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Day 12

yep! I am on day 12 of my band date & I am feeling great! Better than I have felt in a long time... :wink: Gas pains gone, incisions nearly gone... I am keeping track of calories and protien. I only feel hungry before breakfast.. I eat around 7ish and stay full until 10:00ish. I drink water to hold me until lunch and I eat around 11:00ish... and stay full until 2:00ish. I have a snack and am good till I get home for my protein shake and snack before bed. :wink2: Its great having this site and friends that know exactly what I am going thru and we keep each other motivated. I do need to start walking and plan on doing that on at least one break each day.. about 15-20 minutes. :cool2: Hey, its better than nothing! Just wanted to keep everyone updated.. I have my 2 week post op appointment on Monday the 2nd, so I will really know where I stand since the beginning of my journey. I am excited!




~Day 7~

I have got to get a scale! :confused: I have no clue what I weigh or how much I have lost! My post op appointment is Monday March 2nd, so that will really give me a solid feel of what I have done so far. I am still tender & still having some gas pains. I am feeling pretty good overall. I started keeping up with my calorie/protein intake and started walking yesterday! :mad2: I walked for about 30 minutes with my sister. That was plenty for my first work out! :frown: Its been a few days since I last blogged...I dont want to bore you by blogging every singe day, but I dont want to be a stranger either. I am so ready to see some results. I know that its coming soon. I posted a few "before" pics & I have some older ones that I want to post on here... I will try to do that this weekend. Then I will start taking some new ones.. to keep on track. :eek:




Day 4

Thinking I may be boring some people here, but hey... I dont want to let any of my "fans" down. :frown: Just kidding... Yes my friends, this is day 4 and I am feeling realy good. Especially since I have moved on to thicker liquids. I am still experiencing some gas pains in my chest when eating and drinking. But it doesnt last long and after a few breaths and a burp or two, its gone. Wondering if maybe I am swallowing too much, too fast. So I will try to be sure I slow it down. I am not having any hunger pains and no pain meds since Saturday. I got no naps today..I have really been on the go.. running errands, getting my taxes filed (still working on that), the boys had dental appointments and taking Dakota to & from work. I took off work tomorrow, but I am thinking I will go on in. Not really any reason to stay home, since all I will be doing is sitting at my desk. Besides, I dont want to use more days than I need to. I can almost feel myself losing weight.. :confused: crazy, I know! I need a scale so I can track my progress once a week.




Day 3

Including surgery day.... this is day 3 for me. All is well...hunger is not really an issue. My main annoyance right now is dry mouth and gas discomforts. I have been sleeping alot, havent taken any pain meds today. I tend to get "stoved up" when I am sitting for a long period and then start to move around, it hurts. But it gets much better when moving around.. walking. I am trying to tidy up here and there, but being careful not to do too much. I am trying to drink as much as I can, but think that I need to drink more. Tomorrow I get to start on thicker liquids,,,yay! I am still pretty pumped up and feel that this is really gonna work well for me. Robert has been very supportive and patient with me... God love him, he has been thru alot of health issues with me in the 10 years we have been together. He has never been in the hospital, had any procedures or really sick for that matter. I have had wisdom teeth removed, 5 kidney stone surgeries, 2 child births, female issues....he has been thru it all with me.. sickness and health, huh? Ok.. I have rambled enough... I am off work tomorrow for Presidents Day & scheduled to be off on Tuesday, but we will see. Talk to you guys again, soon. Thanks for reading and hope my experience helps you.




Let the healing begin

Well....I am banded! Feeling a slight discomfort....mostly in my throat. Crazy, I know...but they put that tube in your throat to assist with breathing and it always make mine sore. I do have some aching in my back & abdomen. Its not bad...just uncomfortable. I have been sipping on water and walking. So far so good. Just wanted to post a quickie for now, but I will keep updating when I can. Not sure if anyone actually reads this, but if it helps even 1 person...then that's good. I know reading blogs here have helped me...Besides, I like putting my thoughts and feelings here...helps track my progress.




Its really gonna happen

Ok...so I am sitting in my hotel in Dallas...went to my appointment to see the surgeon today and had lost 5 lbs!! Pre-op diet was not bad at all, once I got started and the headaches went away. I am beside myself..this is like a dream that I didnt think would ever come true & so quickly once I got it started! I am getting nervous, but really anxious to get started on my new life. It really just hit me, today about how emotional and life changing this is going to be. I have been miserable for 7 years & I am ready to get my life back. It has been really helpful to read all of the blogs here and see that everyone feels the same fears, hopes, goals. Wish me luck!




I'm Ready.. I'm Ready!

Just a couple more days... :smile: I am sooo anxious to get started on the new me! I will head to Dallas Thursday and my surgery is scheduled for 8:30 Friday morning. Pre-op diet is not too terribly bad... :w00t: first couple days left me with a migraine, but that is gone now. Went shopping last night for lots of high protein foods, juices, yogurts, sugar free stuff..yada yada. Just wanted to get a quick post in before things get too crazy around here.




~This is it!~

:thumbup:Ok.. so this is it!! I haven’t been this excited since the birth of my last son 6 years ago. It has been 6 years since I have felt good about myself. :iagree: Weight has been a struggle for me most all of my adult life, but more so in the past 6 years. Weight Watchers, Cabbage Soup Diet, Water Diet, Inches A Weigh, Gyms, Adipex and even the Ear Stapling :cheatfree: are some things that I have tried in the past. They have all worked.. I lost tons of weight two or three times over, only to gain it all back + some. The older I get, the harder it is. I am miserable.. :Banane37: I have developed many health problems due to my weight. It has caused a strain on my marriage, not that we have any problems, but that I care nothing at all about sex & this is not fair to my husband. He has been more than patient and supportive of me. I am ready to get my life back. February 13th will be that day!:Banane37: I will be going to Dallas for my surgery with a friend of mine that will be having it too. I have met a few people locally that have had LAP BAND and I appreciate all the advice, tips and stories. I am nervous, but extremely anxious. My next post will be probably closer to surgery or soon right after. :cheatfree:



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