I had my surgery on the 30th of April 2009,
I suffer form several forms of Arthritis (Rheumatoid, asteoarthritis, and a few others) as well as fybromyalgia and i have trouble walking since my knees and hips are affected the most. I have lost 26 pounds so far :thumbup: and can stand a little longer than before the surgery, so i know its going to get better. However so far the only thing i am doing is exercising my arms, as i am in to much pain to try to do anything with my legs. :tt1: Any suggestions on things i can do to get a regular exercise program to fit with my problems. Btyboop58
I had my first fill yesterday, I was surprised how quick it went and i had no pain at all,:crying: just a little stick from the needle to numb the area He added 3cc to start and there was already 4cc's in there. This isnt the dr. that did the Surgery, But i was lucky to get him to take over my case for the fills, Since i flew out of state to have the surgery done. I wish i had found him before my surgery but looked in my area and couldn't find anyone that took Medicare. Anyway He said it is very rare he wil except another Dr's patient, but under the circumstances he would take mine. :target: