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Here we go.........

Hi Everyone (Anyone?), Please bear with me as this is my first blog ever..... I hope I dont bore everyone to tears. I am 29 days into my post-op lapband surgery and all is going well. Too well. I have had one fill of 2mls, which brings me to a total of 4mls, and have not experienced what I think to be 'restriction'. I notice that at meal times I cannot eat as much as I usually would, but I still get hungry between meals. Hopefully my next fill (12 days from now) will get me in line. Apart from that, I have lost 13.5kg (29lb) including the pre-op diet. I am excited that I have dropped weight quickly, I am now back to the weight that I was after I had my 2nd child. It's funny, before the lapband, the only time i lost any substantial amount of weight was when I was pregnant.....go figure. I am now at the stage where my clothes are getting too big, but I dont want to buy new clothes until the season changes. My friend (fellow lapbander) has given me some clothes, but I need to lose a fair bit more weight before they will fit me. We really should start a clothing swap-meet. Anyway, I think that is enough from me tonight. My very fit and buff other half has just made me a cup of tea. How strange it is that a gym-junkie (him) and a blob-master (me) have ended up together???? Have a good night all..... :toetap05:




And now we are at the business end of band......

Hi All,   I am now 15 weeks into my band 'journey' and it is all going pretty well. My weight-loss is great - I have lost 20.5kg (45lb) in that time. But, I have to say that I am starting to stuggle with the mental side of things. This is a 2 sided dilemma. a) what to eat :tounge_smile: what to do when i dont eat   I have 6ml of fluid in my band and eating is ok, but not always easy. I have only thrown up once, but find I am having difficulty deciding what to eat. Avoiding bread is really hard for me. I love my toast and find sandwiches an easy lunch option for me and the kids. But as most banders know, bread hurts. So what to have instead in the time frame that I have?? I find that I am not having breakfast most mornings because I am at a loss of what to have (cereal isnt doing it for me either). Then I find that I am starving and grab the nearest anything - which isnt always a great food choice, and eat it so fast that I am in pain for half hour or so. This process is generally repeated at lunch. Dinner isnt too bad, but I do find I am cooking one thing for the family and then an alternative for me.   The biggest issue I am facing would be what to replace eating with. I have used food to reward myself, punish myself and occupy myself for far too many years. I have been a social eater, a reclusive eater and a definite closet eater. Now that I am not eating in that pattern I am at a loss of how to deal with things. I have gotten quite anxious at times and my PMS has hit an all time high!!! It feels like I have acid running thru my veins and I can't interact with people in fear that I will lose it big time.   I am avoiding social occassions with friends because I can't/don't want to eat. I don't think they have noticed a pattern, but they will eventually. It is really not like me to be like this, I am normally really outgoing and social. WTF??? My Partner wants to take me out for dinner for my birthday and all I can think is 'what's the point?'. What do I do when I'm not eating???   Pre-band, eating, in alot of instances, was mindless gorging. I never really obsessed about food, I just thought 'f**k it' and ate! I think I am more obsessed with food than I have ever been!! What can I eat? How much should I have? I want that, but I shouldnt have that.......aaarrrggghhhh!!!!   After eating, my next fixation would be shopping, but losing weight so quickly - I dont want to spend alot of money on clothes that (hopefully) I wont be able to wear after 6 months. So I'm not eating, i'm not socialising (as much), I'm not shopping... I am obsessing and it has to stop!!   The Doctor has said that this is a normal response after being banded. He didn't give me more fluid this week, as he said it was not my priority for this fortnight. This fortnight I have to get organised and find food that I can eat and to have it available. He also said that 'theoretically' PMS can increase with weight decrease due to the lower (?) amounts of Oestrogen. GREAT!!! My family will have to start locking me in a cage for 3 days a month...LOL!   He also told me that if my 'mood' continued for too long we would need to see the psych. I dont want to have to do that, so I am blogging my inner thoughts as a form of exorcism. Hopefully it helps. Apologies if it all just sounds like a big whingeing session!   Would love to hear from anyone who has/is having a similar experience.




Worried my weight loss has turned into weight gain...

I'm back. I am now at Day 40 and still dont have any restriction. My next appointment is on the 24th Feb and I am hoping that they fill me to the top! At the moment it feels as though I have wasted my money on having the surgery - and it is money that my family could have used for other things. Any will power that I have shown over the last 7 weeks is all but gone. We have had heaps of social events lately and with all that yummy food and wine in front of me - I am struggling to stay away. I still don't think that I am eating the same amount as I used to, but I am really worried that I may have put weight on. Has anyone else been in this situation? Anyway.... enough whingeing for one night. What has everyone else been up to?




Part 3 - Second Fill

Hey All, Well yesterday I got my second fill and it wasnt as bad as I thought, although it wasn't great. I had put on weight, about 100grams (about 22oz I think???). The Doctor wasn't fazed by it at all, saying that this stage of the band was 50/50 when you dont feel restriction. As I already had 4ml she was unsure how agressive to be with this fill. 1ml is the usual increase, but as I had felt no restriction at all we tossed around the 1.5ml and then decided to go with a compromise of 1.3ml. This bring me to a total of 5.3ml in a 10ml band. I am feeling a bit more restriction and I have had to slow down when I'm eating which is good, but I think I will need a bit more in a couple of weeks. Today I comfortably ate 2 sushi rolls for lunch and have had a small piece of lasagne and steamed vegies for dinner. I'm full, but for how long? Anyway, I have started walking most mornings after school drop off. Am doing a 4.5km (2.8 mile) lap of the neighbourhood and have started using my 'Ab King Pro' that has been sitting dormant in our bedroom for 18 mths....lol. I did 50 situps on it on Monday and am still hurting when I move. Maybe I'll do more tomorrow. On the Ego boost side of things, alot of people are commenting on how I look and I have had to throw some clothes out!! But I am noticing that my face has alot more lines on my face as it deflates.... that can't be good!! Till next time.....................   :cool2::tt2:



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