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Trying hard to get ready
Trying hard to get ready
The Summer of 2009
Testing My Ticker
Terrible typist
Saddest day
One Month Down
Needing Prayers
My Ass is Missing
Musings on Monday (except it's Tuesday)
I love that it's almost Fall even though it's still in the 90's here in Texas. The Fall decorations are out and High School football is in full swing. So much fun.
My mom had her 76th birthday on Friday and we celebrated. What do you do when you know it's probably the last time you'll get to blow out birthday candles on your cake? I had a real hard time with it but managed to make it a fun time for her. She was beautiful with her makeup and her wig - always putting her best face forward despite the cancer. I wish I could do more.
My husband entered a 100 mile canoe race this weekend with a friend. He finished in 19 hours, and it'll take him 19 DAYS to recover.
I crave popcorn but I'm scared to try it.
I keep forgetting not to drink with meals.
The flu bug is really bad here. Wash your hands people. And if you're sick, for gosh sakes - stay home.
Think about how nasty and germy the handles of a grocery cart are. Then wash your hands again.
I have people ask me all the time now if I've lost weight. It's a great feeling.
New season of Ellen started today - have it dvr'd and ready to watch.
Any idea when Grey's Anatomy is back on???
This doesn't have much to do with the lap band, but I guess my point is that life is still very normal for me. I don't think about the band as much and that's nice. Have a great week everyone. Pray for my mom and all the others who need our prayers. Hook 'em horns!
Musings On Monday
My sister in law got married Saturday at the beach with a poolside reception. Her cake melted.
I don't do well with mimosas.
I don't do well with shrimp.
My Aloe Vera plant helps my sunburn.
Unlike BG, I still weigh more than my husband, but not for long.
My mom has one more week of brain radiation and then we'll go from there.
Cancer sucks.
Sometimes coming to work is a relief when your everyday life is hectic.
I hate back to school clothes shopping for my 16 year old daughter.
If anyone is looking for a great charity, consider the Make A Wish Foundation.
Milky Way bars (the small bite-size ones) go down just fine.
I don't miss Diet Coke anymore. It doesn't taste as good as it once did.
I can take my pants off without unbuttoning them.:thumbup:
I want to win the lottery soon.
Has Bashful had a date yet with "Hot Eric"?:cursing:
I need another fill soon.
I have a great family.
DD1 left her kitty with me to babysit while she went to Tennessee and now I won't give her back. We've bonded.
Have a great week everyone. Lauraq
Musings On Monday
I'm ready for Fall decorations.
I haven't lost any weight this past week. My BMI is now 34 which moves me from severly obese, to just obese. Somehow, that makes me feel better.
Went out to eat with hubby Saturday night - had enough leftovers for 2 more meals. But I finished part of it later, when we got home.:laugh:
I did order a diet water - what the hell is diet water???
School started today for my 16 year old. Woot! She hasn't been up before 10AM all summer. Her alarm went off at midnight - she set it wrong - and started to get ready. She thought it was dark outside because it was 6:30 AM.
My mom finished her brain radiation, and has been very tired. She is not as alert and sharp as she usually is, as her brain continues to swell with from the radiation.
But...kudos to her for getting up every morning, putting on full makeup, fluffing her wig, putting on her jewelry and clothing and saying "SCREW CANCER!!! At least I'm going to look good!"
I've learned this from my mom in the past few weeks - and that is: to not hold postmortems. Not to spend my life brooding over past mistakes and failures. So, I'm not going to spend any more time lamenting that I've been fat for so long - I'm going to celebrate getting thinner and healthier - even if I make mistakes along the way. I invite you all to do the same.
I watched the Miss Universe pagaent last night and wonder if those girls ever eat. I mean, come on. You can see ribs. I have never been able to see my ribs.
I still haven't won the lottery, so I'm working today.
I heard someone say this weekend that they were so fat, they could sell shade.
Christmas is a mere 4 months away.
I love my lap band family and although I don't obsess about reading all the comments every few hours like I did initially, it's still comforting knowing you are all there.
What's up Bashful?
Have a great week everyone, Lauraq
Making It Through Tough Times
Low Carbing
Life is About to Change
Life at Almost 3 Weeks After Banding...
June 29!!!! It's A Go
It's A Monday
Is It Friday Yet?
I'm Banded!
I Miss My Mom
Happy Fourth of July
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