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A Brand New Year, A Brand New Me

:thumbup:2010 is certainly a brand new year, and it is certainly a brand new me. I am so excited about this year. I am now 10 months post op, and WOW, what a journey. I am currently 62 pounds lighter than I was on 3/9/09 and I am so thrilled. It is a new life all aound. Does anyone just sometimes sit there and look at yourself and feel totally amazed? I do all the time. Funny things have been happening that I am totally not used to have happening. I got whistled at by 2 young guys. I'd say 19. Had to laugh. Then I was on a business trip this past week, and three movers (Self Storage Business) were moving a lady into our store and they told my managers I was HOT. I bet I turned 15 shades of red. Totally not used to these things. In this journey I am learning a lot about myself. Right now I am learning that my mental has to catch up with my physical. It's ok though, I am getting there. I just wanted to check in and wish you ALL a terrific new year. I hope it is a huge success for all of us. My goal is to lose 17 more pounds by 3/9/10, wish me luck:)





Well the holidays are upon on us and I was really nervous about them. I do all the cooking and you know how that goes, you nibble while you cook right? Well, I am proud to say that I did very well, and am pleased to say I didn't gain an ounce during the Thanksgiving Day dinner. YEA!!!! I ate about a tablespoon of different things and managed to please everyone but most importantly myself. I am so happy about not gaining because we all know that there is always a TON of food. Plus, I was the only person who couldn't do the whole pecan pie, and pumpkin pie or chocolate pie, and it was all good. I didn't really crave them too bad.   I am looking foward to Christmas Dinner, but have to admit that will be the harder of the two. My weak spot is peppermint chocolate and those kinds of things. And wouldn't you know it, AFTER I have surgery, Oreo comes out with a peppermint oreo. Damn it. That is the ONE thing I have craved. Oh and ribbon candy. My husbands grandmother always bought me a box, and I guess I don't miss the candy as much as the thought behind it. She was the seewtest lady and loved carrying on that tradition. Oh well I am sure she understands and is cheering me on. Love you Gram!!!!   Well I really hope that the holidays have been good to the rest of you. Take care and keep on keeping on.   Wendy




Another Achievement

My Friends, I have reached another milestone in my lapband journey. WOW, it has been an amazing trip, and one I would do a 1000 times over.   To date, I have lost 60 pounds. It has been 8 months and I am thrilled beyond belief with my success. I cannot say the entire journey has been totally easy...there are days when I feel like stopping at the nearest DQ and getting the largest banana split they can make. I am sure we all have those days. Despite these little hurdles, it has totally been worth every hard day.   Last month I went to my support group. I have to say that without these support groups it would be really hard to be successful. Anyway, my social worker I see quarterly didn't even recognize me. It had been 2 months since I had seen her. My nutrionist also had to take a double take and was totally shocked at the difference.   Anyway, it has been wonderful, and I wish for all of you the best in your journey. May you be as successful as I have been. My final goal is 18 pounds. You know what they say, 'The last 20 are the hardest'. They ain't kidding.   Good luck everyone, Wendy




Loving the good life

Have just recently hit the mid way point to my one year. The 9th of September was 6 months for me. So much has happened in 6 months that I just cannot believe it all. It all seems so sureal at times.   6 month check up went absolutely the best. The social worker I have seen for 6 months at the docs office passed me in the hall and didn't even know it was me. It had been 2 months since seeing her and she totally didn't recognize me. Great feeling. The nutrionist I usually see was totally amazed how much I had changed in 2 months. It feels good for people to see you so differently right?   I have had to buy more clothes. Found a GREAT thrift store in Denver, man it is awesome, and I now how pants in size 12. I went from 22/24 to size 12. AMAZING. I have shirts that are medium and large. NOT XL, regular large. I am so excited about it.   Even though the smaller clothes are great and people going on about how great you look is wonderful (ALWAYS encourage your loved ones or friends) the thing I love the most is HOW I FEEL. I really like me and I feel fantastic. I have hiked and done things I wouldn't have done 6 months ago. It is the greatest accomplishment in the world. No matter how good you look, how you FEEL is the greatest thing. I love the new me and would do this over a million times.   I hope you all are doing well and experiencing the same things. It is a great thing to feel. Best wishes to you all.   Wendy




Still Going

Well, it has been a month since my last blog, and it is amazing what can happen in that time. i have currently to date lost 50 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel absolutely amazing and am enjoying this new life tremendously. WOW, what a ride. It was so totally worth the whole thing. I still have a some fleeting moments, but nothing I can't handle. Just wanted to briefly say hey, and let you know how things have been going. Take care, Wendy




It keeps going and going and going...

OMG!!!! I am so excited and so loving the new me. I know it has been a bit, but things are busy in the summer months for me. What a journey this has been. I have met so many fantastic people since the start of this and have had so many people supporting me. It has been incredible. I think if there was one thing I had to chose that has made all this worth it, it be... I LIKE ME!!!! Before, I couldn't say that, and now I can say I like me. I am so much more relaxed and calm, and I feel so good about myself. That alone has made it all worth it to me. The 42 pounds gone is great, and I fell better than I can ever remember feeling, but the liking myself takes the cake. Life is funny. We have all put this weight on for many reasons. Some easy to talk about and some not so easy, but for whatever reason we have for putting on the weight, I think many of you will discover that when you lose whatever amount it is that makes you like yourself, that will be worth everything we go through. I met a couple recently at a support group. Usually we break into lapband or gastric groups but it was so small we all sat together. We discussed items and the man of the couple said regardless what gastric people go through, he said they have it easy compared to lapband. They had a different opinion of what lapband people go through after hearing all the things we deal with it. They had thought of lapband as another "weight watchers diet", and let me tell you, it is NOTHING of the sort. It is a complicated, life changing deal. We have a lot of issues to deal with, and this couple really felt blessed after hearing all our stories. Whatever procedure you chose for whatever reason you have, make it the right one. I personally would not change a decision I have made. I have made the commitment to this lifestyle change and it was so worth it. On an ending note, I challenge you all in 4 or 5 or 6 months from your surgery to pick one thing you are most proud of. Really think about that because it is really hard to chose just one, but I know mine. I have known it since 2 months out, but never disclosed it till now. I am most rpoud that I have done this and stuck to it. I have not cheated or faluted in my journey. Many people probably would have told you that I start things and don't finish it, but I have continued on with this and every day I lose another pound just keeps me more motivated. I am PROUD of myself. I have people tell me how proud of me they are, which is absoluetly wonderful to hear, but to hear myself say that to me and really believe it is a feeling that will stay with me forever. I love the new me and cannot wait to see me in about 2-3 more months. Stay tuned all!!!! Best wishes to all banded and soon to be bandsters. It is a roller coaster ride that will bring you lots of fun. Wendy:thumbup:




WOW!!!! What a journey I am on

Well all my supporters, this has been a ride. I am just 3 months post op, June 9th, and I have lost 33 POUNDS to date, and 15 inches, 6 of which are in the waist. Amazing how great I feel. I have NO REGRETS at all. It is totally worth everything. I have had 3 fills. The 3rd really proved to make a difference in HOW I eat. There wasn't much restriction with 1 & 2, but 3 proved to teach me some lessons. I discovered a lot of things like eating slow, not to fast & not to big of a bite either. I had several days of something not going down right and that was NOT an enjoyable experience. Now I know what it feels like to be buliemic. Yuck!!!! Also, when they say don't DRINK with your meals, the are not kidding. That also causes food to not go well.   Even through these "lessons" I have no regrets. I am fitting into a size 18/20 which I cannot remember the last time I wore that size. I move better, I sleep better and I just feel so great. I hear I look younger too which, hey, is ALWAYS great to hear right?   I hope you all are having some great results. It isn't easy by any means, but totally worth the work.   What I am most proud of: ME!! I am proud of me for accomplishing this. I have made total lifestyle changes and I have been loyal to myself. I haven't cheated, because really I am only cheating myself if I do. The things I have done, I never thought I could and that is a great feeling. Before, I probably would have said screw this and pass the cheesecake, but I have stuck it through and that is the great feeling for me. I am proud of what I have done. Thank you all for your constant support. It means more to me than I can ever tell you.   Best wishes to all fellow bandsters, and good luck.   Wendy:thumbup:




Still Here.... Been awhile

Well it has been awhile. I have been so busy with work and working out that sometimes I forget where I started.   It has been quite a journey. I had my first fill a couple 3 weeks ago, and to my disappointment, I felt NOTHING!! I thought maybe they didn't hit the band, but when I called, they told me this is quite common for the first fill. THAT SUCKED. I was already hungru since surgery and was so looking forward to having a little restriction. I get my 2nd fill May 5th, and GOD I pray there is some restriction.   I have started working out at the gym. Actually started that March 13th, but it is a normal daily routine now. I actually crave going. I am down 20 pounds as of today. Yea!!!! It is always great to lose another pound.   I will try to keep things posted better. Thanks to everyone for the support.   God Bless!!!!




Over doing it....they aren't kidding

Ok, I learned a rather painful lesson. It was actually by accident, but if I can save someone else the same discomfort, I will admit to the mistake. Yesterday, I fixed a protein shake. Seems rathe harmless right? Well it was if I had stopped there. Not really thinking, and THAT was the biggest mistake, I cooked dinner around the same time. Dinner got done before my shake was gone so I fixed my little toddler plate of food and sat down to dring the shake. Again, seeming very harmless. Well I finished the shake and made the biggest mistake ever to date. I took my little toddler plate and sat down and ate dinner. Fish, (more protein), some mashed potatoes, and green beans. Well 3/4 of the way through my little toddler plate, I began to fill so full I thought my stomach was going to explode. I think silently, I was hoping for that to relieve the pressure and pain I was now in. I suffered all night. I was lucky I didn't bring that all back up. Moral of the story....DO NOT EAT PROTEIN SHAKE AND DINNER AT SAME TIME. When they say not to over do it, they really mean it. I was very much not aware of what I had done at the time, but I promise you I will make every effort NOT to do that again. :biggrin:




Taking it off

Well I am officially down 12lbs. YEA!!!! It is a small milestone I know, but to me it is HUGE. I am happy to see it coming off. I started at the gym. Oh yea, a lot don't know that story.   My wonderful hubby, while I was recovering, went to Lady Fitness and spoke with Joyce the manager. He explained my surgery and got me a membership, and Joyce is my personal trainer. That was so sweet. Some of you may have experienced the emotional ride with this surgery, and I had it bad. I cried when he told me.   Anyway, I am now working out. Only treadmill till after doctor appointment Thursday. I hope I can do more then.   I have been walking. My gal Caryn, what a treat she is, has been walking with me on days she works. We do two rounds, and it is great to have someone to share this with. My first goal is 20 pounds. I have 3.5 goals to meet. 20 lbs, then the 40 lb mark, and then 68 pound mark and I will be there. It doesn't seem like that much but on this end it is.   This surgery is a very emotional ride. You give up alot, but the reward is sweet to me. To others it may seem like we are giving up our whole life, when in actuallity we are getting something great from this. I miss somethings, don't get me wrong. I might smell coffee and really want that Starbucks, or making hubby a Pepsi and then I really wish I could have one. Those are fleeting thoughts, and then I am okay. All in all, I don't regret my choice to have this done. I know it will be worth it when all said and done. :thumbup:




Finally.....Real Food

Well, I have finally hit Phase 2. I not longer have to puree my meats.(Can't tell you how disgusting that was :thumbup:) Anyway, I finally have some normal food. The hardest part for me is that I still feel hungry, but now that I am on some soft foods, that will change. Can't wait for the first feel.   I am down 11 pounds!!!!!!:cursing: I am so excited. I start working out at the gym today with a personal trainer, and I think that will really get me rolling. I am ready.   Take care all my new friends and old friends. I really appreciate ALL your support.   Wendy




One Week Out

Well, one week gone. WOW!!!! It has been an experience. I have had some ups and some downs. All in all, I do not regret my decision whatsoever. I will say it has been an experiencing. It is not something you should do unless you are truly serious about it. It is hard, but it is also the dream I have always had. I was finally at that point in my life where I haven't been before, and I knew I was finally ready to committ. I am very anxious to go to my first post op on the 26th. Since surgery on the 9th, I am 8 pounds down. :thumbup: I am on my way, and looking forward to my brand new life. Thanks for your support!!!!!!!!!!!!!




After Surgery

Well, what can I say. I finally made it to surgery day. It was hard. The pre-op seemed bad. I am thankful I didn't have to do more than 3 days, but 3 days or 10 days, it was still hard. On the 9th I had surgery. I went in at 9:15 or about and was home by 4:00 pm. The first day (not night) wasn't to bad. I had a little morphin and vicodine to assist with that. It was that night that wasn't so pleasant. I didn't sleep and could not find a comfortable position. I stayed on the couch in a sitting position, and let me tell you, that is not comfortable. I was pretty miserable the fist night. I tried to walk around, because they really stress that, and and as the pain meds wore off the pain was substantial. I had taken some pain meds at home, and it made me very nauseas. Let me tell you, getting sick after this surgery is NOT a pleasant experience. It was aweful. So needless to say, I went without pain meds all night. The next day was the WORST. Be prepared. I called the nurse to explain my meds and they called in a different one. If meds make you sick, ask for Tramadol. It is easier than Vicodine on the stomach. So Tuesday the day after surgery, was the hardest so far. I had let the pain get so far out of control that nothing was good. I couldn't sleep, I wasn't hungry....NOTHING felt good. And let me tell you.... sitting on the couch really put a pain in my butt. Literally. Today, is the best since surgery. I finally go some sleep last night, and woke up feeling much better. They did say it would get better day by day. I am hoping tomorrow is even better. All in all, I don't regret my decision. If you asked me that on Tuesday around mid day I may have had a different answer. I know why I cose and I am just trying to look forward. Good Luck to all future banders, and let me give you a few things of advise: 1.) If you drink caffine or sugar, start getting off it way ahead of the pre-op diet. 2) Make sure you are really ready for this. 3.) Don't let the pain get out of control. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Well anyone who thought this part would be easy is sadly mistaken, BUT... I made it. I am a wake up away from this old life and into the new. I am very excited. My suggestion to anyone is get yourself off sugar and caffine way before the pre-op diet. It would have been sooooo much easier.   Tomorrow is my new day!! My new life!! I am very much ready.   Will let you all know,   WEndy




3 Days & A Wake Up

Almost there!!!! I now have 3 days, which are all liquids, and a wake up to go. I went to my nutrician class and learned a whole lot more. Never realized how much to this. I am not going to turn back. It is just a lot of changes. I am really ready to move forward, and am ready to do whatever I need to. This web site has been a great tool. I met a girl online who lives in the same town as me, and hearing her advise has been gold to me. I really think hearing all the people on here has been a great tool. I am really emotional right now, but I know that is all nerves and anxiety. Just need to get through the next 3 days. Never thought I would wish for the weekend to go so fast. Will update after Monday:wink2:




Excited & Nervous

Well I am now 9 days out from surgery. I am a tad nervous, but on the other side very excited. 3-9-09 is the big day. I recently found this site and am very glad to have a resource to look to for answers and support. I am married and my husband is being very supportive, but for people who don't have a weight problem, it is really hard to understand what I am going through. I am hoping that a year from now, I will feel so much better physically and mentally. That will be a HUGE relief.   I am hoping by blogging about this, it will help me mentally prepare myself for the upcoming year. Any advise anyone has I would really love to hear from you. I am a firm believer that all is possible with a good support system. Have a great day,:smile:



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