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Trying not to be discouraged, but...

I was under the impression that the surgery would be fairly easy to recover from and that I wouldn't miss too much work. Now it's four weeks post op and I still am not feeling so great. Slept off and on a good part of the day today. In the past four weeks I've probably put in three full work days. :thumbup: Especially difficult since I run my own business, and if I'm not working, there's no income!   I had a hiatal hernia repaired when the band was done, and now I've been told that makes the recovery a lot slower. It feels like I swallowed a large pointy metal Christmas ornament that is poking into my esophogus, heart, stomach, intestines and any other body parts nearby. It's both sharp pain and dull pain, and still wakes me in the middle of the night. Now I'm at least sleeping five hours or so at a time, but still wake up feeling like everything is on fire.   It's the normal process of healing, I understand, as there is no fever or sign of anything wrong other than it being painful. I am just looking forward to the day that I am back to my healthy self again!




Coming up on eight weeks...

It's been a long journey to healing! My surgeon said it doesn't usually take this long. ***sigh*** In any case, I still have some pain, but I'm now feeling fairly good most days. :w00t: No real weight loss yet, but I am willing to wait for that until I get to my "sweet spot" in fills. I had my first fill, 1 cc in an 11 cc band, and that made very little difference. In six weeks I get my next fill. At this point, I have little food restriction, but I do have some, which is fine. I am losing some weight, but very slowly. Tracking my food intake, I am at 1000 calories a day and about 50-60 grams of protein (the best I can seem to manage, though my nutritionist wants me to get 70!)



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