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Surgery Day!

I had my lapband this morning around 9 am. I was discharged shortly after 2 pm. Doc had me drink 12 oz. of water, walk and go to the restroom before I could leave. The port site/side is very sore and depending on movement can be very painful. The other places aren't even sore.   I'm not suppose to lay flat or on my side which presents a challenge for me. Getting out of bed or a chair is painful and difficult. I am in general weak, but as far as post op situations go, I'm doing really great.   I drank about 4 oz. of the Unjury chicken broth, and a couple of bites of jello that I had made and added the unflavored Unjury to so I could get in some protein. I've been sipping on light grape juice all afternoon and have now switched to water. The drugs make you thirsty for the first 24 or so hours.   I've had a fair bit of gas which is uncomfortable but it hasn't been painful like others have reported. My left shoulder hurts but I have a bad shoulder.   I think all in all I'm doing great. We'll see how tomorrow does.




Finally approved!~

I've been keeping a journal but a friend at work, Martha has encouraged me to blog so I thought I would go back and share some of my journal entries to help encourage others.   I've wanted the lapband surgery since before it was approved in the US. I read everything I could find about the procedure. My husband was adamantly against it and i knew all too well that it was something I could not attempt without his support. My husband, Mike has seen me through many difficult health issues some of which were life threatening. He is my rock and I knew I needed him onboard to be successful with this life changing event. In the last last two years I changed endocrinologists and was diagnosed with diabetes. After years of my thyroid levels being out of kilter, my new endocrinologist, Dr. Q, has managed to get my thyroid levels stablized and I have felt better than I ever have my entire adult life. Dr. Q has encouraged me to have the lapband surgery, has as my internist. New Year's Eve my husband agreed to at least go to the seminar and explore the possibility. It has been a long journey filled with various doctor's appointments, tests, psychological evaluations, and paperwork, etc. I am scheduled to have my surgery on Tuesday, June 30th at Methodist Germantown. My surgeon is Dr. George Woodman. Dr. Woodman has an excellent surgical record, but he is lacking in bedside manner. He abrupt and gruff and for many people the journey stops right there. His drill sargeant demeanor is easy for me to overlook because he has the surgical skill and medical knowledge and because I am determined to make this last ditch effort to lose weight and become healthier work. The statistics of comorbidities of the obese are shocking and frankly I enjoy living much to much to let my weight shorten my ability to live. So June 30, 2009 is the beginning of my new life. I've always said there is a skinny me inside trying to get out - well, now maybe she can surface.   :rolleyes2:




2 weeks post op and back to work

Ok, I've read about people going back to work as soon as the next day. My doctor even said most people go back in a week. Well, I returned to work after 2 weeks in part at the insistance of my bosses one who is a urologic surgeon the other a Pharm D. I had alot of trouble the first weeking getting out of bed or a chair but I have a back problem and with the adomen cut I needed someone or something to pull up on. Plus I was very weak. Apparently even a little pain med holds on to me for a while and makes my mind very cloudy. I spoke like a drunk. Anyway, I went back on July 14, and left about 30 minutes early. I was so tired I couldn't sleep. I did much better today and I made sure I started my day with a protein drink to help with my energy. I had an abnormal liver biopsy with my band and I saw the liver specialist on Monday. He ran some additional blood tests so I will know more later. Overall I feel good. I still need a nap about 2 pm everyday but I'm thinking it may be due to low sugar so today I drank some juice and I didn't get sleepy. Before the band I was always hungry and was embarrased to eat until I was full. It is absolutely liberating not to be a slave to hunger anymore. I love not ever feeling hunger! I do feel thirst but hunger is gone, and without the hunger, I can lose the weight. I wish I had done this years ago!



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