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The Journey

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Bad Night

:help:Last night was a really bad night!   I have had several episodes where I start by having to throw up something I ate that sticks and then it progresses to not being able to keep down even a sip of water. Usually, by the morning, and with no sleep, I go get my fill taken out. Last night, I determined in my heart to see this thing through without having to call my doctor, drive over to Texas, have the fill taken out, and start over with the inevitable weight gain of the "freedom to eat" ticket (no fill)!   Me and the Lord had a long and continual talk through the night and praise God this morning I didn't have to go have my fill out! I am trying to recall all of the enormous amounts of information you get before surgery about eating right, troubleshooting, etc. and I started out this morning with a glass of grape juice. Liquids today, soft foods next, gradually building up to a normal diet (if I can ever find what that is!)!   I feel like I have jumped a tremendous hurdle and I feel really encouraged!   Pray for me that I can FOLLOW THE RULES! To date, I have lost 30 pounds - several times in the past year actually - and I want that number to be 80!



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