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5 miles and the Big Dam Bridge

I have noted before that I am walking 2.5 miles each day a t lunch, or at least the days I am not stuck on calls. Well, this morning I got up and was at the river at 6:30, I walked my route then thought this is not big deal let me double it by going across the Big Dam Bridge, not kidding that is the official name of the walkway that goes across the Arkansas River at Murrey Lock and Dam, so it did it. I walked approx 5 miles it took me 1.5 hours but considering that before I had my LB I was winded just getting to my office, and that was only a little over two months ago. The LB has dramatically changed my life. I also continue to loss weight and will have a official update on Friday of next week following group. Let me also say the reason I had time to walk is now it takes me next to nothing t get things done. I mean I use to spend the weekend on projects that now I can complete on Friday night after I get home from work. No more naps, no more focusing on food. In fact tonight I am going to a party, something I would have avoided before because of my weight.




I cheated :)

On Thursday, since I took off Early on Wednesday for my Birthday. The people at work had me a nice German chocolate cake with candles and I had a piece. Well maybe not a piece. I had approx one table spoon, not rounded either. I think they were testing me, in a nice way. They wanted to do something for me and did not know what to do, I skipped lunch since I had that tablespoon and was not hungry anyway.




Two days post-op

I have completed my second day post-op without any issues. I don't feel bad, I just don't feel good. I am moving around more and more so that is a good sign. I don't know how much of that is because of the hernia repair, but all in all I think I am doing good. I am drinking broth, water and Gatorade. No hunger, in fact I have to make myself drink the broth. I have not taken a shower yet, even though I was told I could. Just not enough energy. I am down about 20lbs since I begin the pre-op diet. Thanks to everyone.




Still doing GREAT

I am still on track and doing great. I have stayed the course and not even thought about cheating. I am still walking two miles everyday and working in the yard. I am still sleeping better than ever and while I don't have tons of energy I feel good for the most part. I am getting between 700-900 calories a day, but after speaking to the nutritionist after feeling weak on day, I may need to boost it to around 1000 calories a day. Weight has slowed down as far as coming off, but did I really expect to continue losing 5 pounds per week, well maybe hoping. Still eating the same thing, food no longer seems to b the issue in my life. I will be glad in a year when I can blog that I have lost my weight.




Much better now and that was so odd

My last post I talked about how hungry I was and I cheated. It was so weird, the next day I was fine and this weekend I forgot to eat some meals. I scheduled a fill for tomorrow, that is number two. But I am off my plateau and lost another 5 pound. Will update my ticker after I get my fill so I will have an official weight. I walked and worked in the yard all weekend, I have so much energy now. Each week it gets better. I cooked sea bass and that is very very good, I also had a steak Saturday night without issue. You can really eat good with the LB if you work at it. Hope everyone is doing great.




Like a bad date the hunger has finally arrived

For those who have read my blog, I have been very proud that I did not have to go through Bandster Hell and have not had a fill and this is post-op+ 8 weeks. Well a couple of nights ago I got very hungry and had to have another protein shake and each day since it has been an issue. I went from eating 700 calories a day to forcing 1000 to keep from getting weak. Now I am around 1500 a day. The only thing that changed is my increased exercise. That might be driving my hunger. But I did not wait, the next morning I picked up the phone and called the Doctor's office and I will get my first fill next Tuesday at 11:15am. That is how it is going to roll, I paid good money or at least the part the insurance did not cover for this band and I plan to use it to it's fullest. If I need a fill, I will get one. Trust me the money I save on food each month will more than pay for my fill. And for those who take satisfaction that I need a fill, I also slimed and PB'ed today because when I am hungry I eat too fast. I may be doing more of that once I get a fill.





I had read about LB's having hiccups, well today was my first time, very odd for me. In fact I seemed to be in some distress most the day. My stomach has been rumbling, my belching is more than normal and also lots of gas, I did not eat till around 11 today and then for dinner I had turkey burger, minus everything but the turkey. Maybe it is just my body making adjustments, or a least I hope that is all it is. Excuse me while I belch.............ok guess it's just one of those days. It could be a reaction to the Vemma and assorted pills I am taking, went from one pill a day to now 6. Hope I am back to normal tomorrow. :thumbup:




Did I mention I am losing weight?

Well today was a normal day, I was busy most the day so I only got one shake in and then for dinner I had two chicken sausages, which were a bit much. I could have gotten by with just one. I also had two protein waters and of course my Vemma and vitamins. Each day I get up and the second thing I do is weigh, of course this is unofficial weight since my doctor stresses that home scales are not our official record. So unofficially I have lost 20 pounds pot LB, with the pre-op I should be down about 35 pounds. I will update my ticker following my group the last Thursday of each month with the official weight. Still not hungry, but no restriction so I can eat without any major issues.




First Blood

Today I had to run by my doctor's office to give a final blood panel meaning I had to fast all day. Two weeks from today I will be home from the hospital, counting down the day. Told my friends by next summer vacation I would be wearing a thong :smile:, ya me 50+ in a thong.




Feel better already

I made it through my first day of fatty liver reducing diet, that sounds so sweet (NOT). I had two protein shakes and a lean cuisine. I really did not struggle at all. Lets' see what today brings.:w00t:




Interesting twist of faith

Well,, I am up in the middle of the night; not by my choosing. My other half, is having back issues and I had to get up an get him a heating pad. The reason it is interesting is because it use to be me. I was up all night tossing and turning or with back pain. But not anymore, the LB has changed that; not that I have lost a ton or weight yet. But since I have had the lapband and recovered I sleep like a baby and I sleep longer. This is amazing, I don't remember in my adult life sleeping like this...so good. I have been working in the yard non-stop after being limited by my weight and lack of energy for years I am able to go out for 10 hours of straight work with little after pain. Not only is this good exercise it is good on the food aspect as well. Today I only had morning and lunch shake and then shrimp and lobster for dinner. Since is have little restriction I had no trouble getting them down. The lobster was broiled in the oven and the Shrimp was Ruby Tuesday's ( I know this was not the best choice, but it was the first outside food I have had since surgery and I shared the portion). My weight loss has slowed to a stop but since I am working hard in the yard and walking (when I can) and still keeping to 650-1000 calories a day, I know it will come off. Back to bed, the yard will be calling at sunrise.




It has been a while since I posted, but life is good

I have been so busy and so at a stand still with my weight that I have not posted in a while. But that does not mean I am not as happy as I can be with my Lap band. It means I have I have gotten off course. I have been at a stand still since before my Vegas trip in late July. Here a month later I still weigh the same, but I have changed. First I have not fallen off the wagon, I just don't follow my previous winning routine as I did before. I am not eating bad, just not as good as I could. No sweats or anything like that, just more than I should and I joined a gym and go almost daily. I am in 38 jeans, do you know what that means. Six months ago I would have bet I would never be in 38's I would have bet I would not join a gym. But still I feel this has been very successful and I am sure I will take off the rest of my weight. Perhaps I just needed to take a breather and slow it down. I am headed to the beach in a week and when I get back I will get another fill and take off that last 40-60 pounds. Even now I feel wonderful. Last weekend I walked 9 miles on Saturday and 6 on Sunday, six months ago I struggle to get to my office.




Packing for Vegas

I started packing for Vegas today, I leave next Sunday. I have packed enough Muscle Milk Light to cover my protein needs each day. I know sometimes when you fly you tighten up, and if I was any tighter (well perhaps I should not use that phrase). If you have any suggestions for me on my trip please chime in. At least my food bill in Vegas should be next to nothing.




It's been a week

I was banded last Monday, don't remember much about that day. But here a week later I am feeling much better. I did leave the house today just for about 30 minutes and maybe that was not such a good idea. I am sure it is just a matter of time. The good news is I am still not hungry. I make my 3 protein shakes each day, now off of broth. Next week is mushies, but at this time that is no big deal. I am having to learn to bend at the knees and not at the waste and that was the issue with my trip out today. I want to go to group support on Thursday, I think it will be good for me. Again thanks for reading my blog.




Much Better Day

I am having a good day, I went to Walmart and did a little shopping. I had someone with me to do all the bending, loading, etc. I just pointed and paid :thumbup:. I wanted to get some soups since I did not have any. I got tomato, cream of chicken, and cream of mushroom. I plan to begin adding these in slowly. I also got numerous pureed fruits for next weeks when I am on mushes. There was a good sugar free selection from Mott's and some creamed potatoes. I have a group meeting at Dr. Luttrell's on Thursday and actually looking forward to it. Then I have my first follow-up with him on Tuesday. I am approved till April 13th so I will have a full month to cover. This is very good. I really felt for the people who had to go back to work on Monday, I don't think that was a possibility for me. But again, I had hernia surgery as well. My swelling has gone down yet one of the incisions is still bleeding just a spot. Other than that the incisions look well. I guess when the hair grows out no one will ever know. I have not lost any additional weight but am doing good to get in 500 calories a day. I need more protein to create weight loss. I am so glad I shaved in advance, one of the guys in Men of March (Men's Room) is having to treat the rash caused by the shaving. I am sleeping better and that is very good. I got so little sleep the first week. Hope these post help. I know they helped me.




You can eat well, with good food, that is healthy for you

Well, I am almost 4 weeks post LB and life has for the most part returned to normal, other than the food which is better. I am still not hungry and have no problem going all day one the one meal and a shake or two, no snacks, not treats. Today I even made brownies for a friend and never even tasted them. That is how not hungry I am, not bad for someone who has not had a fill. I continue to treat myself good and my meals are good. I am eating wisely, tonight I had grouper and crab. I bought one Grouper fillet which will do two meals and used the last of my crab. Seasoned it with Old-bay and some other spices and pan seared it in a little butter and pancheta drippings (hoped I spelled that right). I am learning what I always knew but failed to practice. You can eat well, with good food, that is healthy for you. OK the butter and pancheta drippings could have been left out but the point I am making is I am eating good food and loving it. Thanks LB. I did get brought back to Earth yesterday when I moved 3 small plants that were in my home office outside, I felt it in my mid-section for the rest of the day. But this morning no issues.




Officially 53.5

OK, I am not at my official self impossed goal to be down 60 pound in week 11 post-op. But I am close.



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