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A Leak????

Hello, my name is Christy. I had the Lap-Band sugery 04/30/2008 and have been going through the "routine" ever since. My first fill was 2 cc, then 1 cc, then another 1 cc. So after my 4th cc, I went back a month later to get another 1cc injected. At that appointment, things didn't seem to go right. The Nurse Practitioner seemed to have difficulty accessing my port. The site she entered was totally off from where it was done previously. So, I left the office thinking I have 5 cc's. So, I go to my appointment in Oct. thinking I'm doing ok but my weight stayed the same. So, she wants to inject another cc. When she withdraws the fluid already in plus the one she's gonna give me, it was a total of 5! So somewhere along the way, I lost a cc. She didn't seem worried, so naturally, I wasn't either. Now, today, I go for yet another fill. I weighed the same AGAIN! Now, she's thinking it's me. I could tell by the look on her face. We went through what and how I normally eat and she said we'll go ahead and give you another cc. So, she injected 1 cc AGAIN. We then were chatting for a minute and she said to me, let me check for a leak. So, now, theorectically, I'm supposed to have 6 cc's. Well, when she drew back, wouldn't you know. There was only 4!!! Know on Thursday, I have to go to the hospital to have a fluroscopy x-ray taken to see what the deal is. I guess I'm just a little frustrated and upset. My surgical experience wasn't the best. I had TREMENDOUS gas pain post-op and am not looking forward to that again. Is there anyone who have had any similar experiences and words of encouragement????? PLEASE HELP!!! :willy_nilly:



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