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New Doctor!!

Well, for once I finally feel that I have a doctor that is willing to help me. My thyroid is under control FINALLY!! he also told me that lapband was a possiblillity but he wanted me to try some other things first. He wants me to go back on weight watchers and get into an exercise class. i have another appointment in july he wants to do blood work for other things and switch my birthcontrol and he wants to see from there what happens. Im excited!!!!




Been awhile

I know it's been awhile, and I am ashamed that I haven't gotten farther than I have. I switched Doctor's to one that will be more aggressive about getting my thyroid under control, but other than that I haven't done much! I started my spring semester this week :nervous the semester is 6 weeks, and there is just so much to do, I dont think college will ever be normal, its always going to overwhelm me!!! But its no excuse I need to get going with my surgery.





Today when I went to work I was in a good mood. I told one of my managers about me wanting to have lap band... and she got upset and told me I was too young and I would just regret it. It really upset me because I am determined on this and she just set me back. She said that she knew people that have had it done and she said my stomach will just strech around the band and the people that have had it done that she knows just gained the weight back and more. I have to go tomorrow to get my referal to a specialist and I have to call my insurance company to see if they cover the surgery. I just havent had anyone tell me it was a bad idea yet and it really hurt! I was so excited and she just wrecked it all today:help:. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!! good night




I'm learning more every day!

I know this will sound really stupid comparing the two things, but this is my theory!! Today I had my wisdom teeth pulled. I told myself that if I got through it alright and there wasn't TOO much pain that I was going to get serious about doing the lap band surgery! My thought process was that It is more invasive yes, but it doesnt seem by much to me, and the Time that I would be under anashesia will be similar, (hopefully) also I will get a small taste of the liquid diet, and then slowly getting back on solid foods. So after the surgery today, I got home took one of my codines, and went to bed, when I woke up there was no pain just a little pressure but no pain. I think this is somebodies way of telling me that I was right and I do need to do this! I have to switch my doctors, because I know the one I have wont even consider helping me, but once I find one I will be right on my way! And for once Im really excited about this! But my meds are kicking in on me so i think im gonna go to sleep FINALLY!!! Night night:notagree



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