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Fill Today

Today I had a fill- just 3cc's. Ugh I was not ready for this one. It was my first fill at a new doctor, great office and wonderful staff. But today when she was feeling around for the port, i could have passed out. I think i was nervous and excited becasue every time i get a fill i seem to lose 15 lbs in a week. :thumbup:   But she pushed around and then stuck me- i broke out in a cold sweat- not good. Then she moved it around until she found it, and then I swear i heard the swoosh of the band being filled... ugh ugh ugh... then i started to sweat more. I was not a happy camper today.   Now im feeling ok, with my protien shake in hand, ugh but today not a good experience.   Hope you are all well!!   Keep up the great work!! :biggrin:




New job... new clothes...

About two weeks ago I started a new job which meant I needed to get new clothes ASAP. I was trying on old suits and dress and jsut laughed at what I was seeing. It was like I was leaving behind a person who never wanted to be there. When I put on my large skirt and my medium top this morning I was reminded of what I used to wear and how hard it was to be cute and find cute clothes that were not matronly in my size. Today I am in a Vera Wang skirt and Target top ( HAHA- you have to skimp somewhere :tounge_smile: ) And I have on 3 inch heels - another plus to losing wieght- you can actually wear your heels all day and not have to bring them to the cobbler after a week to have caps replaced.   I hope everyone is doing well.. my next adventure will be swimsuit... and for the first time I am excited to put one on. WHAT!!! I never thought I would say that.     Well keep it up everyone- as alwasys it keeps getting better!!




Fun things I never thought about...

For the past 2 months the weight has been falling off but I have noticed some things that make me smile everyday that i never thought about.....   1. My rings are big... I can actually go buy the fashion fancy rings in a store and not hope and pray they have 10 but put on the 8 and smile.   2. I can run 3 miles without gasping for air and limping from shin splints. :cursing:   3. Going into a store and buying a large top or a dress in a medium. :mad2:   4. Being able to shop in any store I want to.   5. Out running my alwasy skinny sister.   6. Seeing poeple who have not seen me in months and have them gasp.   7. Going to the gym and getting the looks from the guys I am looking at. :thumbdown:   8......   There will be more but I just wanted to remind people that this is a journey and even if you dont lose a pound a day the small things for me like going to my jewlery box and putting on my size 8 rings remind me how great things are!   Keep it up!!   It keeps getting better!




To drink or to eat.....

Hello Fellow Bandsters... Hope everyone is enjoying the first day of Spring! Personally I woke up to snow flurries :sneaky:. Well we can't have it all.   Just wanted to talk about my current battle. I am having a hard time getting more that 800 calories a day... I am just not hungry. I eat becasue I know I have to. I am also torn between drinking or eating. I love water, I love my dandelion tea, i love my Nectar Protein, i love my iced decaf americanos... but I always would rather drink than eat.   Anyone else who is like this?? It is extreamly frustrating!!     Keep up the great work all! It keeps getting better!! :w00t:




Coffee Nuts!!!

Im am back (wearing my size 16 jeans!!!!).   I know that there are coffee nuts out there just like me who were devestated by the idea of no caffine, fear not my caffine loving bansters. I was recently at Starbucks getting my Iced Decaf Coffee and my friend got (my former drink) his Venti Americano. As I a made a comment on how I was jealous that he could have delicious amazing espresso, the wonderful life-saving barista (I am telling you all become friends with your local barista they will save your life some days) said, "We can do that in decaf", WHAT?! Thus my ears decive me- did she just say decaf Americano!!!???   Instantly she changed my order and handed me a Venti Iced Decaf Americano- I could have leap across the counter and hugged her.   So fear not my espresso loving bandsters- Starbucks has yet again saved the day!   Keep up the great work everyone- It just keeps getting better!! :thumbup:




2 Months and a size 16!

Hello All- I decided to utilize this blog function just for fun. So forgive me if I dont update everyday.. still new to it all.   I wanted to say that today I bought 2 pair of jean in a size 16!!! A what? A 16!!!! After telling my self that jeans are all cut differently and blah blah that dont get upset if they dont fit, they will soon... and then just like that a button and zip later there I was in the dressing room wearing a size 16! :thumbup: I was elated to say the least. I took the jeans I had on and held them up to the new ones and near fell over.   I had mixed emotions after the purchase. I said to myself, "Is it more disturbing that the old jeans used to be sung around the thighs and hips or is it more disturbing how big they are now?" It was one of those moments when you think back to two months ago and I rembmer the day before surgery measuring my thighs and my arms and hip and waist and my thighs were 31 inches each.. today they are 26 inches. I can fit my whole are in there. :thumbup: Crazy!!!   This whole journey has only gone on for 2 months I cant wait till I am one year out and looking back on this blog entry.   Keep up the good work everyone... It just keeps getting better!



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