I am forever getting comments from people. Some good, some bad, some dammed nasty.
Here are a few of my favourites thus far.
From today (and I suspect someone from here at LBT)
(Click the link to my Blog to see my reply to that one, titled "Dear Teena")
And from a few weeks ago, again, here at LBT from someone called Roboop;
So, as you can see, I am loved and adored by all!
Sweet huh?
First of all, thanks for commenting ShineNsta!
I am not hurt by it so much as amazed that people can be such assholes. What it comes down to is, I have done it. I am at goal, have maintained for more than a year, and some people are jealous of that.
I see it so often in a more passive way here too. People who number wise lost a hell of a lot less, and got down to a number that is still overweight get backslaps, high fives and "oh you look WONDERFUL" and I get ignored. Oh, and my favorite was the other day when, I think it was Wasa got to goal (another HUGE congrats to Wasa by they way!!) A poster said something like "Congratulations on being the first on LBT to get to goal" I laughed my ass off. I am obviously so skinny, I am invisible!!
When you add to that the PM's I get accusing me of photoshopping my photos, or of finding the pics somewhere on the net and using them as my own, I realise WHY there are so few posters here who are at goal. We just don't want to put up with that sort of shit.