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Divine Intervention

The COOLEST thing happened today. I recently started taking digital photography classes where I met some new people.   Well one of the gals we had a blast with but never hung out just enjoyed class with her. And she needed some help picking out a camcorder. So we met in town and ran around, got a cam and on the way to lunch were talking about excersize or something and I confessed that I was in the middle of this journey of LapBand...she almost wrecked the car. She looked at me, and said I had it done, with NO REGRETS.   So our entire lunch ended up a huge blabber fest, it was SO great. I have kind of kept this LapBand thing quiet for a bunch of reasons. I also had yet to decide if I would follow thru for all the normal reasons I think everyone has. I had no intention of telling her and out it came and to end up having crazy stuff in common, our ages, we both ride motorcycles as do our husbands, we laugh and enjoy life...but to find that 'mentor' out of the blue, plopped down on you out of nowhere was INSANE!   I am so excited for reasons I am not even sure, But I know she was put in my life right now, for the right reasons, and it was definantly an intervention.   Let me also add how TINY she is. This will sound dumb, but I would have never known. One of my BIGGEST fears is hanging skin--and I know I will have some, but to see her with none (showing anyway! ha ha) and how much energy she has and happy...I have more than hope. :thumbup:   On to the NEW improved more energetic me...




Dr letter of neccesity

Ok so now I have seen my Dr, the one who runs the practice I go to, and have never seen! I expected a fight or at least I was ready for confrontation. It turned out great-better than I expected. He was super went thru all the med history. Then on the BIG stuff (pardon the pun). He certainly knew what to look for, put it ALL down--I thought DAMN I am a mess! ha ha.   So now have to do my emmi thingy, and wait. :thumbup:




The Begining

Well considering I just had my consultation on Aug 8th...things are FLYING!! I am a bit stunned that they are moving this quickly. lol   I have had my dietary appt, my psych eval-(love Dr Griffen), had my upper endoscopy today. So I feel like it is moving along. I am not nervous, I am excited that I can have a better more productive and active life. I still have a few things to do before we get down to scheduling the appt.   The endoscopy was no problem--worse part, the IV.. not a big needle person! But they are super professional.   Wondering if TriCare who so far has approved everything, will continue to play nice. ha ha. I can't imagine they would tease me like that.   So far, 276, at 5' 7.5" just chugging along.



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