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Post Op day 4

Well, most of the Co2 is out of my system. I still have some trapped behind my Left shoulder and no matter what I do it seems to stay in the same place. Other than that I feel pretty good. Sutures are looking great and only cause me slight pain when getting out of the bed or chair. I started my full liquid diet yesterday. I over did it apparently on the water last night and felt very miserable for a couple of hours. I don't think all of my nerve endings are awake yet because I don't feel hungry at all, but I eat every four or so hours to keep my blood sugar in normal range at least. I just drank my protein shake and about thirty minutes before that I drank about four ounces of tea. I am having a little discomfort but not like last night. I'm going to give my Nurse a call in a bit to see if I'm doing this wrong. :thumbup:




Day after Surgery

Surgery went very smooth. I had a hernia that was repaired before the band was put on. I never can do things simply lol. So far it's been good, I'm only having issues with the gas pain which can only be described as feel like there is a bubble under the skin. I makes me very uncomfortable, so I want to walk, but get tired quickly so it's a vicious little cycle right now. It is better this morning though, so I'm hoping by this evening all will be great. It feels really funny when I drink warm liquids, I feel it run through that pouch. LMAO it tingles me :toetap05:




Here I Go!!

:wink2: Okay it's 0305 Central and I'm wide awake. I've been up since 0530 02/02/09 after my sleep study. I am going in for my band at 0600 today 02/03/09. I am excited and nervous about this new change. I'm sure I'm not the only one that felt this way the day before and day of. It's been a rough two weeks, but I pulled through without having to postpone this awesome morning. I spent three nights in ICU and multiple trips to the ER because my heart is acting like an butt of course. So far today is a normal rate and rhythm, so the fingers are crossed for sure. I just turned 35 and I'm starting over again. I weigh 283 right now and I have Diabetes, Chronic Bronchitis, Atrial Fib, High Blood Pressure, and the beginnings of High Cholesterol. I hope over the next year that I write in this blog the ability to cross each of those diagnoses off into "History!" Wouldn't that be special :smile:



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