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Okay, got my car smashed, rear ended on way to gym at freeway offramp light...back hurts, going to bed...did well on diet today.




Pre-Op Diet starts today!

Okay, today I am starting pre-op diet, only healthy easy to eat food and liquids. I did all the pigging out yesterday that I need to. Water, water, water, exercise, exercise, exercise are my goals, don't give up ALYSHA!





Okay, my arms are sooo fat, I have a double chin, rolls on my tummy, yuck! Why is it taking so long to get to June26th?????? I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait. Last night had a Lap Band dream that I was getting it done in Hong Kong, lol...I couldn't ask for medicine because everything was in Chinese - tee hee...I'm sooo not into work today, had a great month and I'm stalling until the new month starts for my sales quota...but damn, I reall hate looking in the mirror at this point.




I am oinking too much pre-op!

:welcomeB: :funscale:   Okay - I will really, really, really stop eating badly. It's like I know surgery is coming and I'm trying to get all the good stuff in. I am going to start pre-op diet on the 9th....




Today's the day to stop "socially smoking"

Well, I only smoke about 2 - 3 cigarettes a day, bad habit I recently picked up (again). However, I promised myself and patient coordinator that I would quit 30 days prior to surgery today is the day. I really am motivated, I hate the smell, I can go days without smoking, but inevitably stress will make me cave in, I can NOT let that happen!!!!




Got surgery date, hurrah!

05/23/06- Just got date yesterday. Going to Mexico on June 26th, 06 for my surgery. Puerto Vallarta Mexico with Dr. Joya. I did quite a bit of research and I've heard great things about him and Gerald his assistant was very helpful. I am doing selfpay because insurance company says I'm not fat enough and not enough co-morbidties. I do have High Cholestoral (240) and have been working out the lat few months, however, I now have heel spurs due to exercising too fat!!!! Catch 22, need to exercise to lose weight, but exercising is painful cuz of weight!     Anyways, the surgery is going to be about $8000 - bought tickets straight through to Puerto Vallarta from LAX, a $1000 bucks, wow! Upgraded to 1st class for the trip home because I'm sure I will not be feeling to great :help: :faint:  



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