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OMG what a fill

I had my second fill yesterday and it was only an increase of .4cc, but what a difference. I went from being able to eat steak on Saturday night to having to drink my water slow. Tonight I tried some chicken noodle soup, I thought I was going to die. I slimed big time and PB'ed forever but it did go down as opposed to coming up. I guess I have to slow down even more and maybe be on clear liquids for a few day. I AM NOT COMPLAINING, I would love to be at my sweet spot on the second fill, but that might be just a dream.




This is going to sound odd

This morning I ordered a heavy duty rolling clothes rack, I know bazaar. But I need something to start moving my old clothes out. Everything I put on is too large and I have to get them out of here. So I ordered a rolling rack, remember I have years of FAT clothes all the way up, but this time if I can't wear it out it goes as I am very confident that I will never be that size again. Once it gets here if I try on something and it is too big it can go straight to the rack. Then out to the garage sale or charity. The LB has changed my life....Alos let me note that my restriction is holding, it is only liquids for me at this point. It is strange when your turned off by food, because you know what will happen if you eat it. LOVE IT!




News Flash****now down 70 pounds****

OK, I have really been struggling since my last fill. On Tuesday I tried to eat some chicken and it got stuck, by Wednesday I could barely get water down. Yesterday I was able to drink some water and a little broth. I spoke with my Dr. and he offered to do a un-fill. But I am going to hold out for now, as long as I can get water and broth I am good. I hope it will loosen up in a few day, may have some swelling due to being stuck. I was at a good spot and don't want to regress. The good news is I am now down 70 pounds in 3.5 months. Keeping the faith...




Planning for the week

I go back to work tomorrow after a month off and am planning for my meals. Breakfast before I go in each day will be a Chike Protein Shake, lunch will be a Slim fast 20 gram protein shake, I will take 3 waters and two Special K protein Packets, 5g each ( that in itself will give me 58g of protein). I am cooking 4 turkey burgers, which I made out of a one pound package of Italian ground turkey, which I binded with some southwest Eggbeaters, and I am also cooking one of those JenneO Turkey breast in a bag. Easy, Easy, Easy. This should cover me through next Saturday. I wanted to have good food prepared and ready to go, so I won't eat bad food. Everything else is going well. I find it very interesting that I now can eat for week for less than I use to spend to eat a day. I guess my food budget is about $25 a week now. I will still treat myself well, since I eat so little I am going to make sure what I eat is the best. Yesterday I got so busy, that I forgot to eat dinner, so the Grouper I cooked on Friday will be my dinner tonight.




Today was a defining moment

Usually on Saturday nights I have steak. It's just what I do. Well as usual I went and got a couple of nice filets today from The Fresh Market. Cooked them up tonight and even though I cut mine in the size of a pencil eraser and chewed, chewed, chewed. It would not go down. I guess my days of eating steak are over. But I will try again tomorrow. On a positive note, I did walk my 5 miles at 6am this morning, mowed the yard ( and that was with a push mower) planted some plants and worked in the yard the rest of the day. Guess you know why I wanted a steak. I ended up drinking a protein shake. Guess that last fill really did the trick.




Un-eventful Week

It was really just an normal week. Nothing major to report since getting stuck on Monday. I have been very careful since then and I did eat my steak after a few days and had no issues. I am only down a few pounds since my last update, I guess I am at another terrible plateau , hate it when I am not losing. I wanted to be down to a certain weight by my Vegas trip and only time will tell, but as it looks now, that goal is going to be hard fought. That is something else I want to point out, you have to set realistic goals each month then make it happen, either by increasing your exercise or decreasing your food. Since it is just too hot for me to go out and walk like I was I have decreased my food intake. I am shooting for about 800 calories a day as opposed to my normal 1000. I know I can make this work and you have to work this band.




These boots are made for walking

On Tuesday, I did a half mile. Yesterday I did a mile and a half. Today two miles, mind you this is on my hour lunch. Plus I came home and worked in the yard for two hours. Beats coming home to nap. Also even though I do not have a fill, I reached my full level today. If you read my blog, I am eating turkey patties and some turkey each night for dinner, I only have one meal. Today I had my patty, it was a little bigger than the others but not by much and I ate some turkey, well about half way though my turkey, I was full had that bad feeling in my stomach. You know with turkey you can feel it go though the stoma, well I reached a point that no more would go through. I got right up threw the rest away and begin walking to help ease the pain. Then begin belching and now all is good. Mind you this was just one turkey patty, I get four out of a pound of turkey and a slice of turkey breast and I eat with an appetizer fork so I won't eat too much. I may never need a fill. :smile2: I have not noticed much weight loss this week, but the inches are coming off, I now wear my belt on the last inside notch as opposed to the first notch. If your large get a LB.




It's my Birthday and yes I am really 52, my boss thinks I am 32

So I take a half day off work today, but when my Boss arrives, or at lease when she logs into the system in Atlanta, I am in Little Rock. The first thing she does is tell me to wrap it up and go home. She is such a great boss, and no she does not read this or even know I had a LB. So I go to walk the Big Dam Bridge, it is a 2.5 mile walk above the water crossing the Arkansas River, it is awesome. Then I go to the store and buy two filet minon steaks for dinner. Thinking it will be great to have beef, I have only had one other small sample of beef since the LB. I cook them in the oven and start to eat. TWO BITES, YES I SAID TWO BITES and I was full and had to take a papaya emizine just to get it to go down. My friend was all apologetic, but I thought it was great. I thought all day I was going to over eat, I was going to cheat, at least cheat with more protein than I should have had, not a chance the LB worked perfect. So next week when I get my official weight I should be down 60 pounds or at least that is my goal. Happy Birthday




12 hours away

Well, I have already stopped eating with a nice Lean Cuisine as my final pre-ban meal. The two week diets was not that bad. I shaved my chest today in prep for tomorrow. Yes, I know they would do that, but I had a dry shave for my EKG las week and I thought this would be better. An interesting experience I must add. That had be a a pound loss :thumbup:. Anyway I am surprisingly not nervous. The only thing that was pressing was getting everything I wanted to do done before the surgery. I have my bag packed and will leave about 6am for my 2 hour drive. I will post again as soon as I am able. Thanks for everyone's support and this site.





Well I am now banded, it was interesting. I drove the two hours to the hospital, never nervous as I knew I was making the right choice. Once they put you under you know nothing. Once inside me the doctor found I had a serious Hiatal Hernia, which he had to repair. that took about an hour from what I was told. Then he did the BAND and I had a hard recovery again from what I was told. The worst part for me was the drive back, every move the jeep made I felt it in my midsection. I did have some gas pain in the shoulder on the way home and the first night. But today it has not been an issue. I walked all night, at least what I could. The whole process was not bad I really can't say anything was too much to handle. I did heave in recovery and was a little concerned about that. My doctor called to check on me today and I have an appointment in two weeks. The pictures of my insides are interesting. I had lost about 15 pounds in my pre-op diet. Since the surgery I have peed a lot, just it is from the Iv's. Today I have had about a half a cup of both and some Gatorade. Not really wanting anything but know I need to keep my strength up. I still have on my TED's but they are beginning to bother me. Will write more tomorrow. Thanks for this site and everyone who came before me. I actually knew more than some of the nurses who were helping me with expectations,




Three Days post band

Good news to report today. I was able to sleep in the bed some last night, only about two hours at a time,then I would have to get up and walk around to get the gas off my stomach. But this is a huge improvement and I feel much better today. Yesterday evening I begin to belch a lot and begin taking Mylanta. Not sure it is working but it helps, yesterday the belching was painful today not so much. I was also about to go to the bathroom for the first time since the band. So it looks like by body is beginning to adjust and get back into the norm. The best news of all is this morning my scale was below 300lbs for the first time in a long time. :sneaky: My abdomen no longer hurts like it did the first couple of days when I would get up and down out of the chair. Looks like a brand new day to me....




Band Date March 16th

I band date is March 16 at 9:30am. I started my protein drinks for the next two weeks. Two meal replacement shakes and a light meal. Fun, Fun, Fun. Ready to make this happen.:smile:




Brand New Day

Here is the deal, I am out of control. I have been dieting since 1980. Each diet brings new weight, so after 29 years it is time for me to take control again. I am going to be as open as possible on here so it might be a little real for some.   With that being said please help me on my journey to a new me.




Has your mentality changed?

You know I am in a complete different mindset now that my weight is dropping with my LB. I use to plan which restaurants I would hit, what food I would cook, and what grocery's I would consume on the weekend. Now I plan on what I can get done, where I am going to walk, and who I will visit. I have made amens with many, including my Dad that I have not spoken to in about 10 years. I think I carried so much guilt on my shoulders with my weight that I had forgot who I was, I have to say again the LB is life changing. Hope everyone gets the same results.




FOLLOWUP to OMG I thought I was going to DIE!!!

When I say the chicken was stuck it was stuck and it has taken me 4 days to recover. I am back to drinking protein shakes and eating chili and soups, I have not tried any solid food at this point, too scared. Not scared of the food, but scared that I will have to have an un-fill not that I feel I am at the perfect place after only two fills. You can't imagine that so little can really be so much in your band. I now know why doctors give very small fills, especially if they don't use the fluoroscope. I did buy a new protein drink at Walmart this morning Muscle Milk light, has anyone tried it? If you read my blog thanks, please do not get scared with one entry, if you read more you will know I LOVE my LB and there is nothing to be scared of, but some of it you learn trial and error.




Life is to short to be FAT

I just completed my first week of the pre-op diet, not to bad. One week to go. I have a pre-op exam by my primary tomorrow. My surgery has been moved up an hour to 8:30 Monday 3-16. I watched the Emmi program yesterday, then sat down with my other half and watched it again to make sure we were both on the same page. This time next week I will be wanting to leave the hospital to come home.




Second day back at work and I walked during lunch

I am slow to get to the exercise due to my hernia surgery, but today I walked during lunch. Maybe only did a mile, maybe less, but I walked. Now that the weather is getting nice I will do this everyday during lunch. The walk did me good, when I got home I was able to go piddle around outside for 1.5 hours before I came in and had my turkey patty and a piece of turkey breast. I could feel the turkey breast go down and then slide through, not such a good feeling, maybe I should stick to the ground turkey. Anyway this is one month and one day past surgery and I already feel so much better, and look so much better. I do not have to come home and take a nap after work, and not worrying about food is great. I want to tell all the people who are like me, large, have you thought about a LB. Wish this was around when I was 30.




Two full weeks, life is good

Today is the completion two weeks. I cooked my first LB meal today. Cooked some ground turkey, with a little beef and tomato bullion, then added some tomato soup. Had another good day, I did not bandage my wounds today since there has not been bleeding for the past two days. I am really trying to move on with my life and "Life is Good". Food is not longer the center of my life, I use to plan the weekend on where I would go to eat and what I would cook, now that is not even a thought. Not to mention my food/dining bill has basically ended. Let's see my shopping list was Silk Light Soy Milk, Special K protein Water mixes, and some 2% string cheese. I get my protein shake mix from the doctor "Chike" it is good. I plan to continue two shakes and one meal a day till I get my weight off. I am still not exercising enough, that will come with time.




Will it ever stop raining

It has rained none stop for the past two day, this use to not bother me. I would just get a gallon of ice cream and all my favorite foods and cook, eat, and sleep for two days. But now, I have energy, I want to do things. First it messes up my walks, you have to walk and exercise to loss weight. You can't get a LB and set on the couch, your energy level won't let you do that. In group this week we had two groups, the groups that exercise and loses weight and the group that does not and complains that they are not losing it very fast, if at all. They are also the ones that said they cheat more often than the other group. But don't worry, I am not talking about being a gym rat. I am talking about returning to a normal life, doing things, going to the park, museums, malls, things you avoided before. You know like working in the yard cleaning the garage. Anyway back to me, on Friday I forgot to eat, I had two protein shakes and then missed dinner. Just forgot, amazing. Yesterday I had one protein shake and for dinner I cooked a tuna steak and two crab cakes for me. Remember I am treating myself well. I also cooked a steak and mashed potatoes for the other half. I did eat 3 bits of steak, the first beef I had had since LB. Wanted to know if I could eat it, and yes it was very good. I ate my two small crab cakes and a few bites of tuna and I was done. All together maybe 6 ounces. That seems to be my max. Hope this helps you as much as it helps me.




What a difference two weeks makes

Two weeks ago today I had my LB. Now I am treating my scars with Mederma and pretty much life has returned to normal other than I am still off work, won't go back till the 13th, (I have great benes). Today I begin to incorporate LB into my life, I bought a container for my counter to put my protein shake mix in, yes my doctor is a fan of the shakes past recovery. I made room in my spice cabinet for my supplements and made room for my scale. The interesting thing is I still have no desire for food. Two weeks ago that was all I thought of. Tomorrow I see the doctor for the first post-op check-up. I will update after that visit. If you are thinking about this surgery, stop thinking and do it. I believe I am down about 30 pounds, but will give the official weight tomorrow.




Change of diet

I have changed my diet. I am now having my two protein shakes and a Lean Cuisine and two protein waters a day. Lets see what this does. I walked two miles again at lunch today. My energy levels are up and best of all today a person I work with who I have known for 8 years saw me walking across the floor today stopped me to say how good I was looking, she did not know I had the LB. You have to understand, I am the first one at work each day, I go to my office which does not have windows and is next to the bathroom, so no one ever sees me. I don't support the building I work in so most of the 1000 of people who work with don't know I exist. Anyway, it was nice to be noticed for losing weight. My clothes are looking baggie and I can actually lift my legs so I can tie my shoes. The LB is GRAND.




I cheated, again sorta

Last night I got really hungry, something that is not an issue to me so I went all out (I guess that is a matter of opinion) I had an extra protein shake, I know I know I shouldn't have, but I also added a banana and two table spoons of peanut butter and a table spoon on Nutella. Bad me I almost double my calories for the day in one shake. So today I made an appointment for my second fill.




It just keeps getting better...

You know I was a slug before the LB, I did not feel like doing anything other than stuffing my face and watching the tube. Not anymore, since dropping the pounds it is all about what can I do today. Today I worked all day and cam home and mowed the yard, remember I fired the yard boy. I went to Sams Club today and the only thing I bought was water, that has to be a first. I have saved enough money on food in 3 months that I am treating myself to a trip to Vegas. It has got very hot so now I walk in Walmart at lunch, I can still work up some sweat and I only have pushed on "bluehair" down so far. Hope your all doing well.




Another good day, I ATE MY FIRST REAL FOOD

While I am still on mushes for this week I decided I would sample some real food tonight. I had made a simple casserole of egg noodles, cream of chicken soup, cheddar soup, broccoli, and chicken, topped with a little cheddar. I actually made this for my friend, but decided I would have a little. So I got our my appetizer plate and fork that I bought pre-band and served myself a very small portion, about a 1/4 of a cup. Thinking I would not be able to get it down. I took my time chewed well and poof it was gone. I now have more confidence that the band and I will work together. PLEASE NOTE, I have not had a fill other than the little he put in the band at surgery. I could probably eat anything. But still no hunger and I only ate that as a test of real food. If I get on the scale tomorrow and I have gained an ounce, I will just die :thumbdown:. But I also know I can't continue eating baby food the rest of my life. First step, I know it should have been all protein, but it was not planned. Tomorrow I plan to try some fish for dinner. Thanks to all who commented on my blog, I am glad it helps. You can also read my chain in the "Men's Room" Men of March. Thanks all:smile:




I have been good to myself

I was reading that you save about $400 a month on food as a LB. So I am thinking since I should eat my protein first that I should be good to myself. So Friday I went to Sam's and bought lump crab meat, flounder, scallops, and lobster tail. Then Friday night I had a piece of Flounder with a little crab on top. It was all flaky and I cooked it in Pam and just a pat of butter. It went down good, no more than I eat now this should last me through the month. Last night I made a turkey burger. I used the Italian seasoned ground turkey and some southwest Eggbeaters added a few spices and got 4 burgers out of a pound package. It went down good as well. Since I cooked all 4 I plan to have another tonight. Still just eating one meal a day 1-2 shakes and no snacks, even thought I was told I could have some 2% string cheese which I bought and only ate once. Just no desire. I am still trying to add a couple of protein waters into the mix. So far I am not wanting, I actually cooked dinner for my friend tonight and I can't eat any of it, but again I have a goal. One of which is not to mess up my band, so I am sticking to my doctors orders. Only have one more week off work before I go back to the grind. Also I still notice I am cold more than normal, I use to keep the AC or heat at 65, now at 70 I am cold. I am also sleeping more and better. I use to be up by 4am no matter what, now I sleep to 7,8, or 9. That will change when I go back to work since I work 6-3 but I don't think I have ever slept like that. Still no exercise other than normal activities,I will start walking when I go back to work.



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