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1 week post op

Well it is one week today since my surgery. Everything is going better than expected. Back to work tonight. Liquids are doin fine. The hardest part has been cooking for the family, I reaaaally want to snack while I am cooking, the aromas are mesmerizing.....but its important to sit down with the family and eat/drink my soup as they chow down on glorious unmentionables. OMG I have the willpower of a saint. The dishes have never been washed and put away so fast EVER. But then CALM reigns once more and all is love and light. My dressings are off revealing ugly multicolour bruising which are my badge of beauty and health to come. What adventures will next week bring?




Is this Bandster HEll?

oh boy do I need a definition of Bandster Hell right now. When my surgeon told me to "enjoy my torture" I thought he was being funny! Ok so the first few days post op were fine, taking my liquids and pain meds, a little discomfort in my shoulders and some weirdo central chest pain occasionally which felt like a burning burp trying to escape...but esentially not too bad. Last night it started, you see I hadnt had a 'motion' since the op and I finally did the deed great, I even weighed myself and was a little concerned at the rapid weight loss (obviously water weight) almost 5kgs in 5 days. But since then I have been teetering on the precipice of nausea and lightheaded ness, The empty pit that is my stomach has been rolling and having a party to which I obviously was NOT invited, and this weird pain almost like a stuck feeling causing rivers of fluid to pool in my mouth making me want to ralph, which I must tell you takes a lot of willpower and focus not too. Surely how attractive must I look leaning over the kitchen sink looking like a rabid animal...oh lordy! I have been trying some 'heavier fluids to waylay that empty feeling which helps some..BUT the worst is I wasnt hungry before was I, oh no no no but the smell of frying chicken tonight almost sent me into coniptions! I am starving to death, yes oh god runny eggs sound good to me even now. Please will this end....yes yes yes I keep telling myself, I will live to munch again...or will I? if this is not hell, then its close. Just keep on chanting the mantra... I will be a better me...I will be better oh heck I WILL is good enough!   DEB:wink:




post op

Well I am home! In the wee hours of Friday morning my husband dropped me off at the hospital..."I am a big girl now" I said to him and didnt need him to come and hold my hand. I was admitted and shown to my room. It was so quick, an ECG a change into fashionable green theatre attire mmm lovely... and the anaesthetist was there asking me questions and before I new it I was being whisked off to the theatre. The Doctor said that he would need to insert a nasogastric tube while I slept (oh joy) at this time with my funky red hat stockings and green frock I had some fleeting second thoughts, ...if I jumped up now would they catch me hahaha. The surgeon Kevin the Scotsman came and asked if I had changed my mind..well I peeped out no while I am sure I looked terrified, at this point I was terrified! As they wheeled me into the operating room I my hands were white fisted in the warm blankie and then scooted over onto the table, the theatre nurse already scrubbed standing vigil next to her table of torture instruments smiled with her eyes and nodded her head in my direction (I think). Next was the happy anaesthetist making jokes and putting in a small IV to give me something to relax...he said it will creep up on me. It was 8.10 AM then the clock said 9.30AM what?? is it over, oh yeah the nose tube gross! Its done, I am alive! Apart from a busting headache for the rest of the day I slept and felt not too bad. I had a swallow test the next morning which I promptly threw up after as it was like trying to swallow petrol. then clear fluids slowly, ahh not too bad, there was no major abdominal revolt. So a little tummy discomfort from surgical incisions, some shoulder tip and upper GI pain that resolves with a walk and liquid drugs...good headache thank god is gone (that was the worst) and I am home and on my liquids as per Doctors orders no prob! Full steam ahead...




The last Supper

We are gathered around the kitchen table to say our last goodbyes to baked bread, roast meats, softdrink, gravy and extra large portions forever....you have been good friends in my time of needand have given me comfort BUT no more... thats it I'm fasting baby woohoo! 12 hours to go. Bring on the HOT doctors..




Tomorrow is BAND DAY!

Well in less than 24 hours I will be banded. Nervous yes, excited yes! I feel kind of sad to say goodbye to old me and impatient to get to know the new me. Are my expectations too high? Will it work? Will I be safe tomorrow? :confused: Will I be ravenously hungry ? I have never been one to deny myself anything especially food. I am a smoker and have tried to quit several times these past few months and failed, will this be a reflection on my motivation to make the band work for me? Well the first big step is within my grasp, so I am off to pack my bag!! Watch out for the pics to follow.   Deb:thumbup:





BFFF....Best Fat Funny Friend. :confused: I dont know whether I should be insulted or complimented! My good collegue and friend sat me down with great concern holding my hands in hers and simply stated "What am I going to do without my best fat funny friend?" WHAT! She told me she dosent see my weight as a problem but my bubbly personality and the way I make her laugh is what is important. :rolleyes:Hellooooo...this is about me here! I am beginning to regret telling anyone. I gently told her the obvious... I will still be funny and bubbly but HOT! and healthier and BTW she doesnt and never had a weight issue....typical. 3 days to go..   Deb:tongue_smilie:




oh god i am sick!

what rotten luck, was at work friday night had this sore throat and started not feeling so flash, I just couldnt finish my shift so came home at 2am. Well I have been wiped out out with some bug ever since....i am being banded FRIDAY!!! I cant be sick now.... :frown:woe is me I am throwing everything at myself vitamins, panadol, cold relief, I can barely swallow past the razors and walk around the aches oh dear double woe!!!




Dietician appointment #1

So walked into the dietician yesterday and she gave me the information I have been craving...what am I gonna eat! I mean who drinks liquid custard aagghhh:eek:, and liquid yoghurt yeww:scared2:...the sustagen is ok but she said one serve a day. and I hate vegetable juice. oh and lets not forget the raw eggs and milk:confused:...god help me! So looks like sustagen , water and skim milk for me.. boy howdy am I gonna be starving but damn I'm gonna be hot!:w00t:




two weeks today and counting...

So like what will I eat, this is bothering me. I know the plan and all but I practically survive on bread, pasta, rice and MEAT! oh dear, I am also concerned that I work night duty and how this is going to affect my eating as all night at work i snack and drink coffee...my nurse friends are semi supportive, my so called friends are "why" and "its a bit drastic" my husband is OK with it (whatever I feel I need to do) I wish I had a friend who could sit and chat and be there...you know? I am off to see the dietician Thurs, so lets hope she is inspiring!   :thumbup:




In the beginning...

This is for me. Ok so I am nearly 40, married, three kids and I have always been overweight. I am sick of the comments "your not fat" or "you have beautiful skin"( yeah dont look to close!) and my favorite "your healthy" No I'm not! I am always doing for others and then blaming them for my hangups and failures. I am sick and tired of getting dressed up thinking i look nice and then arriving at said function being surrounded by tiny gorgeous women that dont sweat. :toetap05: So after great deliberation I have decided on the band! Yeah I was confident and excited and now I am kinda starting to freak the closer I get to surgery date which is Feb 20th 2009. My start weight is 108kgs. I am frightened, hey like what am I going to eat, what if there are complications blah blah, you know what EXCUSES! my whole life is made up of excuses! so hear we go!  



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