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nancycarolsnead@yahoo.com i am waiting for insurance approval it seems to b taking too long i am ready for surgery and i guess i am a bit impatient but all i can do is wait and it is hard

Entries in this blog


2 months anniversary

hello everyone well its already been 2 months since i got my band i have already had 1 fill and go nov 30 for my 2nd one i am loosing wt sometimes i think it is too slow i have dropped down from a size 22-24 to a size 16-18 and ppl r all telling me how good i am doing they can c my wt loss but when i c myself in a mirrow i c my self as an obese lady i am wondering just how long i will have these feeling even if i am a size 10-12 i am still not exercising as i should cant get motivated to go to the to the gym i have bathing suits and gym clothes to wear more than enough i am going back to the therapist i used to go to to go to i am hoping she can help me i think she is a good thereapist tu all:smile:




3 month anniversary of surgery

:confused: hello everyone its been a very LONG time since i let u all know how i have been doing went on oct 15 for my first fill i waited but still no restriction so now i an appointment on nov 30 for another fill i basically stay hungrey most of time and have been stuck i dont feel very happy about it i am mad at myself i wanted to do so good not just for my self but for my surgeon and just to sh0w the 2 quacks i went to i want them to know that what they did was so wrong so very wrong:frown:




my day is almost here





only 6 no 5 more days

:thumbup:hello everybody i went to hospital today to get all my admissions forms and test done i got kinda upset for after the nurse weighed me she told me she would have to let my surgeon know cause i had gained wt since i was weighed last thurs i think it was there scales since they had the old type and not the newer digital ones i didnt get a phone call from dr today but as soon as i got home i started on my protein shakes and took my fluid pills i hadnt taken them in a few days and weighed on my scales which r new and i was down to the wt i had when i went last thursday to c my dr i think if i dont go off my liquid diet and drink my protein drinks i will even loose more wt before tues sept 15 so long for now:huh2:




one day closer 1 week from tooday

:thumbdown: well its 1 weeK UNTIL i have my surgery i cant believe it i am finally getting my band i am soo excited but also a little scared will b glad to finally get it i hope that i loose my weight i want to b healthy i cant wait to show all those ppl who didnt really want me to have it ppl who told me i would not b a good candidate for the surgery who gave me the run around and even took my money and for the wt loss surgeon who lied just to keep me from getting my band i cant wait to show him especially his incopetant staff who thought they knew everything but didnt:thumbup::ohmy:




hello surgery date is closer

:cool:today is sunday and soon this day will b over and 1 day less until i have my surgery i cant wait i think i am ready and have been ready for a very long time cant wait to show all the ppl who gave me a hard time and told me i couldnt have it or i wasnt a good candidate for the wt loss surgery i didnt listen to them i showed those ppl or ah as i call them i would not give up and i didnt ever give up everyone have a good nite :ohmy::thumbdown:




surgery date is getting close

hello everyone just 10 more days and i will get my band i cant wait very excited went on thursday to the hospital and had the ivc put in i had to lay flat on my back couldnt raise my head or move my rt leg for 4 hrs and that sure was hard after going thru all that after i left the hospital i went to c my wt loss surgeon he gave me all the scripts i needed so i will have them all before my surgery i now feel that this is not a dream but it is really happening finally i am glad i didnt listen to all those ppl who told me i should give up my idea and dream of having wt loss surgery and even the stupid drs who told me i was not a good candidate and even lied to other surgeons just to keep me from having my wt loss surgery the drs who only care about getting rich and dont care about there patients just them selves and have staff who r incompetant no more i showed them i didnt give up never never never they were wrong and even evil i think when i loose my wt i am gonna show them all and make them feel bad like they made me feel:smile2:




one day closer

:smile:good morning to all IT it is 1 day less i have to wait for my band it is now 2 weeks from tuesday my surgery is the first case of the day as i have to b at hospital by 6:30 am i have almost everything ready to go wish me luck as i enter a new phase of my life as i get healthier wish me luck as i began an exercise routine and stick to it i know this is a good decision for me i have really worked hard to get here it has not been an easy road for me some ppl have put road blocks before me i did not give up i got sick with blood clots i did not give up and i am glad i did not either i know i have a hard time ahead of me but that is ok if anyone is having a hard time getting approved or whatever keep on trucking dont give up u can make it i did:thumbup:




a dream comes true

:blushing: this past tuesday i got the news i have been praying for for so long i have a surgery date tuesday sept .15 i go thursday sept 3 for an ivp insfinalertion i had blood clots last oct and then later that day i go c the wt loss surgeon for my pre-op appointment sometimes i think i am dreaming but i know it is true i just cant believe it is comimg true i am getting my band:thumbup:



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