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Had my first fill today...

WEll, I had my first fill today and it wasn't too traumatic. I was laying down and the PA was finding my port as I "stuck my stomach out". These were my instructions and I realized that I don't think I'd EVER tried to do that! It was an odd feeling...then a little pinch and I was being filled. I have a 9 cc band and I was scheduled for 4 cc's today. As it was going in I felt a LOT of pressure in my chest so the PA removed what she had put in and realized that I actually already HAD 4 cc's in my band (I guess from something called "flushing" during surgery...I'll need to investigate that a bit more)...So I only got 1 cc today and feel a tiny bit more restriction. All in all, I'm a bit worried that I had 4 cc's already and I'm as hungry as I am and can eat "as much" as I am. I've been back and forth to NYC every week for a month for work so have been eating most meals out. I can finish a tuna sandwich and bag of carrots with no trouble and was easily able to eat 2 slices of pizza (a small splurge, and they were small slices). This is FAR less than I would have eaten 2 months ago. I love good pizza and NYC has some great pizza...I used to be able to scarf down 4 slices or so in no time...I nursed my 2 slices with mushroom and spinach and really totally enjoyed every single bite. I definitely appreciate that the band has allowed me to still eat small portions of my favorite foods: sushi, salads, toast with an over easy egg, and now a slice of pizza....It's really forcing me to savor and appreciate my food and not just blindly fill my belly. I'm a vegetarian (well pescatarian, I eat fish) so I had been feeling a tiny bit limited as I need to make sure I get my protein (and I hate tofu)..and the pizza has calmed my cravings. I'm very happy with my progress and I'm hoping that now that I have my first fill I can still enjoy a slice (only one) every now and then!!!!! I should have titled this blog "Pizza" as it really has lifted my spirits as odd as that sounds. I have a new found respect for the food I eat....and I only try to eat "the best"...I went to John's pizza in NYC and I tell you...I think it's one of the BEST!! That's another interesting thing...I will never eat another slice of Domino's again (sorry for those who like it)...I can honestly say that as long as I have my band there will never be another wasted calorie on something I don't love (unless I'm stranded somewhere and my choices are death or Domino's)!!:biggrin:




5 weeks post op and 1 week to 1st fill...

So, all is well. Can't say I even notice I have a band right now. I feel hungry, but not too bad, think besides the band my stomach has shrunk and cannot even fathom eating the portions I previously devoured without thinking it unreasonable. No pain or discomfort. I've been traveling back and forth to NYC for work so have been eating out a lot and sort of maintaining/ SLOWLY losing...I'm down about 15 lbs since surgery and 31 total since pre-op diet and I feel like it's solid weight loss...lots of time I think the weightloss is very fragile and will come back without me noticing. I have to say that I feel so much lighter, better and healthier already. Have my first fill next Friday and am not nervous....am looking forward to kicking up the weighloss!! :thumbup:




Starting to feel normal!

Ok, so today is the first day that I'm really starting to feel back to normal....very happily. Went for a walk...a short one, got a mani/ pedi, blew dry my hair, shaved the legs...all the grooming rituals that have been put on the back burner for the last 10 days! I'm also down 25 lbs today since I started the pre-op diet. So feeling pretty good about things. Two things that I think are odd about myself right now: One, I find great comfort in watching the food network constantly. I love to cook (and eat) and am growing a veggie garden now so I've been thinking of cool recipes. I have been watching A LOT and seem to be somewhat sated just watching these yummy things being prepared...I don't necessarily even want to EAT them....just a bit strange the whole thing. Number two and even weirder is that I'm having very vivid dreams about food. Have had two (so recurring) dreams about home made peach ice cream (which I'm not sure I've ever even had) and last night I was molesting a Big Mac! I'm a vegetarian and have never been a huge fast food person (although do have very fond food memories of McD's cheeseburgers during my meat eating years!) Anyway, a bit weird, but all in all things are good and I guess we all handle these changes a bit differently. :crying:




8 days post op!

:target: Mind numbing shoulder pain today. Had to leave work first day back! Urgh! Luckily can work from home and will do that tomorrow. Been taking gasX strips, heat pack, hot tea, walking (although not too much b/c I still get tired quickly and a tad light headed). Shoulder pain before came in bouts of a few minutes and this has been going on for 7 hours....really really not liking this!!!:crying:




5 days post-op!

Last couple of days have been ok. I was taking pain meds up until today so I was watching tv, sipping shakes and liquids constantly when awake and was generally semi-"out of it". Today's a different story. Off the meds as my pain is no longer much of an issue. The only PAIN I have now is when rolling over in bed or on the couch. I am a bit light headed today and biggest complaint of all...I seem to have constant gassy feeling...like I need to burp after each sip, it's pretty uncomfortable. Anyone know if my sips are just too big? Thought I'd been keeping them small. Also, not being on pain meds has made me realize how bored I am....a week on the couch is about enough but I don't quite feel up to going out except for a quick trip to the garden or down to the end of the street and back (afterwhich I feel a bit dizzy)...not bad, but just a touch. Almost like hunger-dizzy, which I guess would make sense since today is also the first day I THOUGHT I might be hungry...I managed 4 protein shakes today, up to now it's been about 3 total with liquids in between. The gas pains in the shoudlder and neck are more infrequent but they are monstrous when they appear....actually brought me to tears today (but I think that might just be that I'm off the drugs and am thinking....what the heck did I just do to myself? Plus I'm a pretty big baby when it comes to discomfort) Not that I regret this decision, but when you're dealing with such unfamiliar feelings (physically mostly) it gets a bit weird and occasioally upsetting. A great thing happenned yesterday though. I weighed myself and have lost about 10 lbs since surgery. I've been weighing myself 2 plus times a day (becasue I'm home and) and 1 or so/ day until yesterday...bam 5 lbs overnight. Funny how the body works!! Anyway, long enough blog I guess, just feeling a little fragile today. Hopefully will feel better tomorrow...my first outing since surgery. Dinner at my parents, although I plan to arrive just as the plates are being cleared and I'll be there for "coffee" (protein shake)....




Surgery was 2 days ago!!

OK, so surgery is over!! On the whole, process wasn't bad. Got to the hospital, got the IV put in pretty quickly and next thing I knew I was in recovery. Pain wasn't too bad in the hospital. Honestly, the worst pain for me has been neck, upper back and resulting headache I believe from tension and being in bed for the better part of 2 days. I have a bit of shoulder pain and incision pain. On a scale of 1-10, I'd give it a 2 or 3 with meds and a 5/6 when they wear off. No problem bending over but difficult to get up from sitting/ laying down. Lungs feel a little tight from the tube maybe but that's getting better and I had TOTAL cotton mouth for the first day. I would NEVER be able to go back to work today as I've seen some people do. I took a week and I may even extend it a couple of days. Just to be safe AND b/c I'm sipping ALL day long it seems. I was told my surgery went perfectly with no problems so I'm pleased with that. Just starting to feel a bit better/ more alert now, hence the blog entry. Time for more liquids!!




9 days pre-op!

I'm a 34 year old married woman living in Boston. I've been overweight most of my life but only since being married have I become "morbidly obese"...sounds so scary and clinical and NOT how I think I should feel. I'm 9 days pre-op and 4 days in on my pre-op liquid diet (which allows me one low carb meal/ day) Not feeling bad, feeling really good actually. I ALREADY feel better. A little less tired, a little more able to easily tie my shoes, a little less focused on food. I'm starting think that this is really going to be a great new lifestyle change. I just watched the documentary "Sicko" by Michael Moore and it hits home about how important it is to do your best to stay healthy...you may be unable to avoind certain ailments, but obesity-related can move off the chart for me I hope.



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