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Trying to come up with soft food ideas

Came up with a few, don't want to eat b/c I don't want to regain the 8 lbs I lost. do I have to count cals. how will I know if i am eating too much? don't want to streach pouch. I can take in a lot still.




Day 8 My first visit with the Dr. after Band Surgery

I had a great visit with the Dr. I went in stepped on the scale and it showed 239. That's 9 lbs heavier than my scale after my shower. I went into the room depressed. After a couple of mins I went back with my shoes and arm brace off. This time it showed 233. 3 lbs different from my home scale. That reading I will take. I asked what my weight was when I came in to start all of this on Dec 13 2008. It was 241 now 233 down 8 lbs in lets say 6 weeks and 5 days. One of those weeks being on a liquid diet.   Ok, I get looked over a few questions go back a forth, he's in a hurry to get me out cuz others are waiting. I tell him I am starving, he did not want to hear it do not have a since of humor I guess. Then comes the good news, he says skip week 2 go to 3 soft foods, next week go to 4 solid foods. So now I can eat everything from week 1, 2 & 3 till next week.   He said he had to repair a hernia? Was this something I already had and did not know it?   First thing I do is call mother ask her to make me a gumbo. I go there for lunch and have gumbo broth with a microwave bake potato. Thought I was done with the broth, all in all it was a good filling meal. Now I am worried if i will be able to keep it down. It stays down I feel much better.   I am worried about eating the wrong foods and when to drink and not to drink, I would like to hear from others on what soft foods to eat for now and what solids I should eat starting next week and what to stay away from. . I get my first fill Feb 25 2009. Hope I can keep from gaining any weight by then, would look bad if I go back to my start weight wouldn't it.   I before he rushed me out I think he said my band is 11cc. Looked at me strange when I asked about it. I'll keep posting from time to time. Hope this info helps someone. I could not find this kind of info when I was looking for it. I am still looking for play by play info on how to eat properly, and keep on track.




Bigger than I thought

After putting my new numbers in on sparks my chart shows I have lost 20 lbs since my journey began. Looking at myself I don't see where they were lost from. And no one else looking at me sees any weight lost either. I told a couple of co workers I have lost some weight being on the diet and they rolled there eyes in disbelief.   I noticed after surgery my throat hurt a little, it stopped after a couple of days and in the last couple of days it seems to be back. I also realized today I had gotten bigger than I wanted to admit. When I looked at me in clothes, I did not see what others looking at me saw. I used a tape, and did not like wnat I saw. see now I have gone from a 38 gut to a 45.




Weigh in one week after surgery

As much as I hated to step on that scale I did it twice. Before my shower it showed me 231. After the shower it showed me at 230. Could I have had a pound of dirt on me? This is why I hate scales. I see the Dr. today for my first visit and his scale will have a different weight. Every scale I step on makes me 5 lbs or more heavier that the last one and everybody says theirs is right. There has been some weight lost but it's not because of the band, it's the liquids only. If the liquid diet wasn't so hard to do and I could do it for life, I would not have needed the band. Because of all the different scales I can't tell you how much weigh has truly been lost. Which scale do I go by. I'll record my home scale weight on sparks. I will tell you how my first visit goes.




1 ST Support Group with Hosp

The behavior counselor insisted that I go to this support group after surgery last night and on a monthly bases. I did not know what to expect but I didn't expect a infomercial. What I got from it was two people advertising their services. Spent a whole hour being told what a life coach does for you for $600 a month once a week over the phone(Chat line).   If every month there's a new person with a service for sale then I won't go. It wasn't til the end that three people was asked to stand and tell how much weight they lost, for how long and explain what keeps them going.




Day 7

No different from yesterday pain wise. Had my first bowel movement since Surgery. I attend a Support Group tonight.




Day 6

Back to work, no pain, nothing to report. Stil conserned about being able to drink 2 cups of broth, slim fast and staying hungry. Searching the web looking for information on what types of foods will I be able to eat and what to avoid. People talk about being banded, but no one talks about what foods they are eating. This liquid diet has caused me to lose weight, Weigh in with the Dr on Thur and post what his scale claims I lost since I was last on it before I was banded.   Family did not want me to be banded so no support coming from there. It's Taco's tonite and even with my door closed I and smell the meat cooking. I'd feel a lot better if I could just take in some of the meat.




Day 4 & 5

Day 4, I went to work again, walked around as much as I could. Still taking it easy. Slept much better last night.   Day 5, today I am doing fine very little pain left. Bandages taken off. Still hungry, keep looking at Dr's eating instructions hoping they will change and no such luck. Thur will start week 2, I see Dr and then I can start eating Thicker liquids, creamy soups, tomato soup, cream of broccoli even an occasional milkshake. Looking forward to it. That might kill the hunger pains. I am worried that I can drink lots of fluids and not fill up. I thought the pouch only holds 1 1/2 cups at best. If that's true why can I take in 2 cups of broth, 2 popsicles and water. I hope that change.




Day 3

My pain has gone down quite a bit. Getting in and out of bed much better. Had to go to work today, worked from my desk all day, took it slow and easy. Sill not happy about the liquid diet. My first good meal will be great. Still not sure if I can hold up for two weeks. I really don't feel any different than before. Can't wait to go back to near normal eating. Hopefully many of the same food but a lot less.




1St day after banding

What a day I am starving. The Slim fast just do not fill me. I have things dancing in my head that I have not eaten in a while. Every trip to the kitchen hurts because there's food in there. Can I do this for 2 week without cheating? What will happen if I eat something? Do I reall want to take a chance.




Meds Taken, time for breakfast

I have crushed and opened my capsules. Have to check on the capsules, booklet says they do not need to be crushed and can take small pills with water. How small is small, what can I compare them to? Now for the Slim Fast, Dr does not say what kind, just not thick or power. The Dietitian is pushing BariCare a power or Slim Fast Low Carb. I bought Slim Fast Optima Because that's all I could find in three major stores near me. Amazon has it for $40, 4 boxes @ $10 a box 6 cans to a box, about 28 cans. That's twice as much as the optima at $5.?? from Walmart or $23.?? from Sams a case. CVS employee says they don't carry it because it does not sale well.   I am going to have to learn to sip instead of gulping or drinking to fast. I read some say they did not get hungry for two weeks after. I am not sure what I am feeling. I feel hunger and can hear my stomach growl at me. I try to sip on the slim fast waiting to feel the full feeling I heard about. That feeling never came. I was hoping I would get full on a small amount, that did not happen. I ended up drinking the whole can, and still feel hungry. I think I read some were I can take in all the liquids I want. My mine is messing with me, it wants something solid and filling. I feel Ok other wise, mouth is dry, but I drink a lot of water any way. I will sip on that all day. going to have to learn how to eat and not drink at the same time. I was told 1 1/2 hours after a meal, that's going to be hard.   :thumbup: Taking gas x strips but now starting to have gas issues. Well as long as it pass and not give me stomach pain, I'll be OK. Don't know about the people around me.




First morning after band

As expected I had a tuff time getting out of bed. Now that I have been up a while I'm not hurting as bad. I am reading my instructions for Week one. Boy do I have a lot of different instructions. The Weight Management Center, The Dietitian's, the Nurse, and the Dr all gave me instructions. I will read them all but will follow the Dr's Booklet to the letter if possible. That means liquids for the next two weeks. Slim Fast Shakes, ready mix no powers. Sip every 20 seconds. 1 - 3 cans per day for protein. Water, juices, milk, coffee/tea, broths. Do not stay in bed, get up and walk. I get up from the table every 30 - 40 mins or less to walk. It's warm and sunny here, so I walk outside to the drive way and back. I do feel a litte better. Take meds, Crushed or opened, to a power. Take a mulit-vitamin, chewable or Liquid daily for life.




First night after band

I had a tuff night, couldn't sleep at first stayed up til 1 am. Kept eating the halls for my Throat. My bed sits 6 inchs or so off the floor so It was tuff laying down and getting up. I could not sleep as normal so I stayed on my back. A couple of times I woke up to take Tylenol for the pain. Once I stopped moving the pain was not as bad. Finally slept about 3 hours.




Today I have been banded

:unsure:The two hardest parts about the surgery for me was the waiting and the minor pain after. If I stay very still I do OK. Dr has me on liquid Tylenol. Finally I was taken to the OR, hooked to iV had to recite my name and birthday several times to several people. I remember being brought into the OR and that's it. The next thing to happen was someone waking me up and the stomach pain hitting me. You would think I had been shot 5 times across my stomach. Later I am made to get up and walk at least 20 steps twice, take deep breaths 4 times into a machine which I take home, and filling a bottle before that tell me I can go home. I had planned for an over nite stay.   I haven't eaten or drank anything since yesterday. Could not have water for two hours after. I'm home now and other than the pain I don't feel any different. That's not good because I find myself wanting to do things the way I always have. I have been drinking water, diet green tea, and chicken broth.   The pain has gone down quite a bit so now I am forgetting the new way I am supposed to be eating. Started trying to eat some sugar free jello, scared myself when I realised I took too big of a bite. Now I am worried if it will pass or not. Stopped eating it, waiting to see if I will have a reaction from it. I know there's no restriction yet, but does that mean I can eat as normal or am I hurting myself?.   My throat is sore, using some halls to help with it, I would like to know what it feels like to over do it. That way I'll know what my limits are. I guess that will come in time. Well I will see what tomorrow brings. Don't see the Dr for a week from now. Have to check the incisions for bleeding, if it does call the Dr



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