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March 1

Today is the first day with my new fill. I am filled up to 2.5 cc's now in my 4.0 band. Im scared of this fill. Dr Kwon was sorta iffy about doing it....but I have been on a plateau now for three months~ Which is good...I didn't gain thru the holidays and I didn't gain thru the most stressful time in my life....but now its time to get back on the wagon.......even after the freekin thing rolled over me, several times. Todays diet is kiling me!!! My body is in shock. I have a headache...im more bitchy than usual....could be pms as well...but I wanna eat dammit.Im back to liquids three times a day for two days....then liquids two times a day and a pureed meal, for two days....then two shakes and a regular meal. im dying for the regular meal. i wll be okay....just need to go to bed




Feb 1

I woke up at 6am and got on my Gazelle today! I only did like 15 minutes and then had to get in the shower. I have to admit, today at work, I fetl pretty damn good too~ I guess that early morning oxygen rush is actually beneficial~ Who knew? I did a shake and yogurt for breakfast, a shake for lunch, another yogurt for snack....A small bag of potatoe chips.. I know, I know a big big no no...but I have PMS and I am craving salt right now...I had meatballs for dinner.....they were soft and went down good. Chicken and I have been fighting for a while.....it tends to get stuck. I have had three bottles of propel today.....thats about 17 ounces per bottle...I had coffee too.....I had my vitamin this morning too~~~~Today was a good diet day....I also went out for a walk around the buildings at lunch time. I had my shake and went out walking. Came back in and had my yogurt for snack......I am gonna do the same thing tomorrow and we will test this "oxygen rush" theroy.....




Jan 29

Well, its Sunday night...back to the grind tomorrow..Anthony has been with his daddy all weekend long. It has been very quiet and different here without him. His father is going to just bring him to school in the morning and then I will see him after work. Gonna be weird waking up with out him here. I miss him sooo much when hes gone~ This week is going to go quick too. We have an appointment with his ear doctor in West Chester on Friday..so I will be taking the day off from work. I get my first paycheck too on Friday~ I gotta stop into work after the doctor appointment and get my check. Gotta set up a new checking account too~~~ eeewe exciting. My very own checking account. Never did that before~~~ wahooo..... I bought more protein shakes...Gotta do them for breakfast and lunch. I ate regular food on Friday at work and spent some time in the ladies room yackin it up....Was stuck. I just tried to eat too quick I think. Not much you can accomplish in 1/2 hour. I was trying to beat time and with the band ya just can't do that~ So shakes for me for lunch from now on~ hopefully this helps to make a move in the scales too. We will see. I am going to try and remember to weigh in in the morning. The weigh in at Dr Kwons was 216. This was at the end of the work day, I had eatten lunch and drank, so I dunno how off it is...we shall see in the morning. I know I gotta start laying off the freekin coffee...holy moly. I had such a caffine high today~ And its just before bed time....YIKES~~~~ I saw a flyer today with sale going on. They are selling Gazelles for 100.00~! I am going and getting one. Maybe Friday after I get my paycheck~~ Ewe exciting. Then I can just exercise in the house. That would be an awesome step in the right direction. What store was that sale for?? Hummm gotta check the paper again~





I just wanted to post a picture here and Im trying to figure out how to do it




Jan 25

Welp, I forgot to weigh in this morning, duh. I did it after I got dressed and ate..so the weight was up to 217. I dunno which to believe...but I go to Dr Kwon tomorrow so we will see what that weigh in has got to say..Im learning more at work and thats helping the days go by quicker.....I still dont like working, but hey, gotta do it~~~~ Okay, my mother set up some sort of cooking schedule where by its my "turn" to cook dinner again. I dont know how that happened...




Jan 24

Well today was a good day. Its almost over. I did accomplish a few good things for myself. I had a shake for breakfast and lunch....I got out of the office for lunch today....came home...not so much ya can do with 1/2 hour. But over all, I am feeling better today than I have in a while. I weighed myself today. They had a segment on Good Day NY where this Fitness expert said to wake up and weigh yourself everyday and that should help keep you "true" to your diet goals better than weighing in once a week. Sooo Todays weigh in was 211.5 pounds. I sorta got away from my weigh ins and maybe that was one of the things that contributed to my passay efforts...We will start up this weigh in every day thing and see how it works... I dunno how accurate my scale is...but if it is, that means a weight loss of 61 pounds~ holy shit......I can't believe it~~~ I will compare these numbers to the numbers I get at Dr Kwons on thursday. I did do one bad thing today...I ate bread. No pain involved but carb content alone. Well, if thats the only bad thing, then accept it and move on.....could have done a lot worse. :heh:




Jan 23

Well today was a better day. I actually got out of the house for an hour, and walked down to the store. The best part is the store is at the bottem of a steep hill!!! And I walked it. I am going to try and do that occassionally. My stomach hurts. I dont know if I pulled a muscle the other day, I was doing crunches..or if my band is choking the hell out of me. I go back to see Dr Kwon on thursday I will discuss it with him then. Im very sleepy tonight........And its 1140 pm...I need sleep~~~:notagree




Jan 21

EWE IM CRANKY TODAY! I dunno why, PMS perhaps, I dunno but I am ugly today~~ I just wanna eat today and thats making me feel worse~ i am feeling NO restriction today. I gotta go to the doctor on Thursday and he will more than likely want to fill me....but Im scared of that~ I just got to a point where EVERYTHING isn't getting stuck. Ah just tooo much to think about right now. We will see what happens when I get there :mad:




Jan 20

I finished my first week of work....It went pretty good. I dunno if I will ever get the hang of it, but it will come. I dont like change too much. Thats what these last few months have been about though, change. I gotta get on some sort of exercise program. I know thats whats going to make the difference for me. I have slowed down so much on weight loss that I dont know if I will meet my goals within a year. I dunno. We will see. I gotta get back on some tract. I know with work, I have been on more of a routine and thats always good... :mad:



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