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2nd Fill?????

Well- I haven't lost much since my first fill. I got the first fill the week prior to thanksgiving and I don't feel "restricted". I still only eat about 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup of food but never have a restricted feeling....i feel full - is that the same??? I have an appointment on Monday (the 14th)to get a second fill. Is this the right thing to do? Just not sure. any advice?   Thanks!!




Onederland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG.....I stepped on the scale this morning and it said 199!!!!! I haven't seen a 1 in front of my weight since I don't know when. What a great feeling.:laugh: I love, love, love this band. Don't get me wrong....this is a TON of HARD WORK. Bandster hell, making sure to exercise, chewing, chewing, chewing, the mental hunger etc. etc. etc. But WOW what a great tool....it's like a switch was flipped in my head the day of surgery and I know I can do this and it will be long term too! I am officially off my blood pressure meds too- Thank you God!!! There is still a ways to go, more weight to be lost, more miles to be walked/run/biked and weights to be lifted-but I can do this. If anyone out there is struggling please don't hesitate to message me- I wanna help any way I can. To those of you who have helped me - Thank you so much and I continue to look to you for help and support. Have a blessed Thanksgiving everyone!!! :cool2:




2nd day post-op

Well, today is day two. I am pretty sore- especially at the port site/inscision area. Did anyone else experience that? I have been sipping water and walk walk walking! Things seep to be going pretty well though. How are the rest of the October bandsters doing?   I also truly appreciate the words of encouragement and advice from those that have been banded.   thanks so much....talk to you all soon. :smile2:Leslie




First Fill

I went to the surgeon's office today- 5 weeks post-op. (I guess they wanted to see me 1 week early due to Thanksgiving next week). He was pleased with my success. I was nervous about the fill- I thought it would hurt or that heaven forbid my port had flipped or something(why i thought that i don't know......) It didn't hurt a bit. The thing I hate the most is having to be on liquids for 48 hours, but I shall do what needs to be done to be successful. :thumbup: I am looking forward to getting into some other exercise rather than just walking flat on the treadmill. I used to do spin classes......gonna get back into it!!!! (and some weight training to firm up some of this fluff!!!). Take care everyone :biggrin:





So, it's almost 4 weeks post op. I am healing well, eating the right things, exercising daily. I have lost 15 pounds since surgery, but none since last Wednesday. I think I got used to seeing the scale drop daily......also- note to self, "do not weigh yourself daily"!!!!!!!! Ha!!! I know my weight will fluctuate, and I know that now is a time for healing rather than big weight loss. I thank this site and the others on here for that information, but man I want that weight to come off!!!! I go next week to see the surgeon- possibly for my first fill. That should be interesting. I think I am just having a BLAH day. I hope all is well with everyone- take care!:confused:




2 weeks post op

Two weeks ago today I had the surgery that will truly change my life (and has). I am down 11 pounds since surgery and 27 overall. I get to start mushies today and am soooooooo excited. cottage cheese, avacado and tuna for lunch....chew, chew, chew! I return to work tomorrow- not too excited about that- have really enjoyed time off. Oh well- gotta make the $$$. I hope this finds everyone doing well. Keep you posted. :crying:





This morning i was getting ready for work.... Put on my jeans and the t-shirt i was going to wear. The t-shirt was an XL.....it was too big and I decided to see what it would look like to tuck it in. Low and behold.......i could wear it tucked in and not look like a stuffed sausage. I haven't tucked a shirt in for at least a decade!!!!!!! I got so many compliments at work today....i just couldn't believe it! This band and the work we put into it is fabulous!!!! Let's all keep up the good, hard work.




3rd time's the charm?????

Well- Im going for my third fill on Monday the 21st. I found out that I have an 11cc band. My first fill was 3 cc's, second was 1cc....no restriction. Hoping the third time is the charm.   We shall see................




4th Fill

Well I had my 4th fill yesterday. I now have 6 cc's in an 11 cc band. Hoping for the sweet spot. Still losing weight though so all is good. Workin with the band!!!!!




Today was the day!!!!!

I had my lap band surgery today!!!! I went in at 10:30, Surgery at noon, and home by 7:00 pm. apparently, I had to spend 3 hours in recovery due to my blood pressure dropping a little low.....they gave me IV fluids and that did the trick. I have some pain, but not too bad right now.....none of the gas pain that i thought i would have.....knock on wood that it all stays the way it is today...... So glad to have joined the bandsters!!! I will keep you posted.   love to all:thumbup:





Today I woke up, weighed myself and it said: 180!!!!!!!!:sad: This is a number I haven't seen in decades! I stand amazed and excited.




loneliness came knocking on the door and like a dumbass I opened it.......

ok..this blog may be somewhat disjointed but stuff i just want to offload somewhere.........so clearly this evening is not finding me in a happy state. I find myself feeling lonely and sad this evening. I would like to blame this on anything other than what it is..... Who among us has felt at one time or another: 1. third wheel 2. the "pretty" fat girl with the great personality 3. last single one of your friends 4. etc. etc. Now, I do know (but apparently have a hard time believing) that I am a wonderful smart, successful woman, who is beautiful and who has a lot to offer- recently been told by a few people and one bandster friend- things of the sort. I look in the mirror and see who I want to be,who I can be, but why can't I see that I am me no matter what. -there is just a better/healthier me hiding in all this somewhere. It's amazing what doing all of this stuff for preperation for surgery will do to your mind too.....I think about they why's of my weight gain, why I am not in a relationship currently, - and how I blame a statement made long ago by my dad(who said it because he cares...?? misguided as it was and hurtful all the same) "no one will want to be with you if you don't lose some weight"......digging deep here/unload,unload unload....did i say this would be disjointed? (great news though- my dad is very supportive of me through all of this and I have told him how hurtful that statement was. )   Anyway- what I look forward to most is this journey, despite the things that it may dredge up, may make me acknowledge and ultimately bring me to the point of fabulousness that is truly me. :party: I am inspired and so glad to have this forum to just share....and hopefully soon I will be able to share weight loss with you all. Ok...new day tomorrow. Going to Yoga this week, going to move ever forward.   Thanks all! my rant is done :cursing:




Two Week Pre-Op diet up and running

Well, I am definitely having surgery on Oct. 14th!!!! I started my pre-op diet on Thursday and thought I would eat my shoes, but today it is much better and I have lost 2.6 pounds. I am so excited to be on this journey-I know it will change my life for the better. Let me know how you are all doing....and if anyone is going to have surgery soon- message me!!!   talk again soon




Dreaming of mushies....post op day 10

Well, today is post op day 10. I am on full liquid diet until day 14. I cannot wait for the mushies. I am soooooo tired of grits, mashed potatoes (thinned with skim milk) and broth. It's just getting boring and unappetizing- so it makes me want to eat less. This too shall pass though. I have lost 8 pounds since surgery, walk every day 3 times for at least 20 minutes. Inscisions are healing (no infection).....all is good....just really want some fat free refried beans......totally craving that and cottage cheese.....(not on my diet till the mushie stage though). Im still off work until next Thursday- have a job that is very phsically demanding at a hospital. I guess I am also getting a little cabin fever even though i get out most days and do something- go to the park, a museum, a movie, etc. Well, now I am just rambling....Im glad to have this forum and the LB Friends I have made. Here's to the journey ahead. Take care all!!!! talk to you soon. :wink:




struggle, struggle, struggle

I just feel down. I haven't had the surgery yet...no issues there. I am just down in the dumps this week. Just needed an outlet for the blues i guess. maybe having some anxiety about all of these life changing decisions, but I know they are the right ones for me to make. UGH......blah, blah, blah. tomorrow will be a better day:blush:




Went on a Cruise- still lost weight!!!!

I just went on a 7 day Caribbean Cruise. It was fantastic. I was so worried that I would gain weight. My third fill didn't do anything for me, and it was right before we left on the cruise. I tried to watch what i ate- but it was hard at times- so much good food. I also drank with my meals at times (red wine). However, when I weighed myself this morning (now that I am home and have the only scale that I believe......) and I had lost two pounds!!!!! Such a relief.:w00t:. I have my 3 month follow up appointment with my surgeon on Wednesday- Iam hoping that he will give me another fill then- i want to find that "sweet spot". God Bless- hope everyone is doing well.




ok- small freak out

I am freaking out a little bit. My port site inscision is bleeding a little...... called the "on call" dr. for the weekend and he said to just put some antibiotic ointment on it and some sterile gauze. I have done that, but Im still nervous. Did anyone else experience this.....Im sure I am over reacting, but Oh my goodness, just have never been through anything like this before. thanks for any advice, encouragement, etc.   thanks, Leslie




Approval!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!

I found out today that I am approved for lap-band surgery. I will probably have it on October 14th!!!!! I am so excited to move forward with this journey. What an absolute blessing. I look forward to sharing this journey with you all. Thanks for the kind words given up to this point!!! Take care everyone!! Message me.   YIPPEE!!!!!!!





im trying to get the ticker thing working??? I created one, copy/pasted it into my signature....don't know if it is working? any help....I know Band Groupie has posted this somewhere..... thanks, Leslie




One Week and Counting!!!!

One week from today I will be having my lap-band surgery!!! I am so excited. I had my upper GI study done yesterday, and did all my pre-admission stuff at the hospital today. They did an EKG, blood work, and a chest x-ray! So, now just 6 more days of my pre-op liquid diet......I've lost 5 pounds (cause I cheated one day)......more to come. This is quite a journey and I am ready to move foward with!!!! I know there are several folks I have talked to recently that are having surgery this week and next....good luck to you all. talk to you soon!!!!:biggrin:




One of those days

I feel down today. Just straight up BLAH, sad, depressed....... WHY???????????????? I have no idea- i have everything to be happy about: great family and friends I tucked my shirt in on Friday for the first time in years. I have lost 19 pounds since surgery almost 6 weeks ago and 41 overall. I have shelter over my head I have a great job   Oh well, it's just one of those days....I am kind of hungry as I write this and I think that may have a little to do with the BLAH'S. My first meal of real solid food will be on Thanksgiving day. I guess that will be the test of my first fill - to see if it worked enough or not. Take care all!!!! After all, tomorrow is another day. :cool2:





Let me start by saying I love this site. So many inspirational, motivating stories, nice people and a place to share/say anything. Well, I haven't had the band yet- I am desperately hoping for Sept. or Oct.- but I am freaking out this weekend. I am working on my goals my nutritionist and I set up for the month of June and I am doing well with the no soda thing.....but the chewing/waiting one minute between bites...not doing so well. I also question myself (I have read other posts of people who have felt this way too.) and my ability to "get it done" this time. I have spent most of my adult life battling my weight, trying, succeeding and then ultimately gaining weight back on every possible diet. Im scared, but so ready for a change. Ugh...Im just really complaining today!! :thumbup: Good luck to everyone and thanks for the forum for support!




feeling better today.

Well- today is Saturday- was banded on Wed. the 14th. today i feel pretty good, just still feel like belching/causes pressure in my chest ......is this normal????? trying to drink all my protein and water etc. etc. going for 3 twenty minute walks a day.....i feel like things are going well. Just feel unsure at this point...not doubting my decision, but just unsure if I am doing it right. (does that make sense)? I have lost 4 pounds since wednesday. :wink2: I am thankful for this website so I can come get advice and support. thanks so much




2nd nutritionist visit of 4

Today I went to my 2nd nutrition visit out of 4.... and I had lost two pounds since the last visit 1 month ago. wasn't expecting that at all! I just got put on blood pressure medicine last Thursday.....not good, but I guess it's an official co-morbidity....LOL Here's to hoping that the next two visits will get here quickly and then surgery and then maybe no more blood pressure medicine. Hope all is going well for all of you!! Take Care!



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