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It's Done

I have been banded today.I am doing pretty good.I do have a lot gas on my left side.I don't have any pain othe than the pain from the GAS. I am still a little druged up so I will have go into detail Tom... NO REGRETS   PEACE AND BLESSINGS




it'a so close

Today was my best day since I started my protein shakes,this is day 5. It may because I was not in the house I hung out with my sister.We spent a lot of time in the stores so that kept my mind pretty occupied. I did so good while we were out. I did not feel tempted to eat anything I made sure I had my protein shake before I left the house. I doubled up knowing that I was going to be out for most of the day and I had my Crystal Light with me. I can not believe that my date is so close in 24 hours I will at Providence Hospital having my Lap-band!! It has taken me almost 8 years to finally mentally take a look at myself and say it is time. I have been to so many seminars I read so many stories on here that there is really not much that I don't know about having band other than actually having it. I do sometimes wish that I would have it done right after my son was born almost 8 years ago,but I hesitated because I wanted to have another child even though they say you can still have a baby with the band at that time I just wasn't sure.Then there was last year when I thought I was ready I wasn't. So here I am ready, so ready to start a new chapter in my life.   when I really think about what has taken me so long other than the mental part it was people who have been in my life telling me I look like I lost weight when I knew I had gained and then it was those telling me you are so tall were is all that weight.Well I know were it is hiding underneath my clothes LOL. I can't believe I am blogging I have never done this before and I am sure some you are saying yea we can tell because you are all over the place LOL. I like it it's better than writing in a journal for me until Tom. Peace and blessings




one day at a time

That's all I can do is take it one day at a time and know that in the end it will be well worth it.   Today is Wed. at 12:05 in the morning I can't sleep. I am really not sure why I don't feel nervous or anxious or maybe I am and just don't realize it.Well today went pretty good only one headache.I think I really need to switch back to my other soy milk that silk soy is giving me gas bubbles , and from what I have read on the site and heard that is the last thing I want post-op. I did get to speak with a friend of a friend who had the band about a month ago,she did offer some advice .but it was the same stuff I had already read.She went for her first fill and her Dr wasn't happy because she had not lost the weight she should have.So I guess someone hasn't been a good patient (LOL). she did tell me that she did not have to do the protein due to her working out and losing about 25 pounds.I thought that was great . my Dr. requires it the protein she was a first i have heard that.any way until tom. I am 48 hours away I am so excited:w00t:




I think I can

Omg why is this time harder day 4,I am getting headaches and I am not the nicest person to be around. I guess I should have stayed the protein shakes. I am really having a hard time this go around. I love the brand that I drink I even went and bought the isopure there ok. The dietician did say we could have lite cream soup which would be great if ate tomato soup or if I could find something I like.   oh Tina stop your complaing things could be a lot worse. My insurance could have denied , I could be a really unhealthy person that I could not have the surgery, or I could have spent the rest of my life buying ever diet product and workout dvd that came on tv.   So let's focus on the brighter side of things. although you are over 300 pounds you are very healthy no health issue at all other than being over weight. You only have three more days until you get banded. You have a supportive family. YOU CAN DO IT!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! this self talk really helped I am no longer hunger or angery at every one in my house. unitl Tom.




Pre-op part 2

I went to my final consult on June 5th. He explained to me what was going to happen and to see if I had any questions.He also said you will be on the 10th I said no the 12th he said wow how many are they putting on that day. Anglea is the person who schedules the band dates handed me my papers to have my pre -surgery test done.She also made it very clear that anything can happen were as the date may change. In my head I knew it would just from the comment Dr. Rickford made.The next day I get a call saying we need to move your date to the 17th I say I can't that day my son's end of the year program is that day so she moves to the 19th which I agreed on on forgetting that I have I bus trip to go on the next day. I called her back and I could tell in her voice that she had no intentions of changing the date again. I asked her if I would be ok if I went on the trip she said it was up to me. On Thursday I went and had all of my pre-ops done X-ray, EKG and blood work that was a long day oh and I had to pre-register.   So now I have a week to enjoy some of my favorite foods. So I thought...because I had been on the protein shakes so long that when it came time for me to eat my jaws hurt. I could not believe how long it took me to eat dumplings. If I ate to much of anything I paid for it dearly I had heart burn and acid refulx in the middle of the night.   June 12th I started back on the protein shakes I hope I am able to make it being that I have already done the protein before and then I was able to eat and now I am back on them again. This is day two and I really tried to sleep as much as I could just to keep my mind off food....




My pre-op Journey

On May 18th I get a call from my surgeons office it's patient coordinator she tells me that she should be hearing back from ins. in a day or two I say great we hang up.She calls me back 15mins. later to say that the DR. wants me to lose 15 pounds and she proceeds to tell me to go on the protein only diet drinking 5 shakes a day with sf jello and pudding. Again I say OK but, this time my heart is racing I am thinking I can't believe she just called me today with no warning so I could a least mentally get myself together. Well of I went to find protein, Jello and broth. Day 1- was fine I found one that I really liked and one that was awful I returned that one to get the brand I liked the Syntha-6. My husband and kids had pizza for dinner and it did not bother me. Day 2- OK now I am wondering do what did I do that was so bad that I can't eat. Day 3- I am losing it I have emailed the dietician to ask her is there any other way we can do this. Day 4- I really don't know how much more of this I can take. I go to the support group meeting hoping that would help and I knew that Kristen would be there she is the dietician. she did help a lot she told me to and one extra shake because I was only getting 1260 cal. and will start to affect me mentally. little did she know the night before i had a dream that I was eating shrimp and some kind of pastry. Day 5- I switch to soy milk and I add four ice cubes to the blender that gave the filling that I was getting more than I was and it worked.That same day I call saying that I was approved and my surgery date will 6/12 that made really happy. I also had to go and get my first weigh in so I had lost 8 of the 9 pounds I had gained since 4/15. Now I need to lose 16 pounds more. Day6- I weighed myself and I have lost 6 more pounds and I have lost some desire to eat. I am only on three of the 5 shakes so everything is going great for now. Tom. will be the challenge I have to go on 6 hour road trip 3 going and 3 back wish me luck.



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