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it's been 10 weeks now

Hi all it's now been 10 weeks since i was banded i have lost some weight 10 kilos i would of thought i would of lost more then that, i have had 2 fills done the first fill was 4 weeks after the op it did nothing for me i was able to eat all the same foods and lots of food. so i made a appointment to go back to the docs and i had my second fill 6 weeks after my first. This fill has stopped my eating. food gets stuck all the time i find 95% of food i eat comes back up, which i am fine with cos it means the food is not left in me and i dont have to excirse to lose it lol. i lost 7 kilos before the second fill and its now been almost 3 weeks since the second fill and i have lost a further 3 kilos more would be better. im now starting to do some work outs to help me lose it faster so i will keep you guys all up to date as the weeks go on. good luck with your weight loss. xoxo




I just had lap banding on the 2/2/09

wow i worked out how to post a blog, I'm new to this and i have just been banded on the 2/2/2009 i have posted some photos of me now and as the months go along i will be posting more so all can see how the lap band has been for me. It has'nt even been a week yet and i dont think i have lost a thing my pants seem to be to small for me now im hoping its cos my belly is still a little swellon. I had 5 key holes and a 2cm cut where the port goes on my belly. I can eat more then they say i should be eating i have no worries with eating down a cup of ice cream and topping diet of cause. I have been having creamy soups but i think i should just stick to the clear soups for now untill i come of the 4 week diet. I would hate to go back to the docs in 4 weeks time and be told i have put on weight. I dont feel starved or hungry and when i do eat im not hungry its just my taste buds want something. Its also hard as i have 4 children who i have to feed so cooking nice tasty meals for them makes me want to try it. I weighed in at 135 kilos thats 297 pounds i have never in my life weighed that much, Im huge and i feel huge! Im wanting to loose about 40 kilos or 100 pounds before August as thats when i go to America with some friends oh and so you all know i live in Australia. Lap banding is something that i have always wanted well for last year when it became a populor thing here in oz, I have always been big as a adult but never this big. so i figured by having the lapband i can then become smaller, I have to say that i wasnt aware of the band being able to be stretched so when i found that out i have now become a little worried if i had the right surgery, But then i think of the pain that is involved with the bypass im not one for pain so i think this is the right way to go. Well time will tell. I will be posting a new blog every week for the first 4 weeks so all can see how im coping and going, I will haev new photos of the shrinking me aswell every month. This week has been good im just learning how much i can and cant eat. I did eat a little to much yoghurt and boy did that hurt i was in heaps of pain for hours. and then the pain moved to my shoulder, so i wont be over doing it with the yummy yoghurt. I have been able to eat some mashed pumpkin although i dont think that is a good idea at this early stage but like i said taste buds i sucked it right down to nothing before i swallow but still i should'nt have it. well till next week cieo xoxox



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