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Busy month!

So what has been going on? I have been very busy, with all this new energy. I am down to 239 by my PCMs scale and look forward to the Official scale at the LB Dr office.   This last fill was a new learning experience. For the better, it really cut me off where I needed it. I had a lot more barfing but all because I didn't do my part, chewing small bites...that kind of thing.   Other than that I feel great! I started working out, The Crunch Dance, and a few others I like....and going to borrow an elliptical from a friend.   My inner thighs are just aweful, at least while fat they were solid...now just dripping puddles of chub hanging down--not liking it AT ALL!! So all bets are on the Elliptical!   I fit into the CUTEST Lane Bryant bermudas in an 18 today--only to find they didn't have the style I wanted in 18! ROFL Geesh.   Tops are now 18/20's!!! LOVE it.   I hope you are ALL doing great out there. I hope to get on and catch up with some of you.




This last fills thoughts

SO I know get that every fill is different. I wsa good with the 2...3...was a whole new learning curve! Totally changed what I could eat--for the gooD...save me from myself! lol I am very pleased with it, I am hoping for one more light one I think, and I will be rockin n rolling along.   Funny how we tell ourselves SLOW N STEADY...until that first 20lbs...and downsizing in clothes and then it is like MORE MORE MORE!! lol   Gone again





I should just schedule writing to my blog every 3 months at this rate. Geesh!   Ok so lets see...I had another fill last week, and am SNUG!! but I am working with it. I fought myself , did I want one before the Holidays, going home to good ole home-cooking. But I decided--DUH!! that is my mental problem!! The last 20 yrs of my life thinking about eating all wrong. lol So I explained to my Dr. who is cautious with fills at this time of year....for this exact reason, but he agreed I was thinking right for me. For now.   I told myself, I can still eat ANYTHING I want, just less, and isn't that the point of WHY I did this?? yes! Yes is my answer. If I continue to do what I did, I will continue to be what I was.   I am hoping for some relaxation on the band, but it has only been a few days. So I have faith.   I have actually been using the elliptical, OMG who knew I was so out of shape. Man was I in DENIAL! ha ha. let me just share, I started doing 1:10 on it..that is minutes folks! ha ha.. I eventually worked to 5 minutes in a row! So proud. Then had a set back got sick, then bruised/cracked a rib (proving being thinner isn't always good! :bored:). Which let me tell you is the most painful thing next to a ruptured disc I have felt, plus it takes so long to heal.   I ordered a weighted hula hoop...came the day after the 'rib incident'. And I dont know about you guys but if there is a reason to put off excersize it seems to multiply in spades for me. I hate it! Hate to do it, hate to think about it...Even when it is fun.   Ok..so I ended up with only a 2 lb loss before this last fill..I had lost 12...but two weeks before the fill, I got so hungry and just ate, and ate, and not good stuff. I couldnt keep down my protien but I sure could keep down crackers and chips. So gained the 10 back and fast. Now 5 days after this fill, lost 8 of those...but I am half miserable waiting for that stretch to come...jsut a little. I am also focusing on that protein! Trying my best to go for those first.   I keep saying even if I stay right here, at 220 (from 286) I am SO happy...I feel SO much better health wise (rib excluded). Not thrilled with the naked me...but hey...it will get there, or it will get fixed! ha ha.   I hope you are all doing well! Enjoying the journey.



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