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This is now the tale of how I have done in my world of Bandyland!

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Appointment for Endoscopy is set!

Well, here I am in week three after first appointment with the Surgeon. I had my appointment with the GI Doc on Thursday and I am all signed up for the Endoscopy on the 18th. Does not sound like it will be very difficult but I do need to take a whole day off work. Not a problem. The procedure will start at 7:30 am and I should be back home by noon. Pre op is easy nothing to eat or drink after midnight then I will be on clear liquids the rest of the day. I just might start my pre op diet before LB surgery then also. I will have to see when my surgery date is. I have been told that it will be very soon after endoscopy but how long is very soon. I will send Nicole an email as to the date of the endo and then I was told I will pay for the LB and the date will be chosen.   I am so ready. I have been eating all of my favorite foods knowing that I will not be eating them for maybe ever. That is okay at least I will have the memory of the taste. I have to say that I have felt really crummy since I started on this EAT! I was so use to eating on South Beach, truth be known I like the Beach best! Feels good not having all of those CARBS in my system. I am also a every day wine drinker ( one bottle by myself a day, not bragging just stating) and guess what, it has not been very hard slowing that down either in fact I have stopped altogether now. I am drinking a form of crystal lite in water instead.   I was told by the GI doc that not every one up chucks with the LB, he was saying that even spicy foods would not be a problem (I love my Salsa) so I am not going to go into this thinking that life is going to be throwing up all the time. That is good!   I was reading another blog on LBT this week where she was talking about the wrinkles that will suddenly appear since we are not of the youngest of years. I talked to a few people and I think that if I am able to do my 30 mins three times a week walking and then work up to free weights the skin will not sag as much because I will be keeping my muscles going and getting rid of fat only. This is going to be my goal. The only part of me that I am really concerned about are my boobies. They have gotten huge due to my Norwegian and German heritage! They will more then likely sag a lot :thumbup: but maybe then the insurance will pay for a boobie reduction! I never did have small ones though. LOL.   Well, I guess I am done for this week. I will write more next Saturday. Not much will be happening this week. I really like having a place where I can write my thoughts. Thanks for being here LBT! Cheryl




One Week After the First Doctors Visit

:thumbup:Well, a week has now passed since my first appointment with Dr. Nazarian. Nicole has been great with information and keeping in touch with me. I have spoken to the Nutritionist, she was really great, and I have made my appointment for my visit for the Endoscopy for next week. As soon as I am able to have the Endoscopy and it shows normal I will be ready for surgery.   I am having a hard time sleeping at night wondering if I am making the right decision. The cost involved is a lot but I do realize that my health and welfare is worth more. I almost fell out of my chair when I heard about the cost with insurance. I new that the doctor I chose was a non participating doc so I knew then that Blue Cross would only go 50%. Not bad but....... $7,500.00 is going to be the total cost which will include 5 or more fills. I was hoping for around $4,000.00 , Oh Well! My DH is great and he said that if I really want to do this we will find a way to pay for it. It sure is great to have the support!   Looks like I will be banded the end of February or the first of March! I will be glad to have it done. I have a question that keeps going around and around in my mind: Is this just another one of my crazy ideas for loosing weight that will work for awhile and then Stop! Then I will be chubby again! I guess when you have tried all of the FADS for so many years this is a normal way to think! I just keep saying to myself, "Self, I Can Do This! I Can Be Thin Again and Stay That Way!" This will be a good thing. Cheryl :smile:




My Blog! The Adventure Begins!

Well, here I go in the newest adventure in weight loss for me! Guess this will be the biggest step I have ever taken but I just can't be chubby any longer. It is really making me feel more and more like staying in the house and not participating in anything social. I alway think the the friends that have known me for a long time look at me and wonder why I have allowed myself to get this over weight. What they do not understand I never allowed it, it just happened. I guess we all can say that! Huh! LOL!   Enough pitty! I am on my way back to slender...... I like so many have a DH that feels I should be able to do this with just excerise and diet....been there done that and a lot more.....just does not work for me. So, after we talked about this non invasive procedure of the lap band he understands and is now behind me 100 percent. So is my family! This is a great help in getting over the jitters on is this really the right thing to do!   I am rambling........   So this is to document my newest journey with weight loss and I hope my long lasting journey with weight loss!   Tuesday Jan. 20, 2009, First Doctors Visit. Nice Dr. and I really liked the girls in the office.   Thursday Jan. 22, 2009, I was "Deemed psychologically Boring" by the psychologist! :thumbup: This made me really laugh! Also on this date I looked into my own coverage with Anthem Blue Cross, and they are all for bariatric procedures, this should be good in getting my approval fast. Looks like my portion of the surgery will not be all that much which is good.   Next is a talk with the Nutritionist on Monday. I will write about that next week. The Tig signing off for now! C



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