For two years now I've been contimplating doing some form of gastro. surgery.... I have exercised and ate right for years...yet my weight never seemed to with hypertension and sleep apnea I had enough...I didn't want my kids to watch me work out and see no results. I have a good heart - thank the Lord, but the outside is still heavy and I still have meds to take. So enough was enough.
After knowing a few people who had the gastro bipass and seeing what they went through, I had enough confidence to ask for the lapband myself. I know it's different but I felt it was the best option for me. I timmedly asked a doctor about it and he laughed me off. It took me months to go back in and ask again - this time my primary doctor. Without any fuss he made the referrals. Now began the journey of what seemed like long waiting for paperwork to be shuffled about.
So far so good. I think I am so blessed to have a supportive hubby & kids and so far not plagued with mental hunger yet. Thank God!! I imagine that is so hard.
It's been interesting though at times trying to figure out what the pains that gas/air incision cut...or a hunger pang? Most of the time I can distinguish but other times it's not so easy to figure out.
Hopefully I will be able to figure stuff out and I pray I am doing things right.
Finally!! After pestering the doctor staff, I have an appt to see the doctor again. WHEW.
The nurse tapes me and takes pictures - um ...I guess I'm approved?? ...the doctor walks in all smiling and asks if I'm ready to go. Of course!! YES, my heart is ok. Thank God. It's always good to hear that news.
One issue did come up with the pre-op testing. My liver enzemes were high. They have been high before and doctors assumed prior to this that it must be of the amount of pain meds I've taken over the years. This doctor said, it could be or it could be due to fat or something else. She wants to do a biopsy during the procedure to make sure. I love this doctor. I felt so taken care of. We talk about dates and I wait to hear when she can fit me in.
The nurse calls to schedule - may 5th but a day later the doctor calls and said she can get in me in the following tuesday. So I have 4 days to do my pre-op diet!! YIKES
There wasnt much time to get nervous - I had to show up at 530 am. WOW, I'm never up that early. I didn't get much sleep that night before, I knew that I would get it there at the hospital and to be honest I was just way too excited.
The staff at Seton were incredible!! I don't think they could of done a better job or have been nicer.
Surgery went off with out a hitch. I answered all their questions before and explained I was anxious about having a tube down my throat. Hubby had woke up with one - so I knew that can happen. They gave me some anti-anxity meds before and I was knocked out!! Next thing I knew I was waking up in the recovery room. There was a male nurse watching me. He was great too - I felt like they were incredibly attentive.
After a while I got moved to my room and had to wait to get tested to see if the fluids could move down smoothly. Becuase of the pain (I think it was mainly the gas pain but I didnt realize it at the time) I was on pain meds and anti-nausea meds. I felt like I was asking for it often!! Really I was given small doseages until the liquid testing. After that I was allowed bigger doseages and drink water/crystal light and broth. The warth of the broth really was nice. Who knew!
Once it dawned on me that it was gas pains - I got up and walked around. I was suprised at the ease of it. I walked slowly, but I was suprised I could at all. The nurses were so encouraging and supportive. They applauded me. Wow. Who could of asked for anything better.
Other than walking or if someone was in the room - I was out like a light. I'm glad. I really needed the rest and it helped not feel alone or bored.
Due to sleep apnea I had to spend the night. I didn't want to be honest but I am so glad I did. With the pain meds, the attention to detail from the staff and how much sleep I needed - it was a good call to stay.
The next morning I saw my doctor who said everything went well. My liver had a slight ting of yellow but it could be due to fatty dietary changes. Hopefully they will know more at the end of the week from the biopsy. Other than that she was discharging me and told me to keep up with the walking. The staff had told her how well I was doing with it and she said she was proud of me.
Homeward bound.......
I met with the psych in November and passed with flying colors. Then I meet with a doctor who did a good friend of mine's bipass. Loved the doctor. She was honest, up front and yet still friendly. We discussed the differences between lap band and gastro bipass...then the differences with the realize band and lap band. After the appt she said that I should hear back in a month weither or not my insurance approved everything.
Again I waited to hear something....months go by... this is taking a lot longer than I thought. I called, turns out paperwork was misplaced. UGH. So again I pushed the process.... finally I got a appt for pre-op testing in March.
I was nervous about the testing but the staff at Seton were wonderful and really there was nothing to worry about. If something was wrong, then it needs to be fixed and at least I would know.
After all the testing, again I have to wait on a call.....waiting....waiting...waiting... it drove me nuts. Weeks past by. I wanted to know the results. Was my heart good? Where there any issues? I started to worry.
I called and called the doctor's office....I must of driven the staff nuts. They said they were missing test results each time. The hospital swears they faxed everything two days after the testing but will fax again to the doctor's office. How can you have some stuff and yet lose other results that was all done on the same day? The hospital ended up faxing everything three times. God bless the staff at the hospital - they did it with a smile.
4 days to surgery is all I have to do this diet. YIKES. No problem I guess but the only thing is we are on VACATION and I didn't bring my paperwork with me. Thankfully I looked over it before hand so I did my diet of high protein and low carbs totally by memory.
I was quite suprised that I wasn't starving or dieing. It really wasnt bad. The hamburgers were messy to eat with out buns and I did end up breaking out. But oh well that's a small price to pay.
It's Easter - chocolate almost everywhere. I guess that's when I felt for a second, oh boy.... I turned away and kept myself busy. Really I was too excited about being approved and actually having the surgery date to focus on what I was missing.
I am gratiful though, I didn't have to diet long and that it was relatively easy for me.
lol...not as bad as one would think - however it was interesting going grocery shopping twice that day!!! :smile2: I felt a bit hungry and missed eating solid food, but I made it and that's all that counts.