happy to see me back. I have lost 15 lbs so far and my doc. was very happy with that. I had my surgery on May 11 th. I also returned to work this past weekend. I am starting to remember less that I had surgery. My belly feels so much better. No more pulling feeling. I can't wait for my first fill. My doc. says he is going to put in 1.5 cc after my barium swallow. I love Dr. Mollinelli. I feel so different this time about weight loss. I feel ready to use this tool to help me. Can't wait to feel the restriction. So, now I wait ...... :w00t:



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