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Time to change

Ok I have always wanted a Blog but never had the time or anything worth writing about, I guess this is it!   A Bit about me, I am 44, married to Tony with 1 son Josh who is 18.   Untl recently my job was working as an Admin Supervisor on a remote Gold Mine here where I live in Western Australia. Tony also works on a remote Gold Mine, just not the same one as me! I will come back to work a bit later...   I am from Wales (UK) originally and migrated to Perth in 2000 so my accent is still really strong! My family is still in Wales and I only have my sister and niece who migrated to Perth last year here.   I lost my job in Jan after working at Davyhurst Gold Mine since Feb 08 (mine closed) decided to take the time to get the lap band done before I start to look for another job as I have been in this situation over the years and always put the op off when a job offer came up. Not this time! This time I will get the band done first, get better then look for a job. My health had deteriorated over the last 6 month and after finding out I have Haemachromatosis (hereditary blood disorder) and type 2 Diabetes I decided I had no choice but to proceed with the band if I wanted to keep living past 50!   So, I made an appointment with a surgeon, checked our insurance and made the appointment for surgery. Imagine my surprise when he would fit me in as quickly as 10 days away on 23rd Feb 2009! There wasn't a lot of time to think about it and I knew I wasn't going to change my mind!   There was no liquid diet that I have been told other people go on, I was told a light breakfast early morn of the surgery, before 7.30am and a big glass of water at 8.30am then nothing.   I had an appointment to see the anethetist on 19th who asked lots of questions about how am I with anesthesia, etc and that was it!   All I needed to do was wait for the op...




The Op

I arrived at the Hospital which was located on the Perth main river foreshore, nestled in amongst multi million dollar houses with fabulous views!   I was shown to my room, told to undress and put on the gown, you know the one, the one Jack Nicholls wore when he was off his face dancing in the hall of the hospital in "As Good A It Gets"!   I nervously joked with my husband over "the gown" flashed him my bum then I climbed onto the bed. All of a sudden it became very real, I started to panic, what was I doing? Am I doing the right thing? What If I can never eat bread or meat ever again? Is it all worth it? I could still leave at this point....   All too quickly I was wheeled away on my bed to a room where my surgeon and anethetist appeared in full conversation about some mutual friend who was still working at the uni... who cares, couldn't they see how scared I was? I was ignored practically as they twittered on, I felt a lonley tear slide down from my eye to the back of my head, I was thinking oh god what am I doing....   "Your going to feel sleepy now" I heard and bang I was sleepy then.... nothing...   I woke feeling sooooo bad, I felt so much pain, so much nausea I tried not t move for fear of it getting worse. I couldn't keep my eyes open, I tried to swallow but my mouth was so dry and I had such a bad taste in my mouth. "Wake up now" I could hear in the distance as the surgeon was trying to bring me round, I was in the recovery room , why was it so bloody cold? I must have shivvered I could hear him say "she's cold, get a warm blanket" and what seemed instantly, whoosh a warm blanket flowed over me, that felt nice and comforting for just a second until the pain came back.   I could feel the bed being moved, back to my room, where my husband was waiting patiently, looking anxiously into my face. "Ok love?" he asked, I think I managed to shake my head in reassurance. Ok? did I look ok? I feel like I had been in 10 rounds with Mike Tyson, he missed my face but I felt every blow to the stomach and I hope I still have my ears!   A nurse gave me the once over, put a thing on my finger and pushed a button into my hand. Ahhhh the magtic button, the surgeon had told me about this magic button, it's hooked up to the morphene, no danger of overdosing just keep pushing, "don't be afraid to use it" I hear his words echo. So I pushed and pushed the magic button and slept.   The nurse was back, must have been a few hours later, I still struggled to keep my eyes open, poor Tony was still holding my hand anxiously, I told him to go home. The nurse agreed, he should go home, I wasn't going to be very communicative so he left, I pushed the magic button once more and slept for the night.



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