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4 Day's Out

I went back to work today just 3.5 days after my op. (I was banded at 4pm on Thursday, today is Monday) It was way too soon and I STRUGGLED big time. Because of where the port is and the upright angle I have to sit in work at my desk my stomach felt like it was being crushed and I was in pain most of the day. Added to which, the gas pain in my shoulder was aching like anything and I felt quite faint from not having enough food for a few days. (The last one might be imaginary, but I definitely didn't feel right). So I was totally glad to get home today.   I'm getting loads of restriction with the band so far what with the swelling and all. I know I've got to make the most of this! I thought I'd give an idea of what I've managed to eat today: Half a SlimFast smoothie A Yazoo 200ml milkshake (over the course of a morning) About 150ml thin carrot soup The other half of the SlimFast smoothie A Creme Caramel dessert thing. Plus teas and coffees and waters where I could manage up to 2/3 of each.   And I've been bloated after each of these! It's a weird feeling and my best friends were finding it highly amusing compared to how much I used to be able to eat! LOL.   So, it has been a bit rough but not unbearable and I still can't believe I've done it! Very excited about the future! xx




The first couple of days

It's the Saturday night after having the surgery last Thursday. My belly is still swollen quite significantly but the incisions look very neat and will be fine I'm sure as they heal up. The port is lower than I thought it would be, being just above my belly button. This is the sorest part on my abdomen and if you catch it or twist in the wrong way it stings like anything. I've not felt very hungry, although I can feel my stomach churning and searching for something to digest so I must be underneath. I've tried a few things - e.g. Yazoo 200ml milkshake, DH's homemade carrot soup and other hot drinks but I have a strange feeling of being a little hungry but at the same time totally stuffed and bloated. Strange. I've been out today for a few hours to have a quick look round some shops for last minute Christmas things but I got tired really quickly so we came home and had a sleep and now feel better. Ooh! One thing I forgot to mention, though goodness knows how I forgot, is the pain from the gas which is at times Awful and at other times Bearable. I'm getting the referred pain in my shoulder which is so sharp it can take my breath away. Am coping by applying heat, taking paracetamol suspension and sipping peppermint tea and hopefully it won't last many more days..... xx




I'm a bonafide Bandster!

I had my op on 18th December so hurrah for that! DH and I set off at 5am to arrive at the hospital at 6.45am. I was taken straight in to have my bloodwork done then told to wait 'half an hour' in the waiting room. Around an hour & 15 min later we were shown to my room which was very nice and clean and told to shower and change into the (highly attractive!) gown. And then it was just a waiting game really. My ETT (Estimated Theatre Time) was 2pm which in the end turned out to be 3.30pm so we spent a nice morning watching crappy day time tv and snoozing. We were interrupted periodically by various staff members coming in to check my history, to chat about anaesthesia, to run me through the procedure again but mostly it was just a long old wait. When the time finally came the nurse walked me through to the OR to 'hand me over' to the anaesthetist team who then strapped me with velcro to the cross-like table (never in all my life have i felt so vulnerable!) and then that was it.... I woke up a short time later, chatted to the Recovery nurse for a time then was wheeled back to my room where my lovely husband was waiting anxiously (although I later found out he'd nipped out for a sandwich! LOL!).   I had some wind which I had to burp up and then I was brought some water and later on some peppermint tea to help with dispersing the left over gas. I then snoozed through the night, waking occasionally. Once I went padding down the corridor to find a nurse for some more peppermint tea (well, I am self pay so I thought I'd make the most of it!! and also the pain in my side from the gas was increasing). The following morning I would have been woken at 6am had I not already been awake and was brought a yoghurt and a cup of tea. I couldn't manage the whole yoghurt but I needed to take some of my regular medication which I couldn't take whole so mixed it in with a couple of spoonfuls. And then we were bundled out by 7am and were home by 9am. Simple, really.




Meeting the Surgeon - 9th Dec 08

I started my 1000kcal diet on Sunday 7th Dec after I provisionally booked in for my op on 18th (subject to a 'successful' meet with the Surgeon). I'm having the op through The Hospital Group in the UK. The hospital is 100miles away from my home, but they have local clinics around the country for the consults and the fills so off I toodled with DH. Mr Sirgurdsson was very laid back to say the least! He had a very relaxed attitude (I was his last appointment so he'd obviously had to explain the op about 6 times already....) He skimmed through my medical history questionnaire, had the nurse weigh and measure me and worked out my BMI (about 38 or 39?). Apparently I'm the 'ideal candidate' for obesity surgery which is good in a strange kind of way. He answered a few of my questions (e.g. what happens if I manage to get pregnant, where do I get my fills, recovery time frame etc) and that was pretty much it! I was then shown into another room for a consult with the Patient Co-ordinator who was lovely and had also had a band fitted 18months ago and has lost 7.5 stones! V jealous. She went through everything again and made sure I understood all the bits and bobs and then that was also it - the operation is confirmed for 18th Dec and we were on our way home! Very painless and exciting, all in all.




The Very Beginning

I've always been a lardy-ass. Even when I was born I weighed in at 11lb 3 so got off to a flying start there. Growing up I was always conscious of being overweight and that it was something to be ashamed of and entirely my fault as my mum always tried hard not to let me get big. Throughout high school I think I hovered around the 14stone mark which was much bigger than my pals at the time. I have a binge eating problem which stems from those days when I'd walk home via Sainsburys, stock up on packets of biscuits, sweets and crisps, smuggle them back to my room and scoff them then eat a proper dinner too! Things haven't changed much since those days, apart from I've got more cash available to spend on nicer foods! Oh, and I've put on an extra 4 stone.   Now I'm turning 29 I have, as everyone who gets to this somewhat drastic point of contemplating having their body opened up and an alien object inserted just to stop them overeating has, tried just about every diet/exercise combination available. And yes, as with everyone, they do work for about 1-1.5stones worth for me and then I get bored/de-motivated and fall off the wagon into the arms of a 6 pack of cream cakes which signifies the start of a whole new binge cycle.   Anyway, the crux of the matter is that I finally came to the realisation that this is a cyclical thing and that I most likely am destined to yo yo by small amounts until I find that I'm old and still fat and missed out on a whole lot of things I would have loved to do but been inhibited by my weight. I want to surf, to horse ride, to have kids and be able to run in the mum's race on sports days, to wear funky clothes that actually sit right. So here I am, provisionally booked in for my op on 18th December, subject to a 'successful' consultation with the surgeon on 9th Dec. IIf it does go ahead it's going to interfere with Christmas big time but I'm thinking of it as it's just one Christmas where it will put me and other people out. Hopefully I'll have many more Christmases to enjoy in the future because of this decision.   I can't wait but I'm a bit anxious. My husband can't come with me to Bromsgrove where the surgery will be so I need to tell someone else (e.g. parents or friend) and ask them to be my support (and driver!). I'm pleased that I managed to get it at a cheaper rate of £4950 which they (thehospitalgroup.org) call the 'Pay as You Go' rate where I'll have to pay extra for fills and if I choose to have dietician's help.   Anyway, I'll try and keep this updated, but I'm notoriously flakey..... xx



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