I dont even know where to start. I love my band it has been so good to me. I have lost the weight 10 more pounds and I woud have reached my goal. I dont even think about eatting wrong sometimes i have to remind myself just to eat (who would have thought). Well I will check in later
Well the pbing has stop so that I am so greatful for. I was really worried that my smoking had done some damage but as of now Iam fine (other then my dam teeth hurting) I did a light work out on the wii system but I havent been working out like I should be but thats ok my personal training begins tomorrow I hope I really stick with it I am excited. Lets see how excited Iam after the work out that is my true test. I dont have that same go get it attitude that I had a couple of weeks ago I want that feeling back. I have been working alot and all I can think about is getting home and jumping in the bed. I havent been hungrey at all thank God and I havent been drinking my water like I am suppose to. I just cant seem to get it all together at the same time. I am not smoking so I guess thats a start now I will conquor one at a time untill I have a sed. I can deal with. I just admire those women that do it all with LB take care of a family and still have time for themselves. I feel over loaded and all I have is me hell I dont even have a cat a plant and my son he is on this I am 19 and grown kick I only hear from him when he needs money. I say that just to say have no valid excuse why I cant get it together other then I lost that spark I had. I love my band I just want the same love for it like when we first meet. I need that spark back:tongue2: Michelle
OK Well I did it yes my tummy tuck and trust and believe the lap band is a cake walk compared to this shi**. I know it will be worth it when its all said and done. I can bearly walk i have pain every where (only when i move) I am uncomfortable can this thing be any tighter. I just want to look up and its a month later please let this time fly. i really prepared myself for this (i thought) but I guess you could never really psych yourself out when it co9mes to this type of pain.
Well Iam 14 days away from my new lease on life i am so excited. I cant lie i am just as worried. I find myself being obsessed with this site i am so greatful for all the information I have learned (some of the info i could have done without:sleep: ) I am not computer savy but i have a feeling after the next couple of months i will become a wiz at least at this site, I have been waiting for the band awhile and now i just cant believe it. One of my biggest concerns is the loose skin thing OMG that is one issue i cant bare to think about i heard so many horror stories. i am going to work out like crazy and pray i am one of the lucky ones. Ok i will keep in touch
I just cant sleep really I am sitting here at 230am and I am a wake like its noon. I dont have to go to work today, tomorrow is my big day and I am so excited. I havent been this excited since I was a child the night b4 xmas the day b 4 school. I just hope this is the answer to my dreams. I have been walking on my tredmil but my lower back hurts like crazy and now that I know I dont have kidney failure I know its all this junk in my trunk (BIG BUTT) LOL. I am going to walk this ass off literaly . Wait not all of it. lol My mind just wont shut down I lay here close my eyes and then I go over the things I need for surgery and I know I have everything. I wonder where my low life ex is laying (not to much thought on that) better her then me oh sure its good now but wait untill the nut case unravels lol. I had a pretty decent conversation with my son he wants me to help buy him a car haha this from the kid that put a huge dumb tatoo on his neck. Yeah he can hold his breath on that one. Well I am staying with my sister for a couple of days after surgery my nieces and nephew are excited to nurse me back to health. I just love those kids they are the best I am so lucky to be auntie Shell. Well I guess I will lay here flip the channels and let my mind run wild untill my eyes defeat my mind and close. Just think 1 more night and God willing I will be banded.
:tt1:OK I am on my way to my Dr. appt. please let them take out this dam drain oh i cant wait to get out of this binder even if its for a brief moment. I am so excited but i promised i wouldnt look my bf and sister will look because i have heard that the tt is ugly the first visit so i rather wait. I am so excited yeah a flat tummy.
Hello, well i had my pre op appt. yesterday and I am sooo happy I am ready to go. No doubt here. I asked all my questions and my Dr. is pretty cool (not to mention FINE :thumbup:) he answered every question in detail. I feel so comfortable. I am still worried that something will go wrong not so much during surgery but I am worried I wont get banded thats my biggest fear. I read a blog. and she woke up and her 1st question was did I get my band I feel her, best believe that will be my first question as well. My sinus are bothering me and I just cant let that be an issue I have to get that together I cant get a sinus cold, infection now I want to get this over with. I am ready. I dont have to go on that liquid diet b 4 surgery but I do have to take a serious laxitive the day b4:crying:. I will keep my food intake lite though.
Well tis morning I woke up and I refused to stop and buy a pack of cigs I instead bought some well needed patches to cut these cravings. I realized last night when trying to eat my ol faithful fish and squash I started to pb and realized that it has been happening alot this week. I havent been eating fast or big bites WTH. I am wondering if my smoking has anything to do with my pbing I am scared to death I hope like hell I dont have any damage to my lb. I hope I caught it in enough time. I am done and since cant seem to drink without a smoke well thats out aswell. I am going to give it a couple of days and hope my food goes down if not I will have to make an appt. to see my Dr. but my having the courage to admite that I went on a week smoking beng is a whole other thing. I have not only read about people smoking cigs. but weed too and I hadnt heard any horror stories so I just hope my head is playing tricks on me trying to make me realize just how dumb that was to even puff on one let alone purchase packs. Well my wii fit wow that is a serious work out and I have a ways to go. I have to be honest yesterday I vowed to tackle that system when I got home. "well lets just say I didnt exactly tackle it more like brushed against it lol yeah I just did a test run I was tired I did a double at work and after an hour drive and 4 cigs I wasnt feeling so good. (MY 5 HOUR ENERGY BOOSTER WORE OFF) My mouth still hurts yeah the cigs. slowed down the recover on that aswell those dam cigs. I hope this week is a better week for me but the good news is that I lost 2/3 pounds. You would think with my smoking mouth hurting and me pbing every where I would have lost more but I will take what I can. Michelle