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2/24/09 dr. Rumbaut

HI I scheduled my surgery today for 2/24 with Dr. Rumbaut in Monterrey, Mexico. I am having the lap band done. I have three close family friends that used him for gastric bypass. I have been super excited till I started receiving all my emails from the doctor to prepare me for surgery. Now I am getting very nervous! I have a million questions it seems like. Is it safe to travel to Mexico for surgery? How bad are the scars? I don't guess it's just the jitters. If someone could please help me calm my nerves before surgery I would greatly appreciate it. There are 2 people scheduled ahead of me that day, I wish I knew who they were so maybe we could stay in contact thru this thing!! Any words of advice or words of encouragement??? Hope to hear from ya'll!!   Laken :thumbup:



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