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the waiting....help...someone ...anyone

okay so im going crazy:lol:. after 2 years of debating this im finally going for it. my hubby is in the airforce and we ae currently overseas in germany. i started the first step of making an appointment with my PCM but am terrified of not getting a referral. not to mention even if i do get a referal, so many people are having trouble with tricare. im 22 years old, 247 pounds. 5'8inches tall with severe arthritis and a degenerative hip diesease that can only be fixed by a hip replacement. has any one on here had hip surgeries (i've had 2 so far) and got approved for the band? im worried that it could hurt me instead of helping me with the surgery. they might say the hip diesease caused the weight gain and i know that you cant have any condition that causes the weight gain. you can only have a condition that gets better by less weight. even though ive always been a big girl, i have to admit, i wouldnt be this big if i could exercise more. (my hip has no cartlige in it so its painful to exercise.i still do though, and im sure with less weight on my joints it would be less painful. anyways, thrusday is approaching ever so fast and i have no clue what to do. :ohmy:




my story.....

like most on here, ive had and up and down battle with weight all my lfe. when i was 18 i decided i wanted to enlist into the military and i was not going to let my weight stop me. i lost 50 pounds in a year and thought for the first time in my llife i was auctually going to beat this weight battle. i was 19 164 pounds and i felt great.i enlisted in the airforce and was sent to basic in san antonio. i was there for 6 weeks and 2 days before i graduated i was sent home. turns out the pain in my hip (i had two hip surgeries prior to enlistment) wasnt becasue i was fat, but indeed a hip disease.my whole life was turned upside down.so here i was at 19, being told i need a hip replacement, severe arthrithis and i cant complete basic training. i think the next step is pretty obvious......DEPRESSION. although never treeated, i know i went thru it. i quickly went from 164 to 220 in a matter of months. now im 22, 253 pounds married to the love of my life, a beautiful 7 month old baby, and yet i still cant be happy with myself. i know the only thing holding me back is my weight, and im sick and tired of it. im no longer going to let this rule my life. i decided a month ago i was finally going to grow a pair and ask my PCM for a consult. my husbands in the airforce and we are currently in germany so there area lot of steps to getting a consult. but i did it. now ive got my nutritioist out of the way. ive had my psych eval...and passed.lol. and now i go to see my PCM on tuesday.im scared to death of what hes going to say. i cant afford this on my own and i cant lose it by myself. i'll keep everyone updated as my story continues....:biggrin:




I hate shrinks!!!!

:mad:urghhhhhhhh!!! i am so MAD!!! so after all my jumping thru hoops with the docs and the nutritionist and the STUPID shrink's 3 hour test....i go in today to find out the results of the test.of course everything was fine, i know im not crazy, and i realize how big of a decision this is. but the STUPID shrink (who knows nothing about lap bad, i might add and only about the gastric bypass)told me that she will approve me getting the surgery but , basically is going to request i go on a supervised diet for a while!!!! wtf?!!??! i gave them every diet in the book that ive tried! i have a food journal and i work out!!!my problem is not stopping when im full. hince the lap band! im so pissed off! not to mention i have tricare and im right at my weight limit so if i do lose any weight its just going to come back on but it'll probaly be another year before i can get the surgery!!!so im going to have to be fat for another year of my life, my husbands deploying for 6 months so i'll be spending the hoidays by myself and now...IM GONNA HAVE TO GO ON ANOTHER DIET!!!! I HATE SHRINKS! oh and did i mention that the nutritionist will approve me too for the sugery?!?!?! why would a nutritionist who specializes in food management approve me and the shrink think its her place to go against him? I HATE SHRINKS!!!!:thumbup:




i hate him!!!

urghhhhhhhhhhh!!! i cant even described how royally pissed off i am at my PCM. so i got to my appointment today (had to get up at 4:30 am to take hubby to work) get to his office wait thirty minutes just for him to give me ANOTHER piece of paper. but wait it gets better.....whats on this paper you ask?!?! MY TRICARE INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS!!!! something you think he would have given me when we first met a month ago. .....what was on this paper you ask?!?!?! i ahve to lose 10 pounds as a form of commitment to the lap band. i told my stupid doc that if i lost any weight i wouldnt qualify for the rest of my requirements...but did he listen?NO!!! so now i have to lose 10 pounds in like a week so that i can go back next week and get my referral. but thats not even the worst part!!!! were living overseas (hubbys in the airforce) and i have to be at least one year away from our DEROS date(date we go back to the states) to be eligable.we leave next may!!!!! so now i have to pray for a miracle and hope the hubby can extend our DEROS date so i can get the lap band. all this because my stupid doc couldnt give me a stupid freaking paper on my first visit!!! I JUST WANT TO CRY!!!




help me..help me..please..everyone..wei ght loss tips!!!!

:confused:okay, so in order to get the lap band i have to lose 10-15 pounds by june 30th. i have a hip disease and it really limits the amount of exercise i can do. and obviously i have no will power when it comes to food. but i really REALLY want the band so im confident i can stick to any weight loss plan for another 20 days. i did the cabbage soup thing last week and i went form 253 to 247 but i need to get down to 239. so i was wondering, if anyone had any tips. or what your pre op diet consisted of. i dont need long term tips i need quick fixes. my bmi will be a 37 when i get to 239. my doc only wnats me to lost this weight as a sign of commitment, but my insurance will approve me if my bmi is around a 39 so whatever i lose i will most likely need to gain back. seriously, i just need quick fixes....please help me. i want this to be the last time i ever do a "quick fix"!!!!




germany... tricare...frankfurt

hey everyone, im currently living in ramstein germany...hubbys in the airforce, and i was just wondering has anyone had the surgery recently over here? and do you know if landstuhl does it or do you have to go to frankfurt.i'd rather go to frankfurt anyways, that way i know someone experience is doing it, but right now i'd take anything. im 5'8 247 pounds with severe arthritis and a degenerative hip diesease. do you think that would be enough for tricare? obviously im also a 100 pounds over weight. i have my PCM appointment on thrusday. should i bring anything with me like my food journal, list of diets ive already tried,pictures of my $1000 elliptical sitting next to my counch in the living room .:lol:lol. or do i save that stuff for the surgeon? im desperate!!! ill do whatever it takes! we leave next year in may and i want this to be my last fat base! help anyone:blink:! please



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