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Banded April 11, 2006

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Preparing to delve into bodybuilding

I am at 25.06% body fat from 38% and I am trying to get to 12 - 15% boyfat by Spring. It's time to kick some serious Telly ass.   Been lifting kinda heavy for me. I have been hitting some all time highs with 65 - 95lbs in the arms muscle groups.   Legs - 235lbs leg press Squats - 100lbs (working on 155lbs)   As you can see by my pictures, I am not comfortable with anyone else taking my photos.   Short-term goal: Drop 15 - 20lbs by the first of the year Long-term goal: Drop 10-15% in body fat Long-term goal: Gain 5lbs of muscle         There is a shadow on my bicep, lol..in case you think it's muscle you see here. NOT!:speechles




Fun Pictures

Christmas pictures, compliments of Eliana my 4 year old daughter     The husband and I on bike night, me on my Kawaski Ninja 636 and him on his new Suzuki Hayabusa 1300      




110lbs? Is that too small? I don't know

I'm thinking I want to push for 110lbs but is that too small? I have no idea. I gotta figure out how fit, how much fat% I want to have etc. I'm lost. I'm about to get into some serious body building and I need to figure this out. Is it even important to be a certain weight?  




Revamped my program

Made a new friend who happens to be a personal trainer as well as a recent former men's figure/fitness natural competition....checked out my program and also my food. I was doing some wrong things. He tweaked it a bit.   Here's my new regimine. I created a personal webpage for my transformation.   http://www.angelfire.com/crazy/tellytell/beginning/




Supplements I am taking..

A friend asked me..on another forum, what supplements I am taking.. thought I'd post them here for anyone who would like to know.   Fish Oil, 1,000 - has Omega 3's fatty acids, EPA and DHA. Helps to maintain heart and vascular health.   Nitro Explosion - Has creatine, glucuronolactone, vincamine, caffeine and keyt amino acids, including L-arginine which is an essential precursor of nitric oxide which helps maintain blood vessel tone. The formula is equipped with electrolytes that the body can lose during intense workouts. Electrolytes help to regulate body fluids and important functions, such as muscle contraction. So yeah.....it boosts workouts (taken 30 min before) and also helps speed up the recovery of your muscles   Biotin - helps promote growth and health of the hair, skin and nails.   GNC's Women's Ultra Mega ACTIVE multi-vitamin - (This is an awesome new product) - It's premium performance multivitamin formula is for active women. Energy production, electrolyte replacement, bone health and antioxident support.   MRM BCAA+G - An Amino Acid - You probably know that amino acids are the building blocks of protein. When you eat a protein food, it gets digested in the stomach and intestine into individual amino acids and short chains of amino acids that are small enough to be absorbed into the bloodstream. These amino acids have far reaching effects in the body from building and repairing tissues, to producing chemicals that enable our brains to function optimally. Essential amino acids cannot be made by the body. You must get them from complete protein foods or combinations of incomplete vegetable foods. There are 9 essential amino acids: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, and valine. Your body can make non-essential amino acids by itself from vitamins and other amino acids.   EAS - Phosphagen (I dont take this anymore but will again in a few months) Phosphagen from EAS uses carbohydrates for triggering insulin thereby transporting creatine more effectively. Apart from increased creatine delivery, Phosphagen increases cell volume and accelerates muscle gain. You should mix it well in water or juice and drink four servings for 5 days. Gradually decrease the intake to 1-2 servings in a day.   The phosphagens are energy storage compounds, also known as high energy phosphate compounds, are chiefly found in muscular tissue in animals. They allow a high energy phosphate pool to be maintained in a concentration range which, if it all were ATP, would create problems due to the ATP consuming reactions in these tissues. As muscle tissues can have sudden demands for lots of energy, these compounds can maintain a reserve of high energy phosphates that can kick in as needed, to provide the energy that could not be immediately supplied by glycolysis or oxidative phosphorylation.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phosphagen   I drink:   Isopure - whey protein isolate (more pure and higher quality protein about 90-98% pure and less fat and lactose per serving)   Myoplex Lite - whey protein concentrate (concentrate - about 70-85% pure, the rest, fat and lactose)   Spiru-tein - soy protein - also known as a plant protein (phytoestrogens) which is a plant estrogen.   Lipo6 - Fat Loss excellerator - thermogenics     That's about it I think, lol...




Checking in and updating journal

Welp, I just finished Massage Therapy & Entero Lavage Therapy school and I'm all spent. Now I have to play "catch up" with my work load and get back into the groove of things as I prepare for the State Boards.   I worked out religiously most of my time in school with the exception of the last 3 weeks, where truthfully I have been in the gym, maybe 3 times. Tomorrow is back to the workout grind so that I can get my pump back.  




Updated Progression Photos

145lbs ish...   Weight ranges from 145 - 152lbs depending on how strong my workouts are and how hungry I get after a workout. I am completely unfilled and trying to fight this without the fill.




168lbs today

I plan on losing another pound before tomorrow. 7 mile run/jog, 35 mile bike ride dropped lots.   Me today:  




Tummy Tuck

I had a Tummy Tuck with Lipo on 10/09/06 here in Tijuana with Dr. Romero. What a fantastic surgeon. I will go into depth a bit more once I am off of medication. The doc removed a bit over 4 kilos totaling 9lbs and 3lbs of fat sucked out. 12lbs total. I walk hunched over but I'm doing very well. Will report back with pictures.




Shaved my hair off with buzzer

I had to do this. My hair was falling everywhere in everything. I'm not mad. I'm rejoicing now.   First pic was my husband snipping my lock off the back and it made me look like I had a bob.   This pic is the fully finished buzz of #6.       This is me for the next few months, bandana girl!    




167lbs today, hot damn!

I hope I can keep this momentum up. If I can, then I won't need a fill anytime soon. I think the last 10lbs will be the ass kicker and that's when the fill will come into play. WOOOOT:scared:




New Belly Pics

Doo 400 crunches nightly to get rid of the loose skin.   Last night I did 400 and tonight I'm pushing for 500  




Does my ass look fat?

Ok, I have to post this. I bought some lacy boy undies. No this is not an attempT to audition for porn. It's just that I have an ass now and I need to see it on a screen so I can criticize it. :heh:   Only a select few of you will have access to this entry.  




Belly Comparison

Here is a picture of my belly before the tuck and a picture after. Notice how close my new button is underneath my tattoo and how far it was before the surgery. I had quite alot of skin removed.  




Beach Body Readiness - Workout Journal

11/14/2006 - mood today prior to workout - OPTIMISTIC   5 minutes warm up on treadmill @ 5.0mph   Shoulders & Traps   Exercise Arnold Press - 8 reps, 3 sets - 50lb weights Side Lateral Raise - 8 reps, 3 sets - 17.5lb weights Incline Front Raise - 10 reps, 3 sets - 32.5, 42.5, 32.5lb weight Bent-Over Rear Delt Fly - 8 reps, 3 sets - 50lb weight Upright Row & Shrugs - 8 reps, 3 sets - 50lb weight   Cardio Interval training - 30 minutes on the Elliptical Abdominal training - 8 reps, 3 sets - Abdomitwist - 60lbs Abdominal training - 8 reps, 3 sets - Cruncher - 50lbs     Food Protein shake after workout - 1/2 grilled chicken breast Dinner 1 cup of broccoli 1/2 chicken breast 1/2 protein shake 1/4 cup of brown rice (yuck)   Supplements Isolated protein - Isopure Protein (meal replacement) Phosphagen 1 serving L-Glutamine 1 serving Multivitamin 1 capsule Creatine (Not today) Lipo6 - fat burner 2 capsules breakfast and lunch Biotin – 2 capsules   11/15/2006 mood today prior to workout - OPTIMISTIC- SORE   5 minutes warm up on treadmill @ 5.0mph   Quads & Calves Day     Exercise Front Squats - 8 reps, 3 sets - 50lb weights Leg Press - 8 reps, 3 sets - 50lb weights Walking Lunges - 8 reps, 3 sets - 50lbs weight Leg Extensions - 8 reps, 3 sets - 50lb weight Standing Calf Raises - 8 reps, 3 sets - 50lb weight No abs today   Cardio Interval training - 30 minutes on the Elliptical   Food B - Protein shake after workout S - Yogurt L - Soup (chicken) S – Apple, ½ can of albacore tuna D - Grilled Chicken breast 1/2, 1 cup of broccoli, 1/2 baked potato S- Protein shake or bar 1/2   Supplements - Isolated protein - Isopure Protein (meal replacement) Phosphagen 1 serving L-Glutamine 1 serving Multivitamin 1 capsule Creatine (Not today) Lipo6 - fat burner 2 capsules breakfast and lunch Biotin – 2 capsules



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