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I have been banded Oct. 29, 2008. That day was also my 33rd birthday and the best gift to myself. :cake::present::cake: 1st I dedicated this lifestyle change to julieann, she has rea

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I'm ready to be at my sweet spot.....

I had my filled yesterday. I think it was my 7th or 8th filled. Oct. 29, 2009 my birthday I will be banded for 1 yr.   Seem like my LAP-BAND® is different from others a little. After people get there second filled and most times there first, they get full quicker and eat less. Me on the other hand I have still been able to eat a nice size portion meal. Granted it is less than what I normally eat. Also I see a lot of people can't eat bread, pasta, rice, hamburgers & etc. I still can eat those things as long as I chew, chew, chew. Sometimes I wonder if there is anything wrong with my band....:scared2:but on some days where I am tight then I realize there isn't.:smile:   When I had my fill the nurse normally tells me how much she puts in my band. But I guess since she sees that I always ask she didn't tell me. (She notice I am getting a little impatience with my band) I have a 14 cc band and I know I have about 8.5 or 9.0 cc's. Reading about other people expierence after there second fill they are tight and they get full quick. This mornining I ate grits and eggs. It went down fine. It did tend to slow down a little but I was able to eat it. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: I'm not complaining....I have lost about 53 lbs. I weigh 175 and my goal is 150. And now I am trying to get my stomach flat. When I use to weigh 229 it looked like I was about five or six months pregnant.:biggrin: Now it only looks like I am about three.:laugh:   My focus is my abs....I have been doing a lot of situps and different ab workouts. I am going to start back doing some really good cardio.   I am hoping this will be my sweet spot that I hear so many people talking about. Once I thought I was a my sweet spot a few fills ago but it didn't last. I am hoping this is it. I am not far away from having my band filled to the rim:crying:




Been in boot camp for 3 weeks. Have 3 more weeks to go

I started working out at the track from 5 a.m. to 6 a.m. and then off to work 7 to 5:30. I do two 15 minute walks at work also. I must say I am proud of myself. I have been out there every day (Monday thru Fridays) I am not losing any weight. I keep bouncing back and forth from losing 3 lbs and gaining it back. When I weighed myself today I had lose 1.5 of the 3 lbs I gained. But a day or two later I gaines it back. On a brighter note I am losing inches.




Had a great work out & feeling great!

Despite my 4 lb gain. I have started back working out and I forgot how good working out makes me feel. I'm still out of shape a little since I hadn't worked out in 4 to 5 weeks. But it just feels good to keep moving. I haven't weighed myself. I'm nervous that I haven't lost anything and I don't want to get discouraged. I am 30 lbs away from my goal. It sort of seems like that's a lot since I'm not losing fast. But looking at the big picture its really not. I can lose that by my birthday, Oct 29 which is also my band-anniversary.




It's easier to stay on track....than fall off and start over!

Well I have started back excersing really good. I work out in the morning and evening. Also I walk on my morning 15 minute break. I must say its harder starting all over again. It makes me more disappointed in myself for ever stopping. But I got to suck it up and keep on going. I knew I was going to do this. That's why I gave away all my big clothes when I lost my 50 lbs. My size 10 is getting too tight and I am wearing mostly my size 12. I also brought some more cute size 10 hand me downs. That really made me want to get back on track. Looking at all these cute clothes in the closet and knowing I can almost wear them. :cursing: I haven't weighed myself in a while because I knew I wasn't doing anything to get the weight off. As a matter of fact I gain three pounds. I'm just thankful its not more than that.   I don't feel a different with my 5th fill but some times it takes a few days to a week for me to feel a different. I just felt a different with I took my meds. The third pill sort of gotten stuck. So I will have to take them about 15 minutes a part.   Well I just wanted to update everyone. Feel free to give me any feedback!!:cursing:




Had my fifth fill

Yesterday was my fifth fill. So I am feeling better about myself. In a few minutes I will take my break and go walking. I suppose to be on clear liquids for 2 days. Then full liquids for 2 days....then soft foods for 2 days. I was starving so I ate some oatmeal. Have anyone cheated on there liquid diet? Or if you havent tell me how u get through the week? It has been three hours since I ate the oatmeal and I am hunry. I usually have my snack by now. So I am going to drink my muscle milk. It has lots of protein in it.




Not going to give up!

I have gained 3 lbs. Maybe a little more. I haven't weighed myself. I go to the doctor Monday, July 20, 2009 for my fifth fill. (I think its my fifth) I have been feeling down and out about not working out and my eating habits haven't been so good. It have been 12 weeks since I had a fill. I was at my sweet spot for a while and now no restriction. Thanks to this site I am feeling better. Like my title says I'm not going to give up.....can't afford to. I gave all my big clothes away.:smile2: And I am not buying any more.:confused: Just wanted to up date every one. It had been months since I wrote in my journal. Feel welcome to leave me some feed back. And tell me about your experiences with being banded.




Lost 50 lbs

Well I am very excited. I have lost a total of 50 lbs and I have 30 more to go. My ticker is moving slowly towards my goal, but I thank God its moving....and in the right direction!!:thumbup: Things have been going good. I think I have made it to my sweet spot. I had 4 fills so far. My last fill was April 13, 2009 and I have a total of 8cc in a 14 cc band. So I don't think I'm going back for another fill....maybe August I'll go. I'm not sure. I know I just don't want to be filled to tight and right now it feels perfect....on days Im stress its tight though and in the mornings. But thats normal.




I'm a size 12!!

Its been a while since I posted to my blog....so I guess now is a perfect time. I am now a size 12:thumbup: I weigh 186. In the begining I haven't did any measurements so I'm not sure what my waist line was. But about 2 weeks ago it was 44 in. Now its 38 in. I brought some clothes for the first time today. My sister gave me a lot of her clothes and plus I had clothes in my closet (size 14 and 16 that use to be too little) Now they are too big so I went shopping for the first time and it felt great. I brought a couple of nice outfits. Soon Im going to have to check out some Good Will stores. I am running out of stuff to wear!:thumbup: Also I have inspired my daughter to lose weight. I'm happy about that. She is around 211. She lost 3 lbs so far and I am very proud of her. She also decided to play softball this year. She's 13 years old and very shy. So we both are doing this toghter!




My pants fell down at work!

I need to buy a belt. I wore some slacks that is a size 18 that I haven't worn in a long time since the lapband. It's 6:55 a.m., windy and cold. I suppose to be at work for 7 a.m. As I am getting out the car with my hands full (lunch bag, purse etc.) I was rushing into Chase and all of a sudden I felt something coming down. I :eek:LOOK DOWN:scared2: and saw my pants down by my thighs! OMG I pull them up and kept walking. I was too embrassed to look around to see if anyone saw me. :ohmy: Good thing I had on a grudle! After my embrassment I felt great about myself. I was disappointed in myself the past week because I felt I should have lost more weight and I also haven't exercised in two weeks. Knowing that my clothes was big engouh for them to fall down made me happy again. When I gotten dress that morining the pants felt fine....I didn't think I needed a belt.




Didn't meet my goal

I wanted to lose three lbs by last Wednesday. I didn't lose any. The reason was because we had to go to Ocala, Flordia to visit my father. We always stay at Days Inn and they have a wafflemaker and the waffles taste great. Also we ate at McDonalds a lot. I did good the first few times ordering a salad....then my husband ordered Papa Johns pizza.:drum: The good thing is I brought my Slim n six workout and I workout out. So when we came home Wednesday I still weighed 203. I weighed myself today and I lost the three lbs. I am now 200. I did it....just not on my timeline. Also today I brought the Wii Fit....I been playing it for about an hour and I love it!!




WOW! The scale is becoming my friend.

Last week I lost 5 lbs. This week I lost 4 lbs. I weigh 203. I lost 26 lbs. I don't know how many inches I've lost but I can tell I lost a good amount. I have a few non scale victories. I wore a suit yesterday I couldn't wear in over a year. I have my daughter pants on today. :bored: So now I get to dig in the closest and pull out all the old clothes. :frown::thumbup::nono: Also I am doing a really good job staying off the roller coaster. And I am a lot better at being consistant with my workouts. (read my previous blog) I see a big different with the changes I've made. :thumbup: My goal next week is to lost 4lbs at least, by Wednesday (that's my days I weigh myself) so I can be under the 200 mark. My future goals are by April 15 if I'm 180 lbs or lighter I will get my belly button pierce. When I reach my 150 goal I will get a tatoo on my back.




Best gift my husband gave me

Every pound I lose I tell him and as always he saids, that's good honey, u look great. U know those auto lines they say but u know they really can't tell. Well Saturday he did a double take and said U really is slimming down. Wow u look great. I was so excited....I said about time u said it and meant it. I told him my feelings wasn't hurt but I can tell he really meant it this time. :smile::wilted_rose::wink2: Saturday me and the kids went skating with a friend and her kids. We skated from 1:30 to about 4:30. I burned some really good calories. Also I did my workout before I went skating. I said on weekends instead of lying around and watching tv and sleeping all day. I'm going to start doing more active stuff with the kids. Next weekend if its not too cold I will go bike riding. :heart::heart::heart: For some reason with the lap band. Some days I can go a long time without eating. Other days I can eat like I haven't been banded. (I can't overeat though but I can eat more) Has anyone experience that? Leave me a comment and let me know.




I'm doing great!!

It's been a week since I fell off the rollercoaster and Im doing great! The six pounds I gain in two weeks. I lost five of them this week. I can tell I lost more inches off my waist. (If you read my previous journal) My goal was to workout at least three times a week. I have workout five times this week. My other goal was to stay around 1,200 calories a day. So far I been eatting around 850 calories. :cheatfree::willy_nilly::cheatfree: Since I heard that sodas can streched your band. I have not had a Code Red Mountain Dew. Thanks julieann, that sure did scare me straight:w00t:. (I needed that girl) :Banane37::heart::iagree: Well I don't have much to say but my new walking buddy I have at work that I like so much. She lost her job, so I'm back with my other walking buddies. I made a promise Im not going to let them slow me down, I'm committed to losing this weight.:Banane37:




Posted my first poll & thread

I am really loving this site. I have now just posted my first poll and thread on how many calories do u intake a day, and what's do u eat? I been on this site all day today. At first I usually just email julieann and view some threads. Now I am all over the place. :Banane37::Banane37::Banane37:   Today I did really well. I didn't eat breakfast for the simple fact that I didn't get up till after 12 noon. I was very tired from Friday and Saturday. My husband took the kids to Pizza Hut for the buffet. He wanted to take me also. I decline. If you read my previous days u will know why! I was surprise at how easy it was for me to say no. Pizza is my favorite food.....well use to be.....it get stuck now. :cheatfree::cheatfree::cheatfree: I just did my slim n 6 ab workout. Now I am about to do my Burn it up slim n 6 workout. My calorie intake today is 845. That's the lowest. I normally do around 1,500 but looking at the poll i created. I think im going to start intaking about 1,200 calories a day.




Temptations, temptations...

I did really well. At the buffet I had 1 1/2 piece of fillet fish, a few bites of cabagge, and a small portion of cream corn. I have received my second fill Monday and I was really able to fill my new restriction for the first time. (I have 6.5 ccs in a 14 cc band) O and I had a Code Red Mountain Dew on the way home. I am addicted to those!! :thumbup::eek::thumbup: It's late Friday night and I am tired....but I did say I am going to do my Slim n 6 dvd. I choose to do the ab work out. :Dancing_wub::rose::clap: Hopefully I will do well tommorrow. We are going to eat at Applebees.....am I going to order my 2 for 1 Strawberry Margaritas I love so....with whipcream....am I going to order snacks at the movies? Time will tell........:tongue:   Saturday Night   Well time did tell.....Today is family day. We went to Captain D's instead of Applebees. I ordered the chicken kids meal which consist of 1 chicken strip, fries, 1 hushpuppy & tea. I shared the few fries I had with my son and 17 month daughter. :clap::rose::bolt: At the movies I did have some of my 9 year old son popcorn and drink. I am getting hungry again. I think its because I didn't wait 1 hr to drink. I drank right after I ate and that flush the food through your lapband and your full feeling will be gone. But I was so thirsty:beer_yum: :rose::rose::rose: On the way home my husband wanted to stop at McDonalds and yes I ordered a four piece nugget, two applepies and there was an extra cheeseburger they put in the bag by mistake and yes I ate it. Guys I can actually hear u going tsk, tsk, tsk. Feel free to leave comments and critisize me. I want mine! :rose::rose::rose: On a better note....all that made me nausa. Yes I did say on a better note. The reason why I said that is because it was my lapband talking to me like it never talk before. Food didn't get stuck or anything. My lapband just told me hey u over did it. And I told bandie thanks, I needed that. So when my husband gotten his usually late night snacks. I didn't get my Code Red Mountain Dew. I went home and worked out like I never did before and I turn my little negtive into a postive. I did my Slim n 6 ab workout and my Slim n 6 Burn it up workout. I feel great.....I think I am going to do my ab workout again. A little way to punish myself for being naughty. Guys I didn't fall off the rollcoaster because as I was slipping I caught myself. :thumbup:




Later on...

I walk again on my second break. I can really feel it in my stomach and calves. The new person I'm walking with is really making me sweat, which is good! :eek: :clap::clap::clap: NOW HEAR COMES THE TEST...:thumbup: :tongue::thumbup:   My husband just call and he wants to take me out to the boat to eat. Its a buffet. Tomorrow (Saturday) he wants to take me and the kids to dinner and movies. Yeah, u know what that means. Good food. :Dancing_wub: Of course I said yes. How many times does our husbands ask us out.     I STILL PLAN ON DOWNING MY SLIM N 6 WORKOUT! :thumbup::bolt:




How long can I stay off the rollercoaster?

I am feeling really good now since I am keeping a journal. I started back tracking what I eat and my workouts on www.sparkspeople.com . :thumbup::thumbup::tongue: I did my first workout today which was a very brisk walk on my 15 min break at work. I have a new person to walk with and she walks really fast. I burn some good calories. My next walk will be 2:30 p.m. on my second break. After I get home around 6:30 p.m. and tend to the husband and kids I will do my Slim n 6 workout. I am feeling really good about myself right now. :thumbup::Angel_anim::eek:   But how long can I stay off the rollercoaster:ihih::thumbup::Dancing_wub:




Weight lost, weight gain, help I'm on a rollercoaster!!

Well like I mention on my first post. I have fail so many diets, so why not fail this one. I started out at 229. Gotten down to 206. I was very excited and started treating my self to treats. Like my friend julie.ann says we use food as a way to reward us and that is so true. So I just rewarded myself back to 212. Thanks a lot Sarah!! (I talk to myself a lot)   :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:   Also I have a problem with being consistant. That's with cleaning, working out, everything in life. Being consistant is boring. But I have to get better with it if I want to suceed.   :tongue::eek::Dancing_wub:   I started back working out at least three times a week. I walk twice a day at work for 15 minutes. I do my slim n 6 dvd at home. My goal is to work out 5 times a week and to lose at least 1 to 2 lbs a week.   Rollercoaster ride is over!!




The beginning of a new life

I am blessed my insurance covered it. I had to pay a $400 processing fee. $30 copay. $250 hosiptal stay even though I stayed 1 day. Total about $680. I know some people had to pay full price and I really hate that, but it is worth it. It's hard work though. :eek::rose::thumbup: I took a week off from work. I travaled two hours for my surgey and my fills. Everything went great. I experience the gas bands in the shoulder some. Also coughing and sneezing really hurt. :thumbup::rose::tongue: The reason why my weight lost is so slow is because I still eat breads, pasta ect. I am know getting very disappointed in myself and know that I need to really focus so I won't failed like I failed so many other diets.:thumbup:



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