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Went and got my pre-op stuff done today....millions of questions, vitals, blood drawn. Today I also started my 2 week liquid diet. :cool: I know it'll all be worth it though. Two weeks from today I'll have my surgery!!!! Yea me!!!!!




Woo hoo!

FINALLY got my surgery scheduled!!!! The date is July 13th.....HOPE IT GETS HERE SOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:w00t:





Ok, so I am waiting for a call to schedule my surgery. Lo and behold, my phone rings today....BUT it wasn't to schedule my surgery...it was to tell my that my doctor is having surgery and they can't schedule mine until they know when he will be back. I am so frustrated. I just wanted to cry, but I'm at work so I didn't. I was so tired yesterday and today I fell better, but this just pushed my to my limit. I know I should hope he's ok, but I'm feeling quite selfish at the moment. Ok...there is my venting for the day. I just want my lunchbreak to come quick so I can go eat! :ohmy:




About me

Well, I am currently waiting to hear from the dr's office to schedule my surgery. I always said I would NEVER have any type of weightloss surgery. My husband's aunt had gastric and almost died...another lady I know had a friend who died...so why would I do this to myself??? Well, after going to a lapband seminar I was not scared for one...and I knew this would work for me. I am 34...married for almost 14 years...2 kids ages 9 and 6. I want them to have a healthy mom who is around forever (insert evil laugh here!!! :devil:LOL!!!!). My husband is legally blind. We do not know if he will ever go completely blind, but I want him to see me as a HOT THIN woman at least once....just in case. I am very excited to get this done and with his help I know I will get through the rough days.



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