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Progress & Moving Forward - August 13, 2012


On June 20th, 2012 I was UNBANDED due to complications. I was banded for three years total. I lost all my weight but when my band failed I gained 40lbs back. So now my journey is going in a different direction and I am following the Eat to Live Plan by Dr. Joel Furhman. I have lost 11ls in two weeks and here is my story:

Twitter: @lapbandlala
Facebook: Lapbandlala
Wordpress: Lapbandlala

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


Beginning A Plan July 30, 2012


On June 20, 2012 I was unbanded due to my lapband eroding. I also had an infection and a hole in my stomach. I was banded May 2009 and had no issues with the band until the third year. This is MY journey. I want to share my journey to help someone out there who may be experiencing the same thing. Where do you go when you are unbanded? Do you want more surgery? How will you maintain? NOW WHAT? Well, I don't have the answers but maybe we can find them together.

Twitter: @lapbandlala
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LapbandLaLa
Blog: www.lapbandlala.wordpress.com

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


Journey Back To Unbanded Life

http://youtu.be/bsJYqF5FVw4   Join me on my next steps from being a banded to being NOT BANDED.   I had the lapband for a little over three years. The first two years were perfect and I lost all my weight within 8 months. I was the happiest ever! Then in my third year things went downhill. So what does a person do once they have been unbanded? Well...I don't know but I am willing to share my journey with you!   LapbandLaLa@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/LapbandLaLa Twitter: @lapbandlala

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


Life Unbanded July 7, 2012

http://youtu.be/7hHtmk9ZqPc   On June 20th I was unbanded. Leaving me with a checklist of emotional setbacks. I am working through them. At this point in my journey I have no idea what path I am going to take but I hope to share my decisions with you. I was banded May 2009. Lost all my weight in eight months, a POSTER CHILD for the lapband and then after two years it started to go downhill. I hope my story blesses you in some way and helps you on your WLS path.   LapbandLaLa@gmail.com www.facebook.com/LapbandLaLa http://lapbandlala.wordpress.com/

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


Unbanded Progress June 26, 2012

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ppPP63ulCY&feature=plcp     On June 20th I was unbanded. Leaving me with a checklist of emotional setbacks. I am working through them. At this point in my journey I have no idea what path I am going to take but I hope to share my decisions with you. I was banded May 2009. Lost all my weight in eight months, a POSTER CHILD for the lapband and then after two years it started to go downhill. I hope my story blesses you in some way and helps you on your WLS path.   LapbandLaLa@gmail.com www.facebook.com/LapbandLaLa http://lapbandlala.wordpress.com/

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


Unbanded June 20, 2012

On June 20th, 2012, I was unbanded in am emergency procedure. My band had eroded and I had an infection. The erosion caused a hole in my stomach that had to be repaired as well. I am now home and dealing with the physical healing as well as some emotional issues that really frighten me.   http://youtu.be/GEGJ2geOW_g   Lapbandlala@gmail.com www.facebook.com/LapbandLaLa http://lapbandlala.wordpress.com/

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


Getting Unbanded! Never Thought I'd Be Here!

I am sad to report I will be unbanded asap. I was banded for a little over three years. I lost all my weight within 8 months. I was the happiest I have ever been in my life and then the problem started. Now what? How do I live my life unbanded? How do I get the band out since I was a self pay bander? With no insurance, that's almost impossible. How can something that was my intimate friend and helper become the enemy now?   Warning...I let the F-Bomb out one time guys, if that upsets you, please don't listen. This is pretty emotional to me and I let it slip.   My Video Diary Entry: http://youtu.be/vrPNTULVQOw     LapbandLaLa@gmail.com www.lapbandlala.wordpress.com

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


Moving Forward

Welcome to my new blog! Join me! http://lapbandlala.wordpress.com/ Putting yourself out there for the world to see is a bit scary. For someone to put themselves out there about weight, is even more frightening. Let’s face it, when you are fat, you are easy target for others. Sometimes you feel invisible, other times you feel you are being watched with micro-eyes. I want to share this journey with you. I decided to be banded in 2009. I started at 285lbs. I made it down to 155lbs at one point. I hated 155lbs. I looked and felt horrible. So I felt 165lbs to 170lbs was best for me. Along this journey I was successful! The band (Lilith) was my tool. I used her like nobody’s business! I reached my goal in less than a year and was the happiest I had ever been. Then my band started giving me a few issues. So I am sharing this journey with you. I hope you learn and share this with others. It’s MY story and I am willing to share it with you! HERE WE GO… Twitter: LapbandLaLa Facebook: www.facebook.com/LapbandLaLa

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


17 Months and Reflections

Hard to believe I am sitting here thinking over how far I've come!   When I started this journey I was 280lbs and being thin and healthy seemed so much of a dream. In fact it was a dream I held so many years that I was starting to dis-belive it.   I was always the chubby girl, the "cute in the face" girl who never got asked on dates....I don't have to say it all over again, majority of you know exactly where I am coming from.   Now I sit at my desk at about 160. (I flux between 155-165) and I am in a size 10 jean and a medium shirt. Something I just could not really see.   Life is good and I am blessed.   I enjoy my days so much more. I have become a true girly girl. Love the hair, nails, clothes and SHOES! Ha!   Without my LAP-BAND® (her name is Lilith) I would not have been able to enjoy this feeling of "LOVING MYSELF". Now my problem is...stopping myself from thinking I am TOO CUTE! But I allow myself that guilty pleasure for a while!   That person looking back at me in the mirror is who I knew was inside and I am so glad to get to know her.   I would not change the world for my journey and I would do it over in less than a heartbeat.   I was self pay and I'd pick up pennies again to do it all over if I had to.   I may now be looking at a tummy tuck. Not sure but I feel it tugging and I need to have that gone, but I will cross that bridge when I can get to it.   For now...I am grateful!

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


14 months Post-Op....Laura Key

Bet you guys thought I abandoned you? NAH...I am a Realtor and let's just say...things have not been so fun for a while and I have been working so hard and concentrating on my business I have not had much time to do anything else.   So, for now I will just give you a short update.   I am steady at 155lbs. Anything less and I look sickly. My goal was 170lbs but my body settled at 155lbs so I am happy with that!   I have lost a total of 125lbs.   My year anniversary was May 21, 2010!   I am a size 10 but I am being told some of my jeans look baggy so I plan to go try on some size 8's? REALLY...I think I will pass out if I get some of them to fit! HA   I am wearing strapless dresses! Something I thought I'd never be able to do and even though I have a little flab. I don't care!   I am at my sweet spot. I have 4cc's in my band. Anything more and I get sick real easy.   I love my new body!   I still have a hard time getting in exercise but I work hard at it.   I still do what I am suppose to do to be successful. No soda, no junk, no slider foods.   I have trouble with some foods. Lilith (my band) does not like chicken wings (baked or anything else) She had a bit of a time with some fish and my steaks have to be medium rare. I can eat almost anything else.   So...that's it in a nutshell! I am hoping to get active on here again. PRAY that things turn around!!!!!!!! I need to sell some houses!:laugh: Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?:cool:   Surgery Date: May 21, 2009 Starting Weight: 280lbs Dr. Michael Metz - St. Luke's Hospital Denver, CO:thumbup: Follow my progress thru photos: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/members/5...lbums3475

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


Week 48....Worst Trip Ever & Sickness

(April 10, 2010) Back from Italy. What a horrible, horrible trip it was. 17 Days of pure hell! I am sure some will beg to differ but I did not enjoy the food at all. Pasta, bread, pizza EVERY DAY!!!! It's all so bland and so blah! Every shop is stuff we all should really avoid. I pretty much given up all that stuff and then I get there and it's all there was to offer. Every other shop is a restaurant, but they all have the same menu with the same stuff. UGH!!! There were a couple of nights we found other types of places and believe me...I was never so happy to see Mexican and Irish Pubs!!!! If I see another piece of bread or pasta I am going to scream. My husband felt the same way so I know I am not over reacting! Also they charge for water and you better let them know if you just want plain water because sparkling water is HUGE!!!!! Even over there they trip when you tell them you do not wish to have a drink with your meal.   Then we were robbed in France!!!! They took everything! Watched us close then in just 20 short little minutes, broke into the car, yanked the whole set of luggage, computers, ipods, dirty clothes and all!!!! So a full afternoon was spent at the French police station! Try making a police report in different languages! We were reduced to drawing photos! Thank GOD they did not get our passports or money, but I was left with the clothes on my back. For some reason my husband had put his dirty clothes in a different bag and put it behind the driver’s seat. Mine were in a different compartment in my luggage. So he had three outfits and me....NOTHING BUT WHAT I HAD ON!!!!   So, you would think since I have lost 125lbs and now a size 10, I would not have trouble finding clothes! WRONG AGAIN my American friends! We are considered big!!!! So after about 40 stores I gave up. I had to wash my underwear in the sink every night and blow dry them with a dryer! After a few more days I was able to at least get more underwear. Every other day my husband had to leave me in the hotel room wrapped in a towel while he went to wash my clothes! I am going to burn them now; I never want to see that outfit again!   What's so bad is....all the clothes they took were NEW!!!!! Most less than a month old. I had two outfits that still had tags on them.   At this stage in my life...I have come to understand I AM AN AMERICAN GIRL and I can take or leave Europe. It's going to be a while before I want to ever go back over and explore.   Italy and France do not have 24 hour stores, no fast food, no variety, and no Wal-Mart!!!!!!!!!! (ha) I never thought I would miss any of those things until they were taken away. You do not appreciate what we have here in America until you start visiting the world. You would not believe how unimportant the Internet is to them....AGGGHHHHH!   Enough of that horrible story....onto the next thing.   So now we are back but within a day I caught the worse flu I have ever had. Fever, aches, nausea, you name it...I had it. And because of the nausea, I had to get totally unfilled. I have nothing in my band right now. I have lost more weight! I am down to 150. Today is the first day I have been well enough to even get out of bed.   The last month has been....well....is there really a good word other than HELLIASHOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Yes, we were blessed to not be harmed. For that I am grateful, and if anything it made hubby and me grow so much stronger. We really only had each other! Hey...ain't nothing like keeping a 6 year old from picking your husbands pocket on the metro! (Yes, that happened and I caught him!)   So now the journey begins to replace our stuff. We did have travel insurance and my advice to you if you travel is to do the same! It's worth it.   I know, I know...some will say...look forward to shopping...but you know what...it's something about having someone take all your stuff. It was yours, it was not theirs and the hassle of replacing it takes a lot of energy and time. Yes...I am still a bit bitter and it is going to take a while to get over it!   So...I guess I better end now or else I will just keep on and on and on.   Hope my next post will be a better one.   Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?:thumbup:   Surgery Date: May 21, 2009 Starting Weight: 280lbs Dr. Michael Metz - St. Luke's Hospital Denver, CO:thumbup: Follow my progress thru photos: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/members/5...lbums3475

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


Week 44.....New Life

(March 13, 2010) It's been a couple of weeks since my last post but I have been one very busy woman!   Since my last post I turned 40 on Feb. 23rd! I danced the night away with about 10 of my good girlfriends. We took a free Salsa class and then danced, danced, danced. It felt so good. I wore a gold, mini-dress and some high heels and carried a wand! Oh yes....I acted like the Goddess that I am and I was very proud of myself. I felt it was like my first birthday all over again. There was no shame in the way I felt. I looked good and I knew it. Vain....yes but hey, you only turn 40 once. I celebrated the whole week and enjoyed life to the fullest.   I have also has some difficult experiences with Lilith (my band) in the last few weeks. I experienced first-hand how anger and stress can make your band tighen with a vengence. I don't get angry much but I was upset with a lender who was not giving my client the attention she needed. This lender started to yell at me and I was NOT going to take that so I made sure I put them back in their place. Well, by the end of that episode, I was shaking, my head was pounding and Lilith (my band) was in an uproar! For the next few days I tried to stay calm but I could not get water down and I had acid reflux to levels I have never EVER had before! So off to the doctor I went. I had a full 1cc taken out. That took me to 4.0cc's. Well, I still was throwing up and experiencing bad reflux so just a few days ago I went back in and let them take out another .5cc's. SO that put me at 3.5cc's right now. I can't say it was bad either. Finally that fire in my belly calmed down and Lilith loosened her grip. But during that time I lost an additional 10lbs. I was already at goal but now I am in the 155 weight range. I don't think it looks bad on me, hubby says I still look great so maybe I will stay between 155-165 and feel ok. I am not really going for the emaciated look so I am trying to be careful! I don't know.....but I do know I don't really want to lose it like that again! Can you say.....ANGER MANAGEMENT???:wink2:   My size 12 jeans are too loose now, I was getting away with wearing them without looking too baggy but not now. Hi-Ho Hi-Ho it's off to shop I go.....(giggle):thumbup:   Since I have reached goal, I have been trying to focus on the positive changes in my life. Things you take for granted but notice when you now blend into the "normal" world.       Things like.... Using a regular sized towel to wrap around you while you are getting ready in the morning.
People looking you in the eye when they talk to you.
Men whistling at you.
The way you feel in your clothes.
Getting a good nights rest because your body does not always have body parts falling asleep to deadness.
Liking the image that looks back at you in the mirror.
Shopping in the regular sized stores.
Feeling sexy for no reason
Knowing you can fit into a airplane seat (I have a trip coming up, more later)
Accepting compliments without shame.
Feeling good in room full of women! Women can be so catty sometimes, but I can hold my own now! I no longer hide in the shadows!
I could go on and on. This life of mine....of yes....this life of mine if finally happy and content.   There are a few other things I am watching close. My periods are all out of whack. I had two, just two weeks apart! Gotta see if I can get more vitamins in.   I am also just no longer intrested in food. Yes, I know that's weird. Sometimes I think I have cravings but when I get a bite it just does not taste the same or feel the same. Do you know what I am talking about? Sometimes eating was just totally emotional, it tasted good because it was a release. At this point of my progress I can really and truly say....I can take food or leave it.   Well friends.....I am off to Italy! I will be gone until April 1st. A full 17 days to relax, unwind, enjoy my husband and see the world. It's my first time overseas! And....I will fit into the airplane seats! (HA):tt2:   Thanks for all the wonderful comments on my photos! I truly felt beautiful for the first time in my life and now I have those photos to help me remember that feeling!   I will tell you all about my wonderful adventures when I return! Love you all BUNCHES!   And as always.....I AM BLESSED!     Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?:tongue2:   Surgery Date: May 21, 2009 Starting Weight: 280lbs Dr. Michael Metz - St. Luke's Hospital Denver, CO:thumbup: Follow my progress thru photos: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/members/5...lbums3475

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


Week 40...I Got A New Attitude & New Pics Too!

What a wonderful ride this week has been! On Tuesday we had a great performance and I got a few new pics of me singing!   Then I had a whole new photo shoot! I have never felt so beautiful in all my damn life. For once I felt like the person I always wanted to emerge. She is here....oh yes she is!   I had a wonderful photographer and she made me so comfortable in front of the camera.   What a wonderful new life this is.   I turn 40 this week! I feel better than I did when I was 20!   I am going to have a party on Friday with all my girlfriends. We are going to take a Salsa class and then dance the night away and I am going to make a poster of all my new photos so share with everyone!   Happy Birthday To Me!   Come share in my joy! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/members/57955-albums5264.html     Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?:redface:   Surgery Date: May 21, 2009 Starting Weight: 280lbs Dr. Michael Metz - St. Luke's Hospital Denver, CO:thumbup: Follow my progress thru photos: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/members/5...lbums3475.html

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


My First Performance Where I Loved The Way I Looked....

I had to share this with you all. After all you all have been a huge part of my journey.   My husband and I performed at the Orion Music Festival in Utah in January 2010. We were featured on the TV show in Park City.   For the first time in my life, I was happy with the way I looked. Look! I have a waist! :thumbup: You have to remember just the year before I refused to take photos with the band because of my weight!   I hope you enjoy! Ain't no stopping me now! It's a YouTube video.     Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?:confused:   Surgery Date: May 21, 2009 Starting Weight: 280lbs Dr. Michael Metz - St. Luke's Hospital Denver, CO:thumbup: Follow my progress thru photos: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/members/5...lbums3475.html

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


Week 39....ReFocusing after Goal

(Feb 10, 2010) When you are in the middle of your journey and trying to hit your weight loss goal, it is on your mind all the time. That's what you focus on.   Once you hit that goal you have to readjust and refocus on just maintaining. There is where I am.   There are spots I need to work on to tone a bit more and now how so I eat to maintain? Do I exercise a little less each week?   These are the things I have been trying to wrap my little brain around.   I just came from the doctor's office to have a teeny little bit of fluid removed. I have not been very comfortable the last week. I fell back on just eating soup because I threw up a couple times since last week's unfill. This now puts me at 5.0cc's in my band.   What I was finding was this....I'd go to bed and have acid reflux a lot. I'd eat solids and then the next day my tummy would hurt. So I just did not feel comfy.   I was so scared to go in for this unfill today. What if they take too much and I get hungry again? What if I eat more than a cup of food? Will my cravings return?   Lord....what a journey!   Since I have not been able to eat much in the last few weeks I was too exhausted to exercise daily so I did what I could, but now I am feeling better and have started back on the treadmill 60 minutes each day. I want to return back to my Tony Horton 10 Minute Trainer next week.   I do not want the rest of my life to be focus on food and the scale! Anybody else scared of this?   OK...I am freaking out a bit but it's only because I am so happy with where I am and I'd like to stay here!   On a good note, I have a photo shoot scheduled for late next week and I am super stoked about how these photos will turn out. Keep your eye out for the new me!   Also....does anyone eat the frozen meals. SmartOnes, Healthy Choice, etc. If so can you get a full one down? I had one for dinner and I could not even eat half of it! I have not had one in about a year now, to be honest it was not that good. (Feb. 11, 2010)*****This note was added after original posting. I got a list of good frozen meals from my nutritionist. I have attached it for everyone. Enjoy   Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?:tongue_smilie:   Surgery Date: May 21, 2009 Starting Weight: 280lbs Dr. Michael Metz - St. Luke's Hospital Denver, CO:thumbup: Follow my progress thru photos: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/members/5...lbums3475.html

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


Week 38...GOAL...115lbs Lost

Well....my day is here! As of this morning...I have hit my goal weight of 165lbs!:thumbup:   I knew this day would come but until you actually see it, you just don't believe it!:drool:   Funny, I thought I'd be jumping up and down and screaming over it, but I am pretty calm about it and happy as a lark.   I had to go for a tad bit of unfill yesterday. I am down to 5.2cc's. My body is adjusting a bit and I may have to go in again for another tweak by getting more taken out so I can maintain.   It's amazing to me that I don't need as much fill as others. I mean I just assumed we all were pretty much on the same with that but not needing much more than 5cc's is amazing to me.   Anything too much over 5.4cc and I get stuck and throw up in my sleep. Which is NOT a pleasant feeling at all.:biggrin: It's scary because I think, what if I don't wake up and I choke?!   So now, the major question is....do I need to lose more or should I be happy with what I am now? My initial goal was 170 but then I thought 165 would be better for BMI purposes. Now I am not really sure if I want to stop. What about 160? Plan for the monthly weight gain, blah, blah, blah. Am I turning into one of those skinny bitties who obsesses over the scale!:thumbup:   There are some places I feel need to get a little thinner but I am not sure if it's because they are not quite as toned as I want them to be or if it's really just a tad bit flabby.   Everyone knows from previous posts I am not exactly happy with where my tummy is but I want to give it a full year before considering anything else.   I tried on a size 10 and danced all around the dressing room when they fit. I am thrilled with that....so what is it in me right now that wants more? I am going to have to meditate on that. I mean, I don't want to look sickly! Shape and curves are good.:thumbup: RIGHT???? I am feeling really silly right now...why am I not as happy as I thought I would be?   On a different note...my doc left the office where he was. He is on an extended vacation right now and when he comes back he will decide where he will be. Not sure how I feel about that. I love him but I love my nurses too. I bet my main nurse will go with him and if that happens I will move my files with him. Didn't see that coming!:confused:   As always....I AM BLESSED!     Why not go out on a limb? Isn't that where the fruit is?:cursing:   Surgery Date: May 21, 2009 Starting Weight: 280lbs Dr. Michael Metz - St. Luke's Hospital Denver, CO:thumbup: Follow my progress thru photos: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/members/5...lbums3475.html  

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


Week 37....Scale Moving...110lbs Gone

(Jan 30, 2010) Well, this past week was very uneventful. I did lose the water weight and two more pounds. So I have lost 110lbs now and only five more to goal!   I am a bit concerned about my band. Seems like I can't keep much down but I don't get sick off of everything.   I think I am just re-adjusting again. I use to be able to eat salmon earlier on in my process but now, it just sits there like a ball of coal. I'd like to eat more fish since it's good for me. Tomorrow I am going to try and make a Tuna Casserole.   I'm not so sure it's the food, maybe my eyes are bigger than my tummy again. I hate to waste! I am not a big person for left-overs. Thank goodness I got a hubby who usually eats everything I don't. I don't know why I hate re-heated food. I am OK with things like Veggie Soup and Chili, all the stuff seems to taste better the next day anyway but anything else....no thanks.   Also, I am having trouble getting all my water in each day. I am no where NEAR the intake I should be taking in.   Are there any good cookbooks for one or two people out there?   I got an email from my doctors office this past week. They have been going through files and picking out the most successful people and they are starting a photo board. They would like me to submit some photos! I was honored!   I turn 40 Feb. 23rd and so I planned a photo shoot on Feb. 19th! I am so excited about it too. I have been looking at new clothes and hairstyles and everything. It will be so much fun! I can't wait. I'll share of course.   Ok, so I have something funny. I have NO BUTT! I need some padding back there. We went out to eat and those darned seats were killing me. I was squirming in that chair. The things you did not know before you sure know after! HEE HEE!   Ok, I know you guys heard me say this before but I am not very happy about how my tummy is shaping up. It feels so weird. I am not sure it will firm up right. I am going to give it a good whole year of working and toning it as much as possible, but I don't think I will be able to really rule out a tummy tuck. I just really don't want more surgery. I've never been a surgery person and I've only had two in my life with the lapband being one. I'd love to hear from others who have something to say on this. If you've had surgery I want to hear from you and if you've not had surgery what did you do to firm it up.   So....just five more pounds people. I can do this!   Always....I am blessed!   Follow my progress: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/members/57955-albums3475.html   Starting Weight: 280lbs Surgery Date: May 21, 2010 Dr. M. Metz - St. Lukes - Denver, CO

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


Week 36....Stall & Body Image

(Jan 23, 10) It never fails....only women have to deal with the ups and downs or crazy hormones! I never lose during this week and matter of fact that last few cycles I have gained five to seven pounds of water weight. It's so frustrating. I know, it doesn't stay but to be so darned close and see the scale not move or go the other way makes me want to scream. Now I understand the commercials for Midol! Who knew? When I was 280 I did not feel it at all.   This week I managed to bang my knee in a weird spot which would not allow me to exercise at all. I tried the treadmill and my knee completely gave out! Oh, no....can't have that so I had to let it heal. Oh the horror! But somehow I am still calm about it all. I just know I can drop the last few pounds before my 40th birthday (Feb 23)   I have been trying to reflect on my journey as much as possible and there are some things I have got to get better at. I still think I eat too fast sometimes, and also sometimes too late in the day. I tend to sleep better if I don't eat after 7pm, but sometimes that's so hard with my profession. (Realtor) And I KNOW for a fact I don't get all my water in. Got to do better with that. I also need to expand my menu's a bit. It's so easy to just fall back on easy things like soups. So I am going to really try and focus on those things. I wish I could make myself go to bed earlier but I am such a natural night owl!   In the next few weeks I will be having new professional photos done for my business cards and for my singing ad's. It's so fun to think about all the cool clothes I can get for these photos. There were two ladies in the office talking about a huge sale at "express" and for the first time I allowed myself to think I just might go check that sale out! I may be able to fit some of that stuff! (wheee)   I still have this image of me that is larger and shopping is fun but I tend to still pick up the larger sizes. It's so funny....when the sales people bring me the smaller size. My mind and my mouth immediately say....oh no...that's too small! However when I try it on it magically fits! Euphoria! I went into Lane Bryant last week out of habit and the sales lady who knows me said...Oh no honey, you can't wear stuff here anymore! HA!   I use to think I would be a size 12 but I am starting to see that I may be able to wear some size 10's. ME....A size 10!   I guess not really much to report this week but not all weeks can be full of stimulating activity! The fact of it all is, I am still adjusting and everyday is a new adventure no matter how major or how small! I am riding high!   And as always....I am Blessed!:thumbup:   See my progress photos: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/members/57955-albums3475.html       Start Weight: 280lbs Surgery Date: May 21, 2009 Dr. M. Metz St. Lukes Hospital-Denver, CO  

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


Week 35...New Concerns....106lbs down

(Jan 17, 2010) I just can't believe how fantastic I feel. Today I stepped on the scale and had dropped more pounds. Total to date 106lbs. I have decided 165lbs will be my goal. So I have just 9lbs to go.   My husband and I played the Orion Music Festival this past weekend in Park City, UT and Salt Lake City, UT. It was awesome!   We were asked to perform on the Park City TV show. I was so amazed and dumbfounded when I saw myself on TV. Was that really me? You hear the TV adds 10lbs, but that is not what I saw! I was so thrilled! I was JAMMING TOO! :smile2: There was space between my thighs, space between my arms and waist! I was so thrilled I almost cried, but I had to be professional and keep on singing! (HA)   I found out I have another "NO" food. Peanuts! We drove to Salt Lake because we had lots of equipment for our gigs and on the way I had just a few peanuts. OH NO! Lilith (my band) did not like them, she churned them and churned them, then said....BLAH, get rid of these! Thank goodness she was merciful and waiting until after I performed on TV to get rid of the peanuts!:thumbup:   I am up to two "no" foods. Rice and Peanuts. Ok, I can handle that! I had to just drink broth for the next day and a half to get Lilith back on track.   So I must say, with me getting close to goal it brings up a whole new set of issues that may be of concern for me.   Once I hit goal, will I be able to maintain?
Will I be able to tighten up the few little areas that look like they may sag?
And if not, do I really want to go for more surgery?
And if so, how on earth do I pay for that? (I was self pay on my surgery)
I was told to wait 6 months to a year to see how my body firms up to decide this.

  [*]Will my goal weight be enough? [*]Will I become this vain shallow person? What I mean by this is....I have never been thin so I feel sexy right now. I feel wonderful and beautiful, but I don't want to be the girl that is always in the mirror primping!:cool: (you guys would understand this because if you have never been thin or the girl who was considered cute you just would not understand!)

  I'd like to hear from some folks who have been banded and at goal for over a year or more.   So that is my story for this week and I am sticking with it. I promised to share the good, bad and ugly!   Oh yes....I am blessed!     Original Weight: 280lbs Date of Surgery: May 21, 2009 Dr. M. Metz at St. Lukes in Denver, CO

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


Week 33 1/2.....100 Pound Club

I did it! I did it! I did it!   I have lost a total of 100lbs as of January 11, 2010!   Just 15lbs to goal!   You are looking at one happy lady! :w00t:   Check out my progress photos! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/members/57955-albums3475.html

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


Week 33....Reflections

Who knew I would ever feel so wonderful? Being healthy and thin was always such a dream to me and now I am living the dream. Although I have a few more pounds to go I feel beautiful and alive!   I got my fill back this week but we did not put the full 1cc back in. I am at 5.4cc and I think I'd like to see how that feels for a couple of weeks before going back to 5.6cc. I am getting close to goal and I seemed to get stuck on simple things at 5.6cc. Maybe I was taking too big of bites, or not chewing but while I was unfilled I kinda reset myself. I did the clear liquid diet for three days, then soft foods.   Today I am back at soft foods because I just had my fill just a few days.   My new workout program seems to be working. I wish you could have seen me on day one when I ended my workout in tears. I still can't do a full push-up but I am on day 12 and can do a half of one! (giggle) Hey, it's progress! I'm still in the 180's, up two, down two. My nutritionist said with the new workout program and having an unfill that is normal. So I am hovering around 181 to 184, but now that I got my fill I see me hitting 180 soon! That will put me in the 100lbs lost club! Oh the joy of it all.   On January 6th, my son celebrated his 23rd birthday. I was going through my photos and found a photo of me from his birthday last year. I DO NOT LOOK LIKE THAT ANYMORE! I was so shocked, so happy, and even more motivated to get to my goal by my 40th birthday (Feb 23).   When I showed my son and hubby my comparison photos both of them stood in disbelief. I mean, they saw me everyday, they knew and loved me at 280 but they really had no clue just how much danger I was in with all the weight. Hubby said...I remember taking those photos are our son's party and thinking...her weight is up a little bit, but it was not until recently that I realized just how much pain you were in. (to see the comparison photo, follow the link at the bottom of this blog)   You see....I would come home from 14-16 hour work days and crash out hard. I am a realtor so showing houses was one of the hardest things for me....AND don't let there be stairs....LORD HELP! We'd pig out on football games....pizza, wings, popcorn, candy....it was all an excuse for me. I now see it as clear as a blue sky.   I would not take band photos with my husband because I was 280! I looked horrible....who wants to see a band with a lead female vocalist who does not fit the mold? I was afraid if I took those photos, clubs would not book my husband because of me. So I let another singer shine in those photos and I secretly died a little inside.   I can't tell you just how much this surgery has changed my whole life.   People look at me now. You know what I mean? When you are fat you are invisible to people or they judge you immediately based on what you look like! You know the story! Some people know they do it and others do it without really knowing they are hurting you.   Comments like...."hey you sure have a pretty face" sound like compliments, but in the back of your mind you know what else they are thinking....   I have always been a friendly person. I'd speak to people I did not know when in passing. Lots of times they would find a reason to look a way. That has changed! People speak to me first and it's a shock to me.   Last week I had to walk to an appointment. I work downtown so I pass lots of buildings where you can see your reflection. I'd never look over because I'd hate to see myself. Well, I got a glimpce of myself and stopped in my tracks....could that person starring back at me really be me? I was shocked by my own reflection!   I love photos now and I am pushing hubby to take new band photos (giggle) Yes, a little selfish I know but he understands.   But what really made me happy....at my son's birthday bash, I really had a ball! I danced with him, I met all his friends with a huge "REAL" smile on my face and I felt BEAUTIFUL! (party photo attached)   For the first time in my life.....I REALLY FEEL BEAUTIFUL!   Oh, what a journey this has been and even though you always see me close out my blogs with....I am blessed......I feel it to my core.   Oh yes friends.....I AM TRULY - TRULY BLESSED!:thumbup:       http://www.lapbandtalk.com/members/57955-albums3475-picture29503.jpg

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


Week 32....Happy New Year?????

Well, I am not happy! I am on Day 7 of my new workout plan. I have been busting my BUTT on this program. I am sore in different spots everyday.   I jump on the scale and I am two pounds up! WHAT???? This is not suppose to be! I have not gained anything since the surgery.   I did have 1cc taken out before Christmas due to a block but I have not eaten bad at all. I have been watching my portions and even went back on the three day liquid diet for a while.   I know, I know...some will say muscle building....but in only seven damned days????   This is not acceptable! I have a goal and damn it I am going to reach it. I want to be 170lbs by my birthday.   I cried when I saw that scale number! I am sick over it and beyond upset.   A New Year and this is how I start it off?   AAAAAHHHHHHGGGGGGHHHHAHHAHHAH! :smile2:   I want my fill back! January 5th can't come fast enough!   (Update Jan 4, 10-I am losing inches! My waist, legs and arms are getting smaller, even with the gain!)  

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


Week 31 1/2.....OUCH...New Workout Routine

Ok...feeling back on track.   Last week I had 1cc removed from my band due to being stuck. So after Christmas Day I decided I was going to go back on a three day clear liquid diet, then soft foods. Believe it or not the clear liquid was not as hard as it was before I had the surgery!   Today I am adding back foods slowly. I get my fill back next week. THANK GOODNESS. :frown: I know my sweet spot and I want to keep it.   So...on top of going on a liquid, I decided to take on a new workout routine. I purchased the 10 Minute Trainer with Tony Horton. It looks good on TV, but let me tell you....OUCH! Each 10 minute segment is kicking my B-U-T-T!:wink:   It's like puzzle pieces so you do (3) 10 minute segments a day to equal 30 minutes. It contains Yoga, Cardio, Upper Body, Lower Body, Abs and Total Body.   I promised myself for once in my life I was going to fully complete a program, so this one is 30 days. On the first day, I made it through----BARELY----then promptly cried. I swear, I thought it would be easier. I mean...I have been exercising on a consistant routine every since I had the band in May 2009. I use the treadmill up to an hour a day, I do water aerobics, Bellydance....etc.   BUT NO....I am using muscles I did not even know I had! So today is Day 3 of the program and it's a small day. Instead of 30 minutes it only wants you to do the 10 minutes Yoga....I am afraid....VERY AFRAID! I will do it this evening!:w00t:   I sure hope at the end of 30 days I will be able to report some serious inches lost!   On top of all these crazy ideas I have had....I am now PMSing...BAD! And I never lose during this week. BLAH BLAH BLAH!:tt2:   As the New Year approaches I have found myself reflecting on this year, personally and business wise. I guess all of us do. Personally....I am so very happy with where I am, I have never been happier in my life. I feel sexy, strong and beautiful.   Business wise...well I am a Realtor and even though I had a good year it was NO WHERE near what I wanted it to be. This market has just got to turn! *sigh*   So....with that in mind....I want to let you all know you mean a lot to me. I have gotten the support here that I needed before, during and after my LAP-BAND®®. I could not have asked for a better support team.   So...until 2010! BLESSINGS!:eek:   P.S. I am wearing size 12 jeans today....I feel so skinny!  

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


Week 31....Cruising Along then.....BLAMO!

Hi Family!   I tell you, sometimes life has a way to just knock you down and make you shake your head.:eek:   After that wonderful trip to Hawaii with my family and even losing weight while I was there....I came home and got stuck! Right before Christmas no less...so they took out 1cc and I am at 4.6cc's right now. Needless to say...NO REAL RESTRICTION! So for Christmas, I ate! *sigh*:thumbdown:   Pick yourself up, brush yourself off and get back in the saddle! *blah*   I have to say I am not whining and crying over it. :crying: It's just a minor set back, however it's the policy of my doctors office not to give fills the week after Christmas. I guess people abuse it. Not the case with me, I was really stuck. So I have to wait until January 5th to get my refill.   It's amazing to me just how precious your sweet spot is...one point on or off and it can really throw you out of whack.   So...since I did some eating on Christmas. I have decided to go back on my three day liquid diet. Sort of a fast from all the crap I ate. I have to say it was not sweets or things like that, but I feel I need to start fresh. :drool: So three day liquid diet for me, then back to liquid/pureed for a week. Then back to normal.   I have a goal to keep! I want to be at my goal weight by my birthday. (Feb. 23) I have just 10-15 lbs to go. I think I can do that.   I got my Tony Horton 10 minute workout DVD's and I scanned through them last night. I measured myself and now I will start the program. Hope it works....I will report the progress. Some of those ab things look like puzzle pieces. I don't know how I will be able to do them but I will try. I might get one in per their 15 count but I guess it's a start. (giggle):laugh:   Overall, I am still very happy with my progress and I can't complain. I feel I am doing fantastic....and I am still very, very, blessed!:thumbup:   AND MAYBE....just MAYBE...next week I will be reporting I have hit the 100lbs loss!   BY THE WAY....I got some of those crazy Skechers Shape-Up's and I have to say I love them. I did feel a difference in my legs and now I workout in them. So if you were on the fence, why not give them a shot. It can't hurt, but it does take some getting use to.       Love you all!  

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa


Week 29...I am almost there!

I am down some more pounds. I started this journey at 280 and in just five more pounds I will have lost 100lbs. It just hit me today how powerful that is. My life has changed so much.:tongue2:   I just returned from a 10 day Hawaii vacation and I still managed to lose three pounds since my last post! I did not exercise a whole lot but I did go to the gym at least three times a week. They have this new eliptical machine that is not in Denver yet and it KICKED MY BUTT!:ohmy:   Our trip was one of the most wonderful trips I have ever taken. It was a family trip, so my husband, son and mother-in-law all were with me. (And yes it's really no joke that I LOVE my mother-in-law, I am blessed, she's a DOLL!) We enjoyed the sunshine and created wonderful memories together.   And get this......I was in a bathing suit! A size 12 and letting my hubby take photos of me! Yes....life has changed for the best. I never knew I could feel so good! (see photo, the young man is my 22 year old son)   Thanksgiving was wonderful. I was able to take one bite of everything and feel totally satisfied!   I have 15 to 20 pounds to go. I have not decided if I want to be 165 or 170. I will decide when I get to 170.   I need more toning so I ordered the 10 Minute Training DVD's from Tony Horton. I will report on my progress once I get it. Exercise is not something I dread anymore! In fact, I miss it when I don't do it. It's like my body expects and craves it.   While on vacation my hubby and I celebrated being together for 20 years. We started out real young, did things backwards sometimes but got really serious when we were 19, then married at 23. So...while at a special 20 year dinner me makes me laugh so hard my eyes close and I open them there is a one carat "past, present, future" diamond ring in my pasta. How romantic and touching. I cried right there in the booth. I have a wonderful husband. One who has been by my side actually since we were 14, then at 16 when we had our son, stayed there the whole time. NEVER made me feel unloved or unsexy at any weight. (I am crying again :crying:) He supports me in everything I do! And is very proud of me for getting healthy! I am LOVED ya'll LOVED!:wub:   I could not have asked for a better Christmas this year. And as always....I am blessed!    

Lapband LaLa

Lapband LaLa

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